BVI News

UPDATE: Cop arrested in largest drug bust in BVI history!

$250 million worth of cocaine have been recovered in major drug bust at the weekend.

Police Commissioner Michael Matthews announced Tuesday, November 10, that the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has seized more than 2,300 kilos of cocaine, the largest such seizure ever in the territory.

The drugs have an estimated value of a quarter-billion dollars and were seized alongside multiple guns while police were executing a search warrant at a property in Balsam Ghut, Tortola on the evening of Friday, November 6.

The drugs were found in a three-yard truck and a Ford Explorer Jeep on the property.

The seizure is the largest ever made by the RVIPF or by a UK police force. It is also the largest seizure ever made in a British Overseas Territory.

In a joint press conference with Governor Augustus Jaspert who has portfolio responsibility for national security, Commissioner Matthews said two persons were arrested — one of whom is a police officer.

They have been identified as 41-year-old police constable, Darren Davis and his 40-year-old brother, Liston Davis. Officer Davis has been a law enforcer for more than 20 years.

Commissioner Matthews said the police were unable to arrest some persons who fled the premises where the drugs were found. He revealed that the drug bust was possible because of many weeks of covert investigations by the security forces.

“We’ve been suspicious for some time about what may be occurring,” Commissioner Matthews said.

However, due to security reasons, the Commissioner said he could not reveal whether information from the public led to the seizure and arrests made on Friday.

But he confirmed that as protocol dictates, the drugs will be destroyed once it has been tested.

“There’s no value in keeping this stuff anywhere and we plan to have it destroyed fairly quickly,” the Commissioner assured.

In the meantime, Commissioner Matthews told members of the media that the RVIPF has sought external assistance from the United Kingdom as they continue investigations. He said more arrests are likely.


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  1. Parent says:

    it have more to be revel, tek time!!!

    Like 33
  2. Guest says:

    “Remember if you see something say something”…… ?? To who??? Your police force??? Nah Boss we like our life and seeing tomorrow ……..

    Like 70
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    • Shameful says:

      That police force is so corrupt that they covered up traffic violations for their countrymen. Many of them came to the BVI with criminal minds to be police officers. If they will cover up a traffic crime, what are drugs crimes to them?

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      • @ Shameful says:

        I want to know why they acting like they don’t know it plagued with corruption. They tip-off on warrants and some they don’t carry out.

        Like 17
      • yes i says:

        well dem does go back to dem counrty to enlist the criminals todo dem dirty work. the rvipf need a over all dem want to be there to help with dem criminal activities. start with dem in top seat wearing white shirt and you will see joke

  3. Lawfy says:

    Island people again lock him up it have a lot more dirty cops especially them from down the island

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    • Dreads says:

      I think the officer is a Davis am I right ?

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    • Bebe says:

      Why hate on down island?we are not the worst.

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      • X says:

        There are some wonderful people from down island. I’ve met lots of them. We have a lot of bad Tolians as well. I’ve me them too.

    • Watching on.. says:

      Boy ahyo sickening with this “Island people” thing. The news sites need to block these type of willfull comments.

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    • Seriously says:

      Many of those officers need to be fired. We have been saying this for years. I hope many more of them are arrested. As we can see, some are worse then the ones on the streets.

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    • Tek time 2 says:

      starting with them wearing white uniforms shirt

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      • @ Tek time 2 says:

        From higher ranking come down who working with the lawyers and criminals.

      • Down island says:

        You all think the down island cops corrupted look at your leaders they more corrupted than anyone and for the local Babylon they always let there family get away with murder, so before you sickening lot start the down island crap look at your own because they staving and suffering you to the point where you all will nothing more than crab in a barrel. So before you start your foolishness note the UK watching you all closely and soon I pray the Nanny take back her islands because of the corrupted official ruining this place or and by the way you idiots are the ones that vote them in because down island people can’t vote.

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  4. Wow says:

    Guess he’ll be suspended on full pay for a number of years then found not guilty

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  5. Haha says:

    He got what he deserved these cops is no good we need UK cops here not these down islanders ones they just in the force for its benefits and to stay in the BVi

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  6. Shed says:

    Let them take that they like to tase and Harass our local boys when done deport his behind

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  7. Whaaaa says:

    And drum roll the police commissioner was just on Claude show vowing for his police officers. Dear Police Commissioner make this be a warning to tell you that dirty cops exist in the royal police force. Corruption and police brutality and in case you didn’t know to look for the killer cops too on your police force. Now go sleep on that. I told all you this man and Gus on vacation .

    Like 11
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  8. Oh boy says:

    Island people with born here BVIs habits. Is right here they grow up.

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  9. Chess Not Checkers says:

    The game is chess not checkers, the same police who talking about taking guns and drugs off the streets is the same ones putting guns and drugs on the street.

    The BVI is a very corrupt place, from law enforcement, to customs officers, to politicians.

    What they have unraveled is one of the biggest organise crime operations between Cops, Custom Officials and barge owners.

    And it all fall down because of loose lips! Loose lips, sink ships!!!
    People get too comfortable and start to brag! Information is everything!!!

    I watching to see how this one going play out!

    Like 44
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    • Yup says:

      That’s why they don’t want the uk navy.

      Like 15
    • Has to a top person who travels and has millions themselves says:

      To set up that kind of deal requires someone of stature who travels. It’s the barges, yes, but not necessarily the barge owners. Someone bigger than that. Someone who knows how all this works in the US. If the cops know who it is (there may be a middleman) then they will be spirited out/deported super-fast with a lot of money. If they don’t, their best bet is immediately say they are guilty and get themselves locked up.These people don’t lose $250M and shrug their shoulders. No sir, they will come and exact retribution and they may be safer behind bars.

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  10. No Wonder says:

    No wonder they was so tight lipped, they was baffled by the amount of drugs and guns they found.

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  11. Chosen says:

    Lawfy quick to condemn the down island people hope when they make more arrests your family or you not one of them some of you born here mind are to dirty and full of hate

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  12. Strupes says:

    Y’all ignornant folks. “Island people” always to blame when bvi people is island people too. Some of y’all don’t even know your background but quick to call down people from a different country or have parents from a different country. Same Island People is who built the BVI. Not saying what was done aint wrong but STFU, BOUT THIS ISLAND PEOPLE NONSENSE.

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  13. Love it!! says:

    I with you RVIPF. Good work!! Just weed them out, keep your head up and move forward. Sad one of your own let you down but I know a whole bunch of you is good soldiers. Stand strong!

    Like 39
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  14. Chosen says:

    Oh and mr lawfy try not to forget that you are from a very big continent you @$$$0

  15. And says:

    And this is why the top cop position needs to be someone from the UK and preferably white. Can you all imagine how long this has been going on and how much money they made and how many lives they ruined. But no matter, $100k fine and 7 years reduced for being e Belonger and out they come rich and happy. The BVI is a third world toilet with negroes trying to act like first world whites. Never going to happen. You are a racist, corrupt people that thrive on criminal activities.

    Like 28
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    • SMH says:


    • Wow says:

      Now that is one of the most assinine comments i ever read. Please don’t associate the BVI with that BS. We have a good clean lady in there ready to take charge. She will crush the gonards of any corrupt officer. She is a Virgin Islander. So idiot please do not associate yourself with us, because for you talk like that you must be from the outside. DumbA&&$$

      Like 6
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    • Reply says:

      Suck out yuh entire mada

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    • Soo says:

      And: This is a very distasteful comment to the BVI community. Many indigenous BVI people inherited and worked earnestly for what they have accomplished in life. Of those that fall through the crack, how many are indigenous BVIslanders?
      If you found the BVI to be a third world toilet with negros trying to act like first world white no need for you to be living in the BVI, because eventually you will ended up in the same boat as the others.

  16. Heckler says:

    3rd pillar cracking. Hopefully the police can catch some big fish as well not just guppies

    Like 29
  17. Popo says:

    Quarter billion equal $250,000,000 just the right govt revenue for the year for Tola. Nice one boys!!!! Lol

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  18. ok says:

    Commissioner next to be *****+

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  19. Hmmm says:

    Dem barn right yah… bought island people. Them live all dem life yah dem learn all dem dutty ways rite yah. Dem only know the culture of yah. Dem kinna lifestyle of living it’s a born here thing.

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    • Your point? says:

      Is this suppose to be an insult? At least many people from here know how to get it how they live instead of being beggars and peddlers and waiting for government hands outs like them other islands. Settling for scraps and crumbs and living a low level life in some run down apartment or a matchbox for a house leaving nothing behind for their children and grandchildren but loans and mortgages to continue to pay off with money they don’t and never will have is “down” island living. Jealousy is the ugliest trait. Most people here get caught after YEARS of doing these kind of things and it’s as clear as day that they have something to show for it. While y’all from elsewhere would get caught on the first try. Oh well. Many wish they could get a piece of the pie from this kind of lifestyle but since they can’t, all they do is hate.

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    • Not true says:

      These guys were not born here. They came from st kitts. They have belonger status. Facts

  20. Hmmm says:

    Leave them officers alone. The police commander is proud of them. Dwl

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  21. Blablabla says:

    It’s always your own to embarrass you. Own family, own friends, own manager, own employees, own police officers etc even Jesus own betrayed him.

  22. Hmmmm says:

    Rat season!

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  23. Nature's little secret says:

    Proof again that this island lives of corruption and hard working expats, if you are naive enough to think your government didn’t know about this…

    Like 20
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  24. Reply says:

    Police officers charged with upholding the law should be held to a higher standard. I support conditionally the RVIPF. However, rogue cops I do not support.

    When cops go bad and find themselves on the wrong side of the law, they need to face the full force of the law.

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  25. well sah says:

    All any body have to say is Island and you all take the opportunity to curse out the locals. I will like to know how you all survive with so much hate inside of you.

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  26. Boo says:

    Government will have to find some more stimulus as the third pillar falling down.

  27. Wow says:

    Well! Well!! Everybody crying fowl when Skelton Cline say it is the 3rd pillar . Which island man can safely bring in billions dollars worth drugs . Both local and island people involved . How the white commissioner cannot do his job !! Job well executed . The white man go on with his head down but working underneath. Think he is not doing anything . More will be uncovered …., Skelton say…, he knows what going on .

    Like 5
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    • clown says:

      dude’s resume working for most corrupt mayor in us history. enjoy dem rotten leftovers. he one eye boy in land of blind, with a big mout and manipulation skills- from detroit

  28. Lawyer says:

    Money money money! Some people will kill they own brother. Money money money! Some people will sell they own soul. Almighty God! Kill this dollar culture! Kill this rat race! Stop the black people from selling their souls to support the Whiteman habit.

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  29. Slimgurl says:

    He loose 20 good years for what now he going to lose everything house,land,money,drugs and his woman or women it just don’t worth it.

    Like 14
  30. Man oh Man says:


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  31. Reality says:


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  32. Big question says:

    How that amount of drugs and guns get in here.? Must have had a lot of help from key people…

    Like 32
  33. Enquiring mind says:

    Why he give more details to his UK online newspaper and pics but said so very little to the BVI public. Ah sah. A few more months.

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  34. Bam says:

    Stop talking s**t you worked and we pay you a salary. You didnot build here ok

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  35. Serious says:

    There are several well oiled and organized criminal enterprise in the bvi. According to the governor this is not a simple boys scout activity. This is well organized. These people know what they are doing. Thank the British Government for a brilliant commissioner of police. Please send another bright and intelligent commissioner. He don’t have to be white any colour will do. Well this story drive a nail in the talk about having a born here commissioner. These organize drug operations only going to get worst. As a matter of fact i don’t think the police force at this present time can carry out all the work to satisfy the law abiding citizens of this island and they make up most of the population. So we have to asked the uk to help out for the next two yrs.

    Like 25
  36. Me says:

    Jaspert pls.pls don’t even consider this marijuana bull.Don’t approve of it.This is only the tip of the iceberg.Not a Govt.minister give his2cents to comment on any of these late happenings like fowl take their tongues.Murders,illegal border entrances,drugs on the loose ,what’s happening BVI GOVERNMET

    Like 23
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    • stupes says:

      you want booze illegal? its a drug with $75m of biz in bvi, and regulated. they want to reg. the herb. this s**t is what happens in prohibition . not legal .

  37. Bvi says:

    Bombom class that is plenty

  38. Public Relations says:

    I refuse to believe the RVIPF is unaware of MAJOR CRIME rings in the VI. This incident is unique because it is an international investigative trail that leads straight to the VI and cannot be denied, that is why the RVIPF acting like they didn’t know the Bad eggs since morning.

    Like 12
  39. Start fresh says:

    The whole police force needs to be dismantled and start over. I am for sending all UK police officers to the BVI. The Police Department is tainted. NO JOKE, IF I AM WALKING DOWN A ALLEY AND I SEE A COP, I WILL TAKE OFF RUNNING. THAT IS JUST HOW MUCH I DON’T TRUST THE POLICE HERE IN THE BVI. H*LL, THEY MIGHT PLANT S**T ON ME OR I MIGHT NOT MAKE IT OUT THE ALLEY ALIVE.

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    • A start fresh says:

      Not all police are bad. The good ones recently retired and they need to bring them back. YThose older officers are the breadwiner of that police force. Those younger officers are into drugs money big house and luxurious big VEHICLES

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  40. Hopefull says:

    I hope the navy takes this coke off the island. I imagine some dangerous people will try to get it back!

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  41. Organized crime says:

    Runs through the police and into every government department, in case you are wondering why they don’t want an outsider to head their police commission, I think it’s pretty obvious… and trying to avoid the UK navy to patrol… oh my, how corrupt is this place?!

    Like 13
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    • @Organized Crime says:

      No worst than UK, US, EU or anywhere else, and the world knows that to fact.In fact there is corruption where ever there is human and money. But of course you would want us to think from behind your desk that you are clean and we are not. Ha, haaaaa!!!

      • sorry says:

        i from here, lived usa. we got 30,000, us have 300,000,000. issue is you have 1/2 people in gov crooked. usa maybe 1/20. y’all fkd. queen grounding bvi cops.

  42. WLM says:

    Only 2 months ago the Premier lambasted the Governor for calling in the Royal Navy to Patrol. Seems like we need a lot more than one RN vessel in the light of this.

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  43. Justice says:

    I guess we would need to extradite all of them for a fair trial so it don’t end up like the last 2 major drug busts that the Magistrate from down island set free. The streets of this nation is crying out for justice. God didnt6send Irma for nothing. The whole force need cleaning up…BVI needs cleaning up from its drug port status…all the bugs guys know the perps but in some case is dem family. More of this outside investigation need to go on cos leave to internal they will not do it

    • The real Fahie says:

      BVI is a center for drug operations. CBP and USCG have assets in the USVI just for that reason. Drugs and money move back and forth from there to USVI and Puerto Rico. It’s always been a very active sector for drugs, illegal immigration, and human trafficking. The numbers reported on busts are impressive but the true amounts being moved are staggering. And the amount of money being transferred is enough to support a country like the BVI on drug receipts alone.

      This is another reason why you see they are in no hurry to reopen their borders.

  44. Well Sah says:

    Score one more victory for those who seek to keep the BVIslander and the so called “Island man” divided.
    They are basking in that victory, while us fools are totally blind to what we are doing to ourselves on their behalf.

  45. Independance says:

    There is no reason to have British Navy here! There is no reason no to elect a local police chief! We don’t have a drug problem in the BVI!

    Did I forget anything?

    Think about all these statements from the acting government. Think about all these calls for Independence. Is this what you want? It is not what I want – for sure!
    Thanks to Mick Matthews for getting this in the open.
    Mia Angelou once said, “when a man shows you who they are, believe them the first time”
    This is like time 17. Believe what you see here. It is not going to go away. We, the people, have to fix it!

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  46. Not true says:

    These guys were not born here. They came from st kitts. They have belonger status. Facts

  47. SRB says:

    When will they just legalise the trade? Then all that money will go to the BVI government in tax rather than criminals. These drugs are being consumed and moved DESPITE it being illegal…prohibition does not work!!!!!!

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    • @SRB says:

      And they will still smuggle to evade paying the taxes. NO…LEGALISATION WILL NOT WORK!!! Please. So I guess we should legalise killing people too if we could tax the guns that kill them. your argument makes no sense at call.

    • @ SRB says:

      Do you realize that drugs leads to mental disorder, inability to make wise decisions, that leads to people walking the street talking to themselves, losing their jobs/homes, at times committing murder, etc.

  48. CW says:

    As usual STRUPE COMMENT from the peanut gallery. You think 2300 kilos is local island folks? Come on this is BIG LEAGUES stuff right in the backyard. They didn’t stumble upon this one morning, this a long held investigation. The YACHTS that come and go without any concern are the very first place to look moving forward. This is a drop in the bucket to the big fish. Remember strupes, NARCOS is based on true story and BVI right in the middle of the corridor. Stop with the comments bout down island, this is WAY BIGGER THAN THAT. That officer in real trouble now, he needs protective custody or hes a dead man, facts!

    • facts says:

      the amount rolling through here . . don’t take much time for authorities to assemble 2000 kilos from “busting” and finding

  49. Oldm Sea Man says:

    Well it is true that the bvi police force has in plenty Island men, but thats because bvIslanders cops dont do their jobs properly and hesitates to ticket their friends and families with the exception of robo cop. Who needs to be investigated is the Custom dept because some of them does be out on the waters running a racketering sceme by intersepting boats, charging the owner a fine just short of the boat value, then split it amungst them. how i know this? boat owner told me.

  50. Stupid says:

    Who like to sell drugs like tolan.. with you all dotish talk about island people in you all MC

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