BVI News

COMMENTARY: The COI is only a test

By Shaina Smith, Contributor

Last night I shared this with some friends during a conversation about the current Commission of Inquiry.

The historical context that I view it through is one where our fore-parents built this country since 1834.

They survived world wars, global depressions, hurricanes, tsunamis, migrating for work, droughts, a cholera outbreak and God-only-knows what else for us to thrive today.

From humble beginnings, they built our beautiful Virgin Islands over the last 185 years from the ground up to what we enjoy today.

Hear me, Virgin Islands family. Our inheritance came literally through blood, sweat and tears and we must not take any of it for granted and we must be intentional about teaching each generation to guard it and guard it well.

Anything less and we would be letting their sacrifices go in vain and I for one say “not on my watch!”

The COI is going to be a test of our Virgin Islands’ determination and resourcefulness or, as the saying goes, “a test of our mettle”.

It is going to be up to us to listen and learn from the mistakes of the past and move on to build a country that we are proud to call home.

We must carry on the legacy left to us and by God’s grace, make them proud!

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  1. Biggles says:

    The BVI only became rich after expats arrived and opened up the tourism sector – then the tax avoidance businesses.

    From yacht chartering like the Moorings to hotels like Little Dix and Bitter End and hospitality like Pussers.

    Then tax avoidance like Ha**eys, Wa**ers etc.

    So don’t forget to thank expats for the wealthy BVI as it is today.

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    • @Biggies says:

      You’re living in a false world a world of lies and trodding down a people that worked hard and sacrificed.

      Every industry in this country including offshore and tourism, BVIslanders made a great contribution may be the greatest.

      For tourism ask foxy, Bomba. For offshore ask Robert Mactavious to name a few. The offshore industry has been destroyed thx to outsiders and that’s reality.

      The BVIslslander’s greatest treasure is the land that he owns. He has a passion to earn property.

      But thx to bad politics and mismanagement for the past 20yrs and plus willful banking and Insurance policies to destroy his grip allegedly he is in a fight for his well been.

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  2. Hustory says:

    Narratives. Place was hand to mouth till 60’s. Most capable left for us and uk. Then those countries pumped wealth into BVI and its land fit the new paradigm of travel lust. Now y’all treat Yankees and limeys like sh— and have your free education and your kids in those countries on their social net. At home those remianing, drained of brains run banana republic with a special sauce of apartheid defrauding the immigrants who make your economy run, of rights to government and property. No 9ne would know foxy but usvi if not for moorings. Mactavious a clerk.

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  3. rastarite says:

    The BVI selling their land like crazy. Look at Virgin Gorda and N. Sound. Nearly all in expat billionaire hands.

  4. Biggles says:

    The territory would be much better run if it was all taxpayers to get a vote. ‘No taxation without representation,” Get all the cronyism OUT of local government

  5. Mike says:

    Very good article. I would add that holding our elected representatives accountable for the decisions they make, especially when it concerns the public purse, is a hallmark of good administration. Its public money being spent and the good will of these Virgin Islands being bartered by those elected to lead. The inquiry should be embraced by all. If it unearths mistakes or wrong doing we can learn from it and grow stronger.

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