BVI News

Companies ready to help me clean up, says Lorna Smith

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Deputy Premier Lorna Smith has stated that she has not forgotten her election promise to help clean up the territory. She also revealed that a few companies have agreed to join her on her mission to create a more aesthetically-pleasing BVI.

“A couple of companies have already committed to working with the government to clean up the wrecks that are all around this territory since hurricanes Irma and Maria,” Smith said in the House of Assembly last week. “Our challenge now is to find a place to put those wrecks on land and make sure they are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. But we will get it done soon.”

Since the 2017 hurricanes, the BVI has embarked on several initiatives to clear debris and derelict vehicles. The government has also exported a lot of metal vehicle parts to other countries for recycling. But Smith said there is more to be done.

She said Tortola remains one of her main concerns as there are still several derelict vehicles to be removed from the BVI’s main island.

“That includes removing all the derelict vehicles, it includes cleaning the shoulder of the roads and making sure that the garages in various places are properly placed to make the BVI a more aesthetically-pleasing country,” Smith stated.

Previously, the removal of wrecked vehicles and debris from the 2017 hurricanes was handled by the Ministry of Social Development. In 2021, some 2,000 tonnes of scrap metal, mainly from derelicts, had left the BVI to be processed in Colombia.

The government had previously stated that some people with derelict vehicles were not willing to let them go as they had hopes of salvaging parts such as engines.

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  1. Gelilah says:

    lies from the pit of hell

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  2. Huge says:

    It’s a huge under taken.. but you will get it done! Been long over due.

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  3. Sara says:

    The territory spent millions of dollars already on “derelict vehicles” and there are still all over the place. We need to put measures in place, such as a tax at DMV to remove your vehicle when it becomes a derelict or pass laws to punish persons who leave their vehicles all over the territory. Tough decisions need to be made in this territory and stop wasting money.

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  4. Self centered woman says:

    Everything from the mouth of this woman is “I” and “Me”. She is as selfish and self-centered as they come and this was evident from her attitude and behavior during the campaign season. I guess she alone will clean up the whole BVI. Smh

    Like 19
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  5. Mrs Wright says:

    Great initiative Hon Lorna, could someone remind funeral home director lady, the anti expat crusader that those unsightly vehicles has nothing to do with expats. Let me also remind the expats to support businesses that recognize our worth and our contribution.

    What I have noticed is that contrary to popular belief the majority of tolans love the white man. Let Britian take over tomorrow there would be carnival jubilation in the streets. Call a March against the governor, count the numbers. Check where the majority of tolans get their groceries from, st Thomas. I think that the expats should do likewise. Stop supporting bvi businesses that don’t value expats. While there in st Thomas send your western union or let your expat friends and family send it for you. When you run out of salt during the month get it from rite way. Time expats talk with their pockets. You don’t like us, you don’t respect our value and contribution we will show you expat power.

    Yardie from Jamaica and st Vincent let us stay awake, time to stop the disrespect, let us speak loudly with our pockets.

    Like 13
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  6. W.E.Man says:

    Well done Lorna, remove the old vehicles. Then pass laws to have any vehicle over 10 years old removed, the cost could come from import duty.

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  7. SoAct says:

    To deter the continued quest for funds in the recycling of vehicles, place a tax on imported vehicles which helps balance out the costs of their eventual disposal.

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  8. Real says:

    We need to also get rid of all the unsightly car washes popping up on government sidewalks, in parking lots, around the ESHS and Lower Estate. Let’s clean up this place.

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  9. sickening now says:

    Why this expat who is always in Mrs Wright grille dont go back to his/her country where he/she isn’t an expat?

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  10. Scientist says:

    There should be a disposal fee imposed on every vehicle imported into the Territory. Refundable if owner can porve that it was shipped out.
    That said, what is missing in this piece is who these disposal companioes are, and what the disposal budget is, as well as the source of funds.

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  11. Hmm says:

    Please work on the bike noise nuisance next please. Also all vehicles playing loud music all hours in the day and night.

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  12. Guest says:

    What do those companies want in return? If they come at you with a quid pro quo for work permits say no. There is a heavy push to phillipinize these islands. It seems to be growing in the financial services sector.

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  13. @sickening says:

    Find out how Miami now turning back bahamians for the way they treat expats. Read how bahamians in Florida asking their government to intercede. Tolans should be treated in other countries the way they treat expats. They should be disrespected in other people countries the way they treat expats in theirs. We the expats in tola will go back home when other countries send tolan home. Until then we will disrespect tolan businesses with our pockets. I will continue to advocate until you show us respect. We will shop with the white man in tola and st Thomas.

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  14. Hoarders says:

    Good luck but you will never get this place cleaned up. Nobody willing to get rid of anything here as they are a set of hoarders. Local and expat alike. They all just waiting on parts or gonna fix that up one day….

    Like 2
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  15. Hmmm says:

    how can you say that!

  16. Elsa says:

    Mr Wright, that’s a good idea. However, expats shop in Stt more than locals these days, and locals can avoid the businesses too.

  17. So basically... says:

    So basically, the plan is to come up with a plan on how to plan the plan….and it will all be done soon. Right. Makes perfect sense.

  18. @ Mrs Wright says:

    I’m a proud expat (Trini)living over 20 years and I don’t agree with you.
    It’s ppl like you that causes the locals to dislike us.
    Please respect the ppl and their laws then You’ll be fine
    Don’t try to stir up trouble and raise an army that behavior is unwanted and uncalled for in this peaceful island.
    If you don’t like it here go back home nobody is holding none of us against our will here.

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  19. Work islands says:

    Throughout the eastern Caribbean there are the island where the residents work(e.g. St. Thomas, Tortola, St. Martin, St. Kitt’s, St. Vincent, Grenada). In the same island country there are also holiday islands where where residents only cater to their visiting guests(St.John, Virgin Gorda, St. Barts, Nevis, Grenadines). Clean up the holiday islands; forget about the work islands, they will always be a mess.

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  20. Trini says:

    I was referring to Yardley Jamaicans and vincies. I know right now the way things are in Trinidad you would want to support the way how expats are treated. There will always be house slaves in every country. No trini support ànd agree with the bad treatment meted out. One time we had proud trini nowadays they have list their pride and remain silent until the tolans start attacking the trinis. So until you are single out and attack to hell with the vincies and yardies. To hell with you trini.

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  21. Didn't "Me and I " says:

    work under and influence the party that created and faked contracts to clean up those piles of garbage for 18 months after Irma? Ugh. At least those questionable VIP contracts dumped money back on the streets instead of sending far away from the territory.

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  22. Hey Trini says:

    Thanks but no thanks we don’t need your help. For when we ready to cut A$$ we cutting yours too. Trinidad use to be proud, they had the oil dollar now they begging Venezuela for oil. Your crime rate will soon bypass jamaica
    Tell me what is there to be proud about. Boy go siddung.

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  23. Prophet says:

    Clean the waters first, get them boats the sank out of the water that has fuel and oil that can contaminate the waters further, y targeting land when the sea is decorated with fiberglass scraps.

  24. Jom says:

    But still cannot our trash issue. Landfill fires, overflowing trash

    No solution. Let it sit and burn and poison our citizens

    Natures dirty little secret

  25. Concerned 1 says:

    But, you already have a local with a signed government contract to remove all derelict vehicles on island but, he was given notice by solid waste department stating that he’s not allowed to. Meanwhile there’s a person other than him removing stuff while we speak. I wonder how much this person is paying people in the solid waste department for this access without a contract?

  26. @ says:

    It is far more than derelict vehicles and boats!!! The territory needs a real comprehensive plan for beautification.

    The plants and overgrown bush needs to be maintained along all roadways.
    Enforcement is needed on property owners to maintain a level of standard. For far too long anything goes. I could never understand why it’s acceptable for my property value to suffer because my neighbor is nasty and lazy.

    Commercial buildings also need to maintain a standard. We all have a part to play in cleaning up.

  27. Yup says:

    Access fee on mattresses,appliances, tires and totally ban plastic single use water bottles and styrofoam takeout

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