BVI News

Local company awarded $327K contract to install 26 sea markers across BVI

Not the exact sea marker to be installed

The Recovery and Development Agency in partnership with local government has awarded a contract valuing more than $300,000 for the installation of sea markers throughout the BVI.

Sand Dollar Marine Consultants was the recipient of the $327,310.76 contract.

The company is tasked with installing 26 sea markers in various locations including Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Cane Garden Bay, Red Bay, North Sound, Virgin Gorda and Trellis Bay.

These installations must happen within the contractual six-month period.

The markers are scheduled to enter the BVI within the next few weeks and construction of a concrete base to secure a sea marker on Mosquito Rock is expected to begin shortly as part of the preparatory stage.

“The BVI is the sailing capital of the world. We have to do our part to ensure the safely of all users. The installation of channel markers along with accurate mapping of reefs and shoals is vital for the sustainability of the industry and our marine environment,” Natural Resource Minister Vincent Wheatley told BVI News in an invited comment.

This project is led by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration in collaboration with the BVI Ports Authority and the Virgin Islands Shipping Registry.

Recently, government has been taking steps to develop a blue economy in the territory by conducting a two-week marine survey, which was geared towards helping the government make informed decisions going forward.

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  1. West ender says:

    Well done for this initiative.

    Like 15
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  2. Sea Bass says:

    Good ! Much needed.

  3. One eye fowl cock says:

    Wow con artist will fiber wow

    Like 5
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  4. RESPECT says:

    Great step in moving the country from good to great. One step forward for a better BVI. GO VIP TEAM

    Like 8
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  5. WTF says:

    Who the h**l is sand dollar? why not a local company to do this??? Moor seacure, commercial dive services,Husky???Old boys club at work again.PAH!!

    Like 13
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    • CW says:

      Didn’t read anything but the headline I guess huh? it has to be completed in a 6 month window. There isn’t a company in the BVI that can make all of that happen in 6 months. You can’t even get trash picked up from a storm TWO YEARS AGO SMH. NOT EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET YOU STRUPES. NOT EVERYTHING IS A CONSPIRACY.


      Like 11
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    • BuzzBvi says:

      This was the headline in BVI News.
      Local company awarded $327K contract to install 26 sea markers across BVI.

  6. Mosquito Rock says:

    Has been there for eons, it doesn’t move, im not into marking every rock but ensuring marine traffic can read a nautical map!

    Like 4
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  7. Sand Dollar says:

    not factually correct.

    Sand Dollar is 100% owned and operated by a full time resident belonger of 34 years.
    The sea markers will begin to arrive in approximately 12 weeks time
    All aspects of this install will be performed using locally owned, BVI registered and trading companies – some of which were mentioned in previous comments

  8. One eye fowl cock says:

    Wow from baby sitter to consulting wow rider riding

  9. Anonymous says:

    What’s up tolians?
    I’m from carrot bay and I’m glad they are doing something nice for a change but I will like to know how the conditions are after the hurricane.
    I hope there have been plenty improvement. Make sure the queen do her part.
    I remember when I was a little boy, my teacher took my whole class to west end to welcome the queen but when she got off the boat,she didn’t even pay us any attention.
    She jumped into the limousine and off to beef island. It was shameful.

  10. Joseph says:

    What’s up tolians?
    I’m from carrot bay and I’m glad they are doing something nice for a change but I will like to know how the conditions are after the hurricane.
    I hope there have been plenty improvement. Make sure the queen do her part.
    I remember when I was a little boy, my teacher took my whole class to west end to welcome the queen but when she got off the boat,she didn’t even pay us any attention.
    She jumped into the limousine and off to beef island. It was shameful.

    • @Joseph says:

      If you were taught the correct history in your formal education, your dissapointment in “her” disregard for your person’s presence would have been tempered with an informed historical and human perspective/reality.

      Your ancestors [of whom are responsible for generating their wealth] were considered non- human, mere profit generating subhuman. Yoo were expecting humanity from a non- human and thus your human dissapointment.

      Begin learning your and their history that you may enlighten your mind to the historical truths of your and their past. In doing so, you will elevate your current, world and historic sensibilities to new found realities.

      Like 5
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      • PROBLEMS says:

        I dont bow before anyone man or woman, but I also harbor hate towards none for hate destroys the hater as well. So yes our ancestors were considered less than human and were so abused but don’t forget our own people captured and sold us to those same slavers so we our people are guilty as well.

        This not the terrible deeds of anyone just pointing out you cant blame all blanketly for the actions of some. For some of them opposed slavery also and even died fighting against it around the world.

        Live in peace not bitterness

        One Love

        Like 3
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  11. Just respect the positive initiative. I am glad to see much care taken place to ensure our sailing capital safe for all its users. Well done. If we have to go beyond six months so what as long as the task is completed.

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