BVI News

Crown Land Register to be established

A section of the British Virgin Islands

The government has announced plans to establish a Crown Land Allocation Register soon.

The register is expected to be a public database that will list all Crown land that is available for purchase, as well as the size of the area of land acquired and the price paid.

The announcement was made by Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Ronald Smith-Berkeley. He told the government’s ‘Table Talk’ programme that the register will be created as part of the government’s efforts to implement the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry (COI).

The COI was established in 2021 to investigate allegations of corruption and governance failures in the Virgin Islands. The COI’s report, which was published in 2022, made a number of recommendations, including the establishment of a Crown Land Allocation Register.

The government said the register will be available to the public once it is completed and operational and advised that people who are interested in purchasing Crown land will be able to access the register to see what land is available and how much it costs.

Smith-Berkeley also said that the register will help to improve transparency in the allocation of Crown land and noted that the register will make it clear who has acquired Crown land and how much they paid for it.

This move is expected to help prevent corruption and ensure that Crown land is allocated fairly.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley recently disclosed in the House of Assembly that the review of the disposal of Crown lands had been completed and said the ministry has started working on drafting instructions for amending the relevant legislation.

He further noted that the ministry is in the midst of public consultations with an aim to send the drafting instructions to the Cabinet for approval and then on to the Attorney General’s Chambers.

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  1. WEW says:

    How about seeing the Crown land transfers from the past 20 years so we can see what the politicians have taken.

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  2. Only now…?!? says:

    And after ALL the desirable Crown Lands have been redistributed to cronies and friends! Spooner’s Estate wa to be single family dwellings; lol how that’s turned out! All the reclaimed lands – gone to friends/family and they lay there undeveloped. Should have clauses for commercial Crown Land that after (5) years of No development; goes to the next viable qualified individual! Also, one person/business entity should NOT own/lease more than one parcel of Crown Land. We need regulation of this non-renewable resource and we need it NOW!

    Like 14
  3. So. says:

    That don’t mean Sht. That just a camoflash they will still find away to corrupt the system and do what they want. U all should no these people by now.

  4. Correction says:

    Crown land is owned by King Charles III and not available for purchase. Fortunately crown land can be leased by his subjects for a distinct period of time for an annual fee.

    The Crown Land Allocation Register should hopefully list the block & parcel number of the land, the name of the person leasing the land, the time period of the lease and the annual fee paid to King Charles III.

    Lastly crown land includes all dry land created by dumping fill on the sea floor.

  5. @So. says:


  6. Correction says:

    Crown land is owned by King Charles III and not available for purchase. Fortunately crown land can be leased by his subjects for a distinct period of time for an annual fee.

    The Crown Land Allocation Register should hopefully list the block & parcel number of the land, the name of the person leasing the land, the time period of the lease and the annual fee paid to King Charles III.

    Lastly crown land includes all dry reclaimed land created by dumping fill on the sea floor. Most of this reclaimed crown land is unsuitable for expensive development due to exposure to storm surges and flooding. Car parks are the only safe use of crown reclaimed land since the vehicles can be removed prior to submergence by the sea.

  7. YO THINK ITS FAIR? says:


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  8. Register says:

    Wasn’t there a register before? Or was it that as they’re going to give people then they’ll go and survey? O my.

  9. Deh Watcha says:

    @ @so

    Camoflash sound better.

  10. @ Deh Watcha says:

    Camoflash sounds better.

  11. ?? says:

    Honourable Premier, under no circumstance that the Wickhams Cay lands and those others for establishing metropolitan areas and water rights throughout the BVI should be allowed to be sold! They should not be allowed to be sold! Leasing Only to Ancestral BVIslanders!

    Remember in the 1970s how the son of the BVI soil, Noel Lloyd, saved the BVI Wickhams Cay and Anegada lands from a private UK developer takeover. Also remember that the UK Govt in 2023 is now highly upset that a large area of Central London is owned by the Russians and hiding behind company registrations of these Central London properties. What is good for the goose is good for the gander!

    Ancestral BVIslanders of 4 generations down on one side at least get first preference of the purchasing of lands.

    Do not allow land grabs like what is going on in Maui, Hawaii. Keep your eyes open wide shut, Honourable Premier!

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