BVI News

Cost for gov’t quarantine free for all returnees up till September 30

This story has been updated

All persons allowed to enter the British Virgin Islands under Phase II of the government’s Restricted Border Re-opening Plan will have the option to quarantine in a government-designated facility free of charge until the end of September.

This is according to Health Minister Carvin Malone who told BVI News this decision was made “after intense analysis” and after a number of consultations.

“It was deemed to be prudent to look at what amount would be sustainable to persons who may wish to privately quarantine in their own homes, and those who basically would in fact be using government’s facilities,” Malone said.

“So until September 30th, if you’re using a government facility — no matter your Immigration status or anything — then it will be free to everyone in the government facilities. If you wish to use private facilities, then there is where the $3,500 would come in, no matter the particular Immigration status,” he told our news centre.

This $3,500 is to cover the cost of 24-hour security. It represents a vast reduction from the previously stipulated $6,048 quarantine cost.

Subsidised fee for all facilities from October 1

The Health Minister further said that after September, all persons allowed to enter the BVI will have to be quarantined for a fee.

However, this fee will also be subsidised by the government.

“After September 30th — and you go to October 1st — then there would be an imposed $2,500 for work permit holders and others who may wish to come after because most of the people would have already come in between now and the end of September,” Malone stated.

Non-locals can now re-enter the BVI

In a national address last Friday, Premier Andrew Fahie announced a number of categories of persons who would be allowed to enter the territory during Phase II of the BVI’s border reopening.

From August 15, dependents, persons employed to government agencies, as well as persons who departed the territory for medical purposes and those who accompanied them, will be allowed to enter the territory by application to the Health and Immigration ministers.

He further said work permit holders, work permit exemption holders, students and a number of other persons will be allowed to enter from September 1.

The BVI will remain closed to tourist arrivals

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  1. Wow says:

    You guys have been very difficult to follow. But thanks

    Like 40
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  2. Yeah! says:

    Too much flip-flopping. Come on, show us some stability.

    Like 41
  3. Who is on First? says:

    Abbot and Costello fans rejoice on BVI reopening!

    Like 5
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  4. Belonger says:

    Thank you Jesus you are indeed good.
    Thanks to the BVI government

    Like 9
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  5. JJ says:

    VIP have money to waste. Strupzzz

    Like 14
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  6. vip heckler says:

    Since it is free i am wondering if admiralty will still be collecting a check?

    Like 10
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  7. strupes says:

    Too much backward and forward….Inexperience….Electing the VIP was a huge mistake

    Like 33
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  8. Nationalist says:

    Boooo hooo! That money is for the BVI people! #send them home

    Like 5
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  9. Cart before horse says:

    Sir, did you consider accepting suitable airline companies to ensure enough plane for those stock out there. LIAT is liquidated and now other countries have borders still closed. Intercaribbean is mostly booked.

    Like 4
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  10. No plan, no stability says:

    BVI Government, there are two things you need to focus on the coming period to make something of your reign, because currently you look like amateurs.

    1) a plan. Make a plan, think it through. Think about the consequences for everyone, not just belongers, the consequences for the economy and the consequences for the image of the territory. No short term ideas. Long term, months years. Not what are we doing next week. No, what are we doing in December etc.

    2) transparency. Be honest, be open. Let the people know what your plans are and why. The tourism sector is lost. They have no idea what to expect. Because you are silent. Covid is the worst when it comes to the economy, but not having a plan and not knowing what the plan is if there is even such a thing is making it 10 times worse.

    Like 54
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  11. We says:

    Let’s go all you need now is quarantine home for free. Done.turn the page

    Like 4
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  12. OK says:

    Simple, just a test
    Why is it so complicated

    Like 13
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  13. goodnews says:

    So it does not matter who they are, local, belongers, expats once they return before september 30th, Government is paying for their quarantine. Because they still has to quarantine for 14 days. Well thats good news some people really can’t afford it but

    where is the stimulus money each rep suppose to get to help their district with their needs.

    Like 11
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  14. Anonymous says:

    Thank you very much

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  15. Anonymous says:

    Thank you lord

    Like 3
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  16. Me says:

    The type of leadership this administration has showm is absolutely weak. The policies implemented in the first instance should have never been done. Now the ‘flip-flopping’ shows that there is lack of coherence and forward thinking in this group of elected officials. I was very optimistic about VIP but you guys have since lost my vote and my family’s vote. Leadership matters in these times.

    You all have not addressed issues that matter to everyday families such as school reopening, rising costs at the supermarkets, employment and reopening of the economy and I believe it is because you all have no idea of what to do.

    I am saddened by the state of affairs in the BVI. The constant blaming of expatriates for everything wrong in the BVI can only work for so long. We are tired and want solutions. we are begging for leadership in this country.

    Like 35
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  17. Wow says:

    These new fees say a lot! How were they able to basically cut the fees in half? We all know what this means! These f***ing people have no shame at all, NO SHAME AT ALL!

    Like 11
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  18. Meals says:

    Wha da food be? Leave n com back for free fod and hotel for a week?

    Like 3
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  19. To Nationalist says:

    You uneducated nationalist, were do you think the money came to pay for this? Hint: work permit holders

    Like 17
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  20. Ridiculous! says:

    BVIslanders and citizens should not have to pay anything to enter their country. Why are we being grouped with foreigners? The people of the BVI need to protect!

    Like 12
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  21. So ... says:

    If I have to leave the territory for eg a family emergency -ie not my health but the passing of a relative – and I am a BVIslander, you all still going to charge me for the quarantine when I come back in?
    And if I don’t have $3500 for quarantine, I just got to stay here?

    Like 3
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  22. Ms wize says:

    Wiw from some of these responses… I have never seen a set of unthankful, ungrateful set of people. The government do good them criticize.. if they do bad they criticize ? what the hell is wrong with you ingrates?

    Like 7
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  23. Journalists? says:

    That headline needs revising. It doesn’t read well.

  24. Smh says:

    VIP make up you all dam mind, you all come out with this and that and then change you all mind. I’m sick of it, if you can’t stay strong in what you say and do, then don’t say nothing at all simple. It’s making you all look weak and like you all don’t know what you’re doing.

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  25. bvi islander says:

    it should atleast have terms and conditions , if there is no work at your establishment why return, if you already here thats ok but why return and there is no work , also let who live here 5 yrs or under foot them own bill or pay a portions come on vip government you cant please everyone dont let no expact bullied you all . they cant bully they own government back in their home land why come here to do it . stop being so soft andrew and team to much going on to be damn slack .

    Like 3
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  26. Anonymous says:

    @ No plan, no Stability: Keep in mind that the covid-19 pandemic was not something that the world leaders could plan for and thst there is no manual or “playbook” to navigate the unsurmountable problems and circumstances that it is causing, health wise as well as financially, around the world…

    Like 2
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  27. @Ms Wize says:

    What good the Government has done? The Government isn’t doing anyone a favor! We have had locals/belongers who haven’t lived in the BVI for years and pay ZERO TAXES and they were able to come home, stay in a hotel and be fed for 14 days. Now you are telling the permit holders who have lived and worked here for years, who pay their taxes and fees, that they have to pay for quarantine? You are acting like the free quarantine until September is a favor? Locals are not the only ones that pay taxes so therefore ALL tax payers should be equally looked after by the tax dollars. If we don’t want them here then cancel their permits within the laws and deal with the ramifications, otherwise we need to treat people like f***ing people and not animals.

    Like 27
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  28. @VIP Heckler says:

    Come on, you know free is never free. We the tax payers will either pay on the front end or we will pay on the back end…. And somebody is going to cash in.

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  29. I see says:

    You Mr. Malone and the Premier are heartless. You should be ashamed of yourselves, these security companies have been working with you from the month of June and you guys have just started paying some of these firms since last Friday. Still giving some of the security companies run around. You guys go home to your families each night, food on your tables, you are able to pay your bills and disregard everyone else. Shame on you and your ministry, you are both wicked and heartless. It’s been months and you guys are on the media speaking about every other nonsense.

    Like 12
  30. Nationalist says:

    If y’all situation reversed, i think will prioritize your people over everyone else. We will survive even without expat’s money. Wanna bet? #youallgohome! #sendthemhome

    Like 2
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  31. Anonymous says:

    Well sah! The airlines fully booked so I think you all should extend the time till end of October

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  32. The Truth says:

    Jesus, every thing they do, there is whining.

  33. Yeah says:

    All of you’ll commenting foolishly. The big picture behind this free quarantine is simple. Up until September the airports will still be closed. So how are these persons coming in. It’s called deception you guys need to learn to see it

    Like 6
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  34. Wow says:

    These people know exactly where locjed persons are and some of them are licked out in a locked country so they cannot move from their locked in country in september. Imagine that trapped in a border closure country and cannot get out but you have to pay quarantine fees to your destination because of specifit timings.

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  35. Liat says:

    Liat not flying caribbean expat now have to suffer because most countries borders are closed not sure if they will open in September. awww man. Always the small man that have to suffer.

  36. Agnes says:

    It’s all about the money to make someone rich.
    Well done ?

  37. SMH says:

    You sound so damn foolish. Listen to the last press conference by the government before you speak.

  38. Anonymous says:


  39. Quest says:

    And how long do I have to wait to check on my properties after the hurricane hits. Expat with no status.

  40. Rubber Duck says:

    Not just WP holders, a lot of land holder license residents are wanting to come back. Those are the people who just bring money into the country. We want them back.

  41. Economy says:

    So that means Tourism doom how are they going to handle tourists if and when they come back

  42. Da money says:

    Who owns VIAirlink that flies in to Beef?
    Who owns the security company contracted by government? If you’re concerned about the money…follow it….

  43. You're Ridiculous says:

    Expat pay taxes/SS/NHI as well… Why is it fair then they don’t get treated equally as BVIslanders?
    Why such a divide? #equalityforall

  44. Hmph says:

    Why should expats be treated equally? This aint their country….its a privilege to live here not a right.

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