BVI News

Constitutional Review Commission to host public consultations

The Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) has announced its intension to commence public consultations and one-on-one meetings with residents.

According to the CRC, a number of persons and small groups previously expressed interest in meeting with the Commission.

“Interested persons will, therefore, now be able to register for day-time meetings by using the calendar on the Commission’s website,” said the CRC who said the Secretariat at the Commission will reply to confirm the meetings.

“Meetings spaces may be reserved from as early as Tuesday 1st November and for the entire month of November. In addition, general public meetings throughout the territory are being finalised and more details on these, including dates, will be communicated via the Commission’s website as well as through public announcements.”

The meantime, the commission said its website contains significant educational content including copies of relevant legislation, cases, and articles.

It further encouraged the public to review this information and submit any written comments via the ‘comments’ tool on its website.

“This will ensure that comments are captured and recorded fully and accurately. It is anticipated that opportunities for both public consultation and the submission of written comments will close by mid-December,” the CRC stated.

“The Commission looks forward to engaging with the community over the coming weeks. Meetings can be scheduled using the website from 8:30 am on Monday 31st October, 2022. The other features of the website will be available on Tuesday 1st November, 2022,” it added.

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  1. 1st district original says:

    God bless Tola radio!!

  2. Tranparency says:

    would be helpful in this 1on1 meeting exercise. The number of 1on1 meetings and their average length in November could be added to their website in December.

    Lately the local media and the employed politicians have been emphasizing the involvement of the public in the constitutional reform process. This meeting data could confirm the BVI’s public interest or expose the ugly truth that the media and politicians have just manufactured their public meeting campaign to further their own business or careers.

  3. Equality says:

    Give same sex couples like Kinisha Forbes and Kirsten Lettsome equal rghts to marriage.

    Like 8
    Dislike 6
  4. Real Simple says:

    Website don’t work.

  5. Lol says:

    Saying anything not in favor of the politicians if you are Civil Servant will be suicide. That’s they way of the BVI.

  6. Last line of story says:

    Did you read the very last line of the news story?

  7. @ LaST LiNE says:

    NOPE , I DIDN’T ? the

  8. Lodger says:

    I went to two meetings of the last review. Sadly no-one turned up for one and it was abandoned, and only six for the other. I wonder if the public will be more engaged this time around?

  9. Forbidden Truth says:

    Naw naw naw.

  10. .... says:

    Overcomplicating this process.

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