BVI News

Conflict? BVIHSA doctors offering similar services in private capacity

Minister of Health & Social Development Carvin Malone.

Doctors employed with the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) have reportedly been operating outside the public health system by privately offering clients the same services as those they perform at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital.

Speaking in the House of Assembly recently, Health Minister Carvin Malone said the phenomenon is not new. And while seemingly frowning upon the practice, he told the House it’s something with which his ministry continues to contend.

“This is one of the things that past ministers of health have come to grip with,” the minister said. “Doctors within the system [have been] going out and offering services outside the system … although the hospital – the institution for which they work – offers the same service.”

At the time, the Health Minister was responding to questions on whether the BVIHSA’s doctors offered optional concierge services for persons requiring PCR testing for COVID-19.

With the concierge service, persons can call the BVIHSA and request for the hospital come to them. But Malone suggested that BVIHSA physicians have, effectively, been circumventing the system by purchasing the test kits from the hospital, conducting the tests in a private capacity, then collect their fee.

The test sample would still be brought back to the hospital which charges an additional $75 to analyse the sample.

“I’m told one or two doctors that work there – well almost all of them now – have their private practices and then they offer the service and they sell to the particular client all their services and purchase the testing from the laboratory of the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital,” the minister explained.

He said this typically happens for clients who do not want to utilise the hospital’s walk-in option.

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  1. Hmm says:

    They does do a thorough check on you when you go there unlike the private ones. I have had experience with this before and the private doctors were so quick to give me treatment because they recognise what I was suffering from immediately.

    • Hilarious says:

      How many covid patients you know were seen by private specialists/clinics?

      Let me answer that for you. NONE!

      They were all seen by the best of the best which can only be found at the hospital.

      You people are ignorant beyond belief.

  2. blind man says:

    I don’t see a problem with that

    Like 36
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    • the problem says:

      the problem is that the tests are done quicker and put to the front of the queue while people the normal service are left at the back of the line, so the people with more money are getting a quicker service using the same testing centre

      Like 15
      • Stupes says:

        The Doctors do not conduct the testing though. they only order it. when you go to the hospital too much people are involved and privacy becomes an issue.

        Everywhere in the world doctors have work at hospitals and have private practices. The point is that the hospitals do not pay them well and they too have to make ends meet.

        the kettle calling the kettle bottom black and they burn on the same fire.

  3. Gotta love these local doctors LMFAO says:

    You all are a disgrace to the profession.
    Carvin Malone take that in yuh local a$$

    The expat doctors must be laughing thier a$$e$ off.

    Like 14
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    • Making monies off the backs of the vulnerable says:

      These local doctors are screwing up patient care and leaving the poor expats to deal with the aftermath of their negligence!

      Like 2
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  4. L Ipton says:

    They learn from the politicians. I am not condoning their actions, however, these medical practitioners will find a way circumvent the system especially when the political and similar echelons engages in mass corruption and escapes.

    Like 20
  5. Well then! says:

    This is what happens when you don’t pay people commensurate with their training and skills. The only option for good doctors is to go to a more favorable jurisdiction. But if all the good doctors leave for greener pastures, what happens to the people of the territory? Further in a free market anyone can compete at any level. So we are going to stop being a free market? It would be better for an MD to become a consultant of the government than risk their lives and wellbeing working as a doctor.

    Like 26
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    • Police says:

      Everyone can use this argument of substandard pay to do what is WRONG. Me, you, everybody! Police make the same argument. We know it makes no different what you’re paid, you always want more. Certainly there is justification to look at salaries of all round as it relates to the cost of living for doctors, teachers, nurses and police as well. But there is no justification to undermine the system for your owe gain. We all hurt in the long run.

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  6. local says:

    So the lab sells tests?

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  7. Former Client says:

    Dear Mr. Malone, have you considered raising the salary of Doctors to that of their counterparts and what they really deserve? Maybe if you pay them a decent salary they would not look for a side hustle… hmmmm

    …by the way, I am a former client and I rate the BVI very highly with the house to house service, not having to waste taxi fare and a whole day of their vacation time sitting at a doctors office just to do a test. And by the way the service was very professional. So lighten up Chappy.

    Like 24
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    • Care says:

      Same thing i was thinking if they were getting paid enough they wouldn’t have to do it treat their own doctors here like crap.look what they did to a certain Dr . Send him home so they thing he was gonna just go home and sit down on his profession .male is a ____^.They have Dr Georges like a puppet but all the wrongs gonna come to light sooner or later.I think

      Like 5
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      • Shut up says:

        *** is a clown and a ministry puppet.

        He has yet to see one covid patient SMFH. Just good enough to regurgitate WHO and CDC stats.

        GO LOCAL DOCS GO. We knew you were all full of $h*t!

        It’s a good thing we’ve got a few expat doctors with some semblance of dignity.

  8. SMH says:

    What is wrong with these Physicians or Doctors operating Private Practices while employed at BVIHSA? Not a darn thing! If their Salaries were of substantial monetary value they probably wouldn’t need to open Private Practice. Or, maybe Clients prefers to been seen by the Physicians or Doctors outside of the Hospital’s Atmosphere.( Patient business on the Street). Code of Conduct and Medical Ethics Code needs to be seriously address and enforced.

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  9. Anonymous says:

    This isn’t a pay issue it is greed. Regardless if they were paid millions they would still provide services privately for a bigger slice of the pie.

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    • Love says:

      Thank you greed most of the doctors are on contract this mater is easy resolve say what you want in your contract which i know it is in. These doctors have to get a part time permit which can be denied. He talking about doctors going out he need to talk about why you go hospital and hospital is sending you to the private hospital for everything Why is the hospital not on par. Why we have Dr. V KILLING NHI

    • Be NOT envious says:

      Sounds like you jealous. which one did you do ?… drop out of school or eat your school fees?

  10. BREE says:

    Money isn’t the only reason some doctors go into private practice. Sometimes it’s the patients desire to be seen by the same doctor but outside of the hospital. Some of us don’t want to deal with lengthy delays and other issues before we can see the doctors. eg. I took my daughter to the ER in June (service was good by the way). She was referred to one of your specialist. Told the next available appointment was Aug. Call the private office and got one two weeks later. See the difference.

    Like 15
  11. Hmmm says:

    One of the reasons people don’t want to use the hospital is that your business leaks easily. People can’t see and don’t see. You go to the hospital for a COVID test and suddenly you hearing on the street that you have COVID.

    Also, if public health is so great then why did our politicians buy private insurance with government money for themselves when they could just utilitize the hospital?

    Like 29
  12. COOKIE JAR says:


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  13. Anonymous says:

    Definition of CONFLICT OF INTEREST!

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  14. PCR-TEST says:

    Why have the government been silent about the PCR Test while it was recalled by FDA and also contains E/O.(Sticking that pioisonous chemical substance up close to peoples brain?)Ministry od Health is suppose to be helping,not putting people in danger.

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  15. HYPOCRISY says:

    is the name of (Ma Lone ) game and it’s all coming to light

  16. Thoughtful sailor says:

    That was one version of the test, and it was withdrawn by its manufacturer, before the FDA, for the simple reason that it was not sufficiently accurate, and thus was a danger. It was NOT because it caused ill health. As for the E /O, it was not a significant issue. Kind of like saying, “ don’t use Clorox on your clothes because it will kill you if you drink it, and you are putting those clothes on your skin! I think I can probably name the YouTube video you watched….find better sources for your “facts”.

  17. License says:

    BVIHSA doctors in private practice should have their trade licenses revoked. If these doctors do not have a private practice trade license then they their BVI medical licenses should be revoked.

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  18. Conflict says:

    Surely, this only a conflict if they not belongers

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  19. I dont get it? says:

    Private and public healthcare in other countries complement each other and are not in competition. I have used the services of a private doctor in Miami, that also worked at government institution . It was very comforting to know that your primary care had easy access and review of my files while in hospital and could also administer care. Its a little warped, almost like if you see a private doctor, if you have an issue that lands you in public facility you should be abandoned. I mean there should be controls, where a private surgeon using public and not private facilities, for an elective surgery can only be billed in their public capacity…ie their salary. Dont get it with testing either, thought testing was made available to private facilities to ease burden on hospital. Whether its offered concierge or at a private facility, whats the difference?

  20. lol says:

    His relatives in charge of the BVIHSA approved all of the doctors to do private practice local and expat alike. What is the problem now?

  21. SO WHAT says:

    Pay them decent and they wouldnt have to.

    Don’t want to pay for competent doctors and nurses
    But expecting an expert level of services.

  22. The TRUTH says:

    The bleating public doesn’t have a clue how much the doctors are paid. If they did, they would STFU.

  23. comess says:

    the minister knows all that but he doesnt no that the nurses dont get increment ,uniform allowances , hazardus pay as frontline workers , say that let the public no ,and u fix it ,the lower
    class staff must struggle to make both ends meet ,thank god you all get help from the cubans cuz i dont no what the hell you would do , because u those in management treat staff like dog

  24. Pointless says:

    The minister needs to investigate as to why the doctors have private practices. All manner of things go on at that hospital. Nowadays family members cannot visit and you will starve in the hospital. God forbid if your hands are not strong enough fir you to get them to your mouth apart from starving if you are not getting your medicine intravenously, doses upon doses will sit on a table. Mr Malone really need to pop up there unannounced one day and visit as many patients as he could.

    Everybody that goes to the hospital even with high blood pressure now are treated like they have covid and are being shunned.

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