BVI News

COMMENTARY: Dialogues about BVI as a ‘young democracy’

By Shaina Smith-Archer, Contributor

I have been hearing the phrase “young democracy ” in conversations lately when referring to the Virgin Islands’ development. 

I am not sure when the “birth” of the country is being tracked from but let us use 1950 when our constitution was reinstated by the UK government. 

Up until that point, we were governed for 49 years by the Governor of the Leeward Islands Federation through a local Commissioner. Before that we had a locally elected legislature from 1774 – 1901.

In 2015 while doing research for my Virgin Islands History course paper, I was amazed at the accomplishments made in the first 30 years by the policymakers of that era: hotel aid to encourage tourism, social security scheme, labour code, a secondary school, Beef Island airfield, Main Street administration building, a Development Bank, and graduating from UK grant assistance, to name a few. 

After almost every election year up to the 1960s, more responsibilities were given by England to the locally elected officials. In 1967, the ministerial system was put in place and the first Chief Minister was appointed. This is proof to me that we are a resourceful and ingenious people who worked hard to develop this country from little means.

Last year was the 70th anniversary of the restoration of the elected legislature and in the Bible that is referred to as a lifetime. When we reflect on the fact that we have accomplished a one billion dollar economy by the turn of the 21st century, I think we have done very well for ourselves coming from humble beginnings. 

I admit we have not done everything perfect, but if we learn from our past and focus on doing what is right by the people, this generation will leave the country better than we met it. In my opinion, we are more than capable of managing our affairs with EXCELLENCE, FAIRNESS, AND JUSTICE but have been operating below our potential in recent years and we must step up our governance game. 

To get back on the right track, we must take care of two things: 

1) the public service and 2) the budget. The COI is making plain what needs to be addressed for a more accountable, efficient, and effective organization so that will be a matter of leadership having the backbone to make the tough decisions that will be necessary when the dust settles. 

There is a cliché that says if you want to see a person’s priorities watch where they spend their money, and our budget says our priorities are in the wrong place. 

If people are our national asset, then we need to put our money where our mouth is. Funding should be spent on empowering our youth to be employable and the future business owners. 

I propose that the education, health, social services, and environment sectors be allocated at 50 percent of the annual national budget to build our people and not just physical infrastructure. 

The goal has and should always be improving the quality of life of Virgin Islanders. For example: do our people make a “living wage” to easily pay their bills, educate their children, have access to quality medical care and own their own home? If not, why not? And what should to be done to make this a reality?

Our ancestors had a mindset of legacy – they made decisions with our success in mind, and we must do the same for those coming after us. How will we be remembered fifty or even just 25 years from now when the HLSCC student in the VI History course learns about our decisions? Will they be better off?                      

I do not want to disappoint them, do you?



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  1. Unconventional leadership says:

    Well said Ms Archer. When we are mindful to commit a large chunk of our budget to improve the lot of our greatest resource which is our people. Do look at your caricom neighbours who allocate 33 percent to education alone. Those are the governments that investing in the future.

    There were two caricom neighbors in the early 80’s who contributed 9 and 11 percent to education. We see how those islands faltered. Some schools did not even have English teachers.

    Finally we must invest in our most natural resources, not tourism, not sea sand and sun but our people.

    Like 6
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  2. Basic says:

    I’ve read a few of Shaina’s writings and they all seem the same. It’s as if a young teenager has been asked to write an essay on a subject. There’s no depth, no igravitas and nothing new to offer. Why is she asked for her opinion?

    Like 13
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  3. Dragging says:

    Where does she get the one billion dollar economy from?

  4. Sleepy says:

    The English in this piece is really poor.

    Like 7
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  5. hmm says:

    you only hear the term “young democracy” when somebody trying to justify or explain backwardness and incompetence maybe even corruption. Our democracy old enough to do better.

    Like 11
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  6. Jesus Christ says:

    Jesus Christ

    Ayo leave Shaina alone… she is trying to be constructive and make more sense than ayo lying Government and Premier!

    Like 4
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    • Jimmy Jowe says:

      Jesus Christ, in deed. Only if I have to ready anymore of these juvenile articles that lack depth and details. A requirement of any leader of someone seeking office in these times, is the ability to make a compelling argument. These articles just seem to copy and paste buzz words. Sad, really sad

  7. Stop hating on Shaina says:

    That’s my girl. I like her. She means well. Her opinion are no less valid that others. Keep writing Shaina. Ive got your back.

    Like 2
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    • But don’t ignore your critics says:

      The people that cheer you on and follow your lead will teach you nothing. Take criticism for what it is – an opportunity to learn, growth and bring about real change. Talk is cheap and the people want real change – so organise yourself and develop a plan to execute how we’re going to invest in people, education and infrastructure. More importantly- how are you going to measure whether the government is getting what they paid for. People are waiting for a leader who can get things done. Be brave and follow the truth – it won’t be easy.

  8. BuzzBvi says:

    There will be no nation left if even less is spent on the infrastructure. Oh dear. People are important but … Think, if people were out on the ocean and the infrastructure were their boat, and the boat was not functional and was sinking, the people would soon drown and perish. There can be no nation without an infrastructure that is working.

  9. Balance says:

    I also like her but the posters above have a point. Although she has every right to express her views it would help if she did so coherently in a way that offers realism. This is all a bit idealistic. Peace.

    • Randle Cobb says:

      Agreed. What I read is someone working hard to mention certain words rather than a substantive platform from which to launch a political aspiration. Sounds like more of the same of what is there now and in the past that has lead to a COI. Rather sad.

  10. Miss Entitled says:

    Another entitled V Islander: better wake up maam

  11. Dig Deeper says:

    The COI is here because the Westminster System is not serving our people well. Economic growth in a territory or country without governmental transparency and accountability regulation cannot benefit the larger community, education and infrastructure.

    We must begin to rethink the structure of our government and term limits; it is time for the world to understand that “Lifer” politicians don’t generally work from a sense of dedication to the people or the future.

    Thank you Ms. Smith-Archer- this is indeed a start but in the face of the COI, now is the time to begin to think more deeply about who we are and where we want to go.

    *Gambling???? Once we open that Pandora’s Box, we will never be able to close it again.

    • Panasonic says:

      We would rather live in poo than have someone help us clean it up. Our so called BVI pride is why our leaders in inadequate and our economic growth is abysmal, at best.

  12. Jimmy Jowe says:

    Blah blah blah….more specifics please. These wanna be elected politicians. Pure platitudes

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