BVI News

COMMENTARY: If women make up 50% of BVI, the leadership should reflect it

Shaina Smith

By Shaina Smith, Contributor

As a woman in politics, I have been listening intently to the recent discussion about women leaders and the merits of an all-female Cabinet.

I believe in life there should be balance and the House of Assembly and the Cabinet, where life-changing decisions are made, are not exempted from this.

If women make up 50 percent of our population, then our leadership ranks should represent this fact. However, going from an all-male to an all-female scenario is still extreme and subject to the same flawed thinking that one gender can adequately represent the views of the other.

Women have a unique perspective and that diversity in thinking is what brings the best ideas to the table when everyone is seated.

How do we bring about this balance? Let’s start with women being intentionally groomed and recruited as assets for a team rather than viewed as an addendum to attract the women’s vote.

I would love to see many female Premiers or Prime Ministers of the Virgin Islands before I close my eyes on this earth and I commit to doing my part by encouraging more women to be leaders in not only politics, but also in business and community service organisations.

We also need to mentor our young women and teach them leadership skills so that they are prepared when their turn comes.

And if for no other reason, the Bible says that Eve was created to support Adam, so we are here to complement, not compete, as we build a better Virgin Islands for future generations.

“Two people are better off than one, for they help each other succeed.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9. My ‘Sistahs’ (and Brothers), can I get an amen? Amen!

#TheVigilateDialogues #ChangeInConversationForABetterVirginIslands #GenderEquality

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  1. SMH says:

    For far too long people using the Bible to gain momentum….you act like you dont know us now so if you get in how will you act?

    Stop using this male v female nonsense, it creates more division than anything else. Yiuo dont want to help no man , you want to show dem you are their equals, go siddung

    Like 14
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    • Really says:

      How about some White, Asian, Hispanic in the elected positions. The BVI is one of the leaders in the world supporting racism throughout their whole society. Hopefully this will be cured by the COI and stop the Belonger nonsense. A democratic society welcomes people of all creeds, color and religious affiliations. The BVI is a complete opposite. They only allow crooks, cronies and family members to rule. What a disgusting people. Look around the Caribbean. Their societies are inclusive of everyone.

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      • Rubber Duck says:

        Doubtful if the COI will abolish Belongership. But somewhere along the way we need a government more representative of the people who live here. Whites, Asians, Hispanics , others and people of both ( or all if you like ) , sexes, natives and immigrants. The requirement that you must be born here to stand for election has to go. Even a citizen cannot stand for office unless born here.

        Governments of Afro Caribbean’s only from a small coterie of the ruling families have been and are an ongoing disaster for the country. That has ultimately resulted in the COI.

        The current system is unjust and history teaches us that ultimately , one way or another, unjust regimes do not last.

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      • BS!!!! says:

        WTF, if they wanted to run for office they could, now would I vote for them h**l no and its not because they are disliked because of their race but its cause they can’t be trusted to be fair/nonracist, Can a black person even run in asian/white dominated countries. Don’t know what your personal issues are but Quit With your BS!!!!!

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    • logic says:

      this applies to religion too, surely. No more patriarchal hierarchy than that. Where is the female leadership in the church?

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  2. Records don't lie says:

    You have a record: you are no different from the rest of the cookie jar politicians- apart from the pretty looks

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  3. Jones says:

    We can all quote the bible
    1 Timothy 2:12
    But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence

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  4. Boom! says:

    I believe when the Creator created male and female, it was his intention that women support men and not the other way around. However, from the incident arising in the Garden of Eden, women been telling man what to do. I see that a lot a lot a lot of men ABANDONING their authority and leaving it to women to shoulder the burden. The majority of cases in the BVI where the women (in the household with a husband) taking the lead is in many instances because the man REFUSE to do so for whatever reason. One such reason is that they do not know how to be in authority and take the lead because they were raised by women and not men and so the problem is compounded. Another reason, and especially for those raised by Bible standards, is they (men) refuse to be obedient to the Creator when it comes to the role that they are supposed to carry out. All in all, it boils right down to OBEDIENCE v DISOBEDIENCE to the Creator. Nothing in contradiction to his (the Creator) direction can ever turn out for the good … FACTS, Truth, Boom!

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    • Really says:

      The Black man does not hold the family unit in high esteem. The only goal is to engage in sex. This results in women producing offspring of which the male wants nothing to do with. He only wants sex wherever he can find it and alcohol. Same situation with the Black man worldwide. Enough said.

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  5. No ... says:

    Women. Too many wicked JEZEBELS already destroying families. The family is the smallest unit of the nation. If the family unit ain’t right then the whole nation in bad shape.

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  6. Leave a Comment Name (required) says:

    If women make up 50% of the BVI, the leadership should reflect it IF “they have the appropriate and relevant experience and qualifications.”

    Men make up 50% of the BVI, and they reflect 99% of the leadership, yet look at the present government and state of affairs.

    I support gender equality. However, now is not the time for political posturing. Our economy and livelihood are presently at risk because of poor governance, nepotism, corruption and incompetence.

  7. lol says:

    six of one or half a dozen of the other…different day same BS

  8. reply says:

    yes Cindy for Premier, kishma for deputy and the other cray pet shop owner for attorney general let get the party started

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  9. The TRUTH says:

    Or, like in most democracies, the people choose who they want as leaders? Shaina, the people have been adamantly against you every time you ran. You can keep trying, I guess.

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  10. Resident says:

    I rather have the beat person for the job not just pick someone because of their race or gender, that is ridiculous

  11. Agree 100%. says:

    These nen have failed us over and over and over, The time has come to put women at the Top give them a chance…My Issue is the women in politics are without conviction and courage, those that were fortunate to be in power just sat back and allow the men to Ruin the country while they sit quietly…Leadership requires courage and conviction, I yet to see that woman…

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  12. LOL says:

    and end up with more like alveera that does nothing but quote bible on facebook, what use is she?

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  13. Blah says:

    Shaina is no different to Sowande and Sharie. They went to college, passed, got a degree, speak well against all that they see is wrong when another government is in and when given the chance to lead anything, it’s a flat our failure. Don’t take my word for it, tell me one meaningful thing she or the other two mentioned here have done for this territory or in their own lives. Talk is cheap!

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  14. ok says:

    but the BVI is made up of 60% of people who cannot vote yet pay tax , so that 60% needs to be represented.

  15. Lb says:

    So 50% of men should become mothers now?

  16. Another angle says:

    You could also argue that more than 50% of people here are non-Belongers, so why are they not represented in govt?

  17. ThisMan says:

    Think she is saying that a equally presented govt would be more reflective of our society and I agree with her.

  18. Hmm says:

    Yea, but you won’t be one.

  19. Haha says:

    That would also mean that they should represent 50% of construction workers, police officers, plumbers, painters, etc. Don’t just want equality where it’s convenient or more appealing. How about more women paying spousal support. How about paying half of the rent. How about that.

  20. Be quiet says:

    I am amazed and your incredible stupidity.

    Stop talking. Do! Let’s see some meaningful action from you.

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