BVI News

COI should go on despite COVID! BVI and UK situations not the same

Governor John Rankin

Governor John Rankin said he believes the ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI) should continue, despite the upsurge in COVID-19 cases experienced in the territory recently.

Governor Rankin, appearing in a 284Media interview this week, said he felt the COI should be allowed to continue, once the it is conducted safely.

“Arrangements have been made so that evidence can be given in a safe fashion,” the governor stated.

Added to this, the governor argued that some of the challenges that helped extend the COI’s timeline arose before the territory’s recent COVID-19 outbreak.

UK and BVI issues not the same in COIs

Back in January, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson put a COI involving his own administration on hold because he believed that COVID-19 should be given priority attention.

But, when asked if he felt Johnson’s decision to approve the BVI’s COI was a fair move given that stance, Governor Rankin said the COI was established under BVI law, and was not an internationally imposed inquiry in any way.

Furthermore, he said the COI was sensitive to the BVI’s COVID-19 situation, hence their reason for allowing remote evidence to be given by witnesses.

He also noted that the comparison between the two situations was one of “chalk and cheese”, since the UK’s COI was based around the handling of COVID-19 in the UK itself and Johnson’s wanting to have the inquiry postponed till the end of the pandemic when a better assessment could be made.

The BVI’s COI, the governor pointed out, is on an entirely different issue which involved alleged wrongdoing, dishonesty and corruption in the territory.

No breach of law

And despite the UK’s decision to fund the COI’s core costs, the governor expressed full confidence that it was an independent commission.

Alluding to the UK’s financing of the COI, Governor Rankin said there was no breach of law in that instance, as this was allowed for under the current Act.

The governor said the Commissioner, a senior UK judge, is also not subject to the direction of any UK official, including himself (Rankin).

“He’s entirely independent in his work and his recommendations and findings are reached in an independent way,” the governor said.

Uncomfortable experience for some

Governor Rankin noted that the BVI’s COI was extended for three main reasons — the volume of material was large, some material submitted previously was discovered to be incomplete or missing, and COVID-19 has required some changes in the COI’s format.

According to the governor, it would be a wrong approach to sweep issues being investigated in the COI under the proverbial carpet and not shed light on them.

“So, it’s an uncomfortable experience, I understand, for some but I think it’s absolutely right to investigate these issues and we’ll wait to see what the Commission of Inquiry recommends,” he said.

As governor, Rankin said he needs to wait to see the recommendations and was hopeful that these lead to a situation of better governance in the BVI.

The governor said the COI’s team will work through the process and produce a report to be submitted to him. Members of the COI are expected to return to the territory in August to resume hearings in September.

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  1. Belonger says:

    The COI is designed to improve governance in the territory. Accountability is key to the successful operation of any entity.
    Let the people know what’s happening. The money being spent is our money – not the government money. We need to know how it’s being spent.
    We welcome the COI and look forward to the findings and a better run country.

    Like 68
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    • Anonymous says:

      If it was your money you would be able to spend it personally. It’s not our money.

      Like 3
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    • Yup says:

      We need the COI to continue. We want to see Foy and the rest live on YouTube sweating, squirming and drinking water as Rawat grills them all on Contracts and the sale of Queens Land. This will be the best show on YouTube this year. My popcorn and beer are ready. Hurry back Sir Gary!!! Bring the shackles with you and the Royal Marines!!

      Like 3
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  2. PT9 says:

    The sooner they return the better for the BVI to many wrong things going on that need to be stoped.

    Like 47
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  3. YES says:

    bring it on ,they beg for a pause because they said it was too much stress along with the virus BUT is was an excuse to go back into OVERDRIVE to SQUANDER MORE OF OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY ? AGAIN

    Like 46
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  4. Resident says:

    Absolutely spot on Governor. Trying to compare the UK CoI into Covid and the BVI one into years of bad governance and waste is a sign of desperate opportunism by those with things to hide. Keep going! I hope Sir Gary and Mr. Rawat come back refreshed and re-invigorated for more investigating. Leave no hiding place!

    Like 43
  5. Homeboy says:

    I agree with the Governor. Push ahead my brother

    Like 37
  6. heckler says:

    In the mean while we are in overdrive giving out fat hefty consultancy contracts

    Like 17
  7. Press On says:

    The thing I really can’t understand is why they are so afraid of the COI? All the more reason to press on with the COI whether COVID or not!

    Like 16
  8. Bewildered. says:

    In the midst of the Inquiry it’s like the VIP government still doesn’t understand what is going on. They have done a lot of other things that go against good governance while all eyes are on us. What they did to allow Hon. Smith to stay in the House of Assmebly when he should have been vacate his seat is unforgivable. Don’t talk about hiring political advisers. It is like they want to destroy the BVI.

    Like 16
  9. No nonsense says:

    Yes governor, let the show continue! But you said that you was listening and you fell asleep. How you can pass the Greeley bill? The people was crying out on the streets from East to West, on the radio ways and in the blogs. We still crying out daily, school children say that you come to put us on the right track. Please wake up and stay woke and thanks!

    Like 10
  10. xxx says:

    He is just another r****t like jespert

    Dislike 15
  11. ilo says:

    I’m missing me coi.. best show on YouTube

  12. bvi says:

    I wish the COI could come back tomorrow and the first two person they call is C** and NS… COI just put someone in prison and the rest will learn

  13. @ X X X says:

    You canaries keep singing the same old song from the same script, by now the people with aware of the ( COI )findings , we done see through you all distraction songs , so try prayers or repent for you all corruption

  14. down2earth says:

    I agree. It should continue.
    I wish they would go through Complaints Commission’s files since there was a drastic drop in the number of complaints received, and this was attributed to improved government service.
    I find that hard to believe!!!

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