BVI News

CXC RESULTS: Great grades and high pass percentage

The British Virgin Islands has recorded an 87.7 percent pass rate this year in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exams, which are administered by the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC).

BVI students did even better at the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) level with a 100 percent pass rate.

Statistics compiled by the Ministry of Education show that the territory not only did well in the number of passes but also the quality of the results.

In CAPE, grades One to Five are considered to be passes. A Grade-One pass represents an ‘excellent performance’ while Grade Five represents an ‘acceptable standard’.

Of the 17 students that sat CAPE this academic year, 18.52 percent received Grade-One passes, 33.33 percent received Grade-Two passes, 25.93 percent received Grade-Three passes, 18.52 percent received Grade-Four passes and 3.7 percent received Grade-Five passes.

“The top-performing subjects were Entrepreneurship with candidates receiving only Grades One and Two passes, and Biology/Unit 2 with candidates receiving no lower than a Grade Three pass,” the education ministry reports.


In CSEC, only grades One to Three are accepted as passes. The BVI registered a total of 345 candidates to sit CSEC across 28 subjects this year.

Some 27.26 percent of CSEC candidates received Grade-One passes, 33.18 percent received Grade-Two passes, and 27.26 percent received Grade-Three passes.

Breakdown of passes by subjects

The BVI saw a 100 percent pass rate in Agricultural Science, Biology, Information Technology, Theatre Arts, Visual Arts, Electronic Document Preparation and Management, Physical Education & Sport, Food and Resource Management, Technical Drawing, Industrial Technology Electrical, Industrial Technology Building, and Industrial Technology Mechanical.

The BVI also saw top marks for Caribbean History, which has a 90 percent a pass rate this year.

Office Administration has 94.9 percent pass rate, Food, Nutrition & Health has 92.3 percent, Principles of Business has 98.6, and Human & Social Biology has 90.4 percent.

In the core subjects of Mathematics and English A, statistics show the BVI receiving a 77.9 percent and 85.7 percent pass rate, respectively.

The education ministry is yet to announce the top CXC school and top CXC students for this academic year.

BVI betters regional average

While noting the post-hurricane struggles that students endured while preparing for CXC exams, Education Minister Myron Walwyn said he feels ‘extremely pleased with the performance of BVI students’.

“This year we topped the regional average in most of the subject areas. This is was an absolutely sterling performance. I extend hearty congratulations to the students on this accomplishment,” the minister said.

“Additionally, the BVI was the only country in the Caribbean that did all our subjects by the new e-testing method for which we were lauded by the Registrar of CXC. I would like to thank all our principals, teachers, and our education officers for their hard work in preparing our students for these regional exams.”

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  1. Good says:

    Very well done to the students, the teachers, the education department, the ministry , the Minister and of course last and certainly not least the Almighty. It was a tough year.

    Like 31
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    • Parent says:

      Don’t forget the parents

      Like 21
    • Bravo !! says:

      Additionally, the BVI was the ONLY COUNTRY in the entire OECS region,to win 3 medals (gold,silver and bronze) at the Central American and Caribbean games this year.

      And yet, the BVI is among the smallest in both geographic size and population.

      Don’t mind the noise BVI, don’t mind the derision,
      often thrown at you, you are a pearl of great price. Just stay focused and hard working.

      A special Thanks to our teachers both local, regional, and international …. with high credit to the math. department for moving the dial forward.

      Now let’s see the results presented in tabular form by subjects, grades and number. Percentages are great as aggregates but often omit critical information essential to qualitative assessments.

      Like 14
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      • Wow says:

        When the news is negative the Minister is plastered all over the comments and stories, but when it’s positive him and his Ministry/Team get no praises. Such is life!

        Congrats to ALL!

        Like 6
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    • Good says:

      Of course the parents who had to work hard making sacrifices and keeping a clear head of their own while trying to keep their children and entire family focus.

      Reminding their children that although our home may have been devastated by the storm we will stick together and make tomorrow a better day than yesterday.

      Like 4
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  2. AWESOME says:

    This is awesome. However this shows the consistency of our education system now and all the way in the past because our students ALWAYS perform at the top for CXC for many years now. Well done again.

    Like 9
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  3. negativity says:

    Yet still they cant get jobs in their own country

    Like 6
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  4. Good work - says:

    Good work to all involved (students, parents, Ministry/Minister).

    How about the students that were awarded scholarships for completing 5 or CSEC subjects in 2017. Most of the students are enrolled at HLSCC but no monies were received. Seeing that the local portion of the scholarships were not awarded, will that monies be added to the overseas portion of the scholarship?

    Like 5
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    • Really? says:

      I suggest that you check with the ministry of education before you blog. I am a student from 2017 and I received my scholarship portion for HLSCC from Ms. McCollin. You adults really disappoint me. Seriously.

      Like 10
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      • @Really says:

        Most people don’t care to check for facts because gossip is better.

        Like 9
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      • student says:

        I am a student too from 2017. Government still owes the college for our scholarship portion. Please check your 2018 registration and you would see. It’s outstanding which means no payment made.
        don’t want to get caught up with government but just had to enlighten you.

        Like 5
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        • @student says:

          The cheque isn’t written to the college so I know you are not a student or else you would know. The cheque is written to the individual student. And if the government owes the college for anything that’s between them. It doesn’t affect us being able to go to the college. Stop lying for political purposes. It’s sickening.

          Like 5
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          • student 2 says:

            please let me know who to go to because I haven’t receive no cheque in my name either but my college classes are completed and saying payment outstanding my government.

  5. Wait says:

    So if i ask my Dr. to change the range of my blood pressure measurements so that i record more positive results, does this mean that i’m getting healthier? …… wonder! smdh!

    Like 2
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  6. STATISTICS says:

    This means that there were 94 grade 1’s, 115 grade 2’s, 94 grade 3 and 42 grade 4 – 6.

  7. curious says:

    How many subjects does one student studies at the bvi secondary school?

  8. Real says:

    This information is so misleading…. how do u compare the couple hundreds of ppl from the Bvi to the thousands from the other Caribbean island for example check st.kitts numbers that wrote the said exam.. there is a young man from Antigua who wrote and pass 20 subjects with grades 1…. if u want to take praise give us a break down in numbers let’s be the judge….. with the real news coming out of Barbados is that the grades for this year cxc was very poor

    Like 3
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    • Guyana and Dominica Too says:

      Check Stabroek News in Guyana to see how many students pass 18-20 subjects at Grade 1 level…nor is it uncommon; One of their top students, just died tragically in Peru recently.

      Dominica News On line has a pretty good showing too
      of a number of students passing with 10 subjects at Grade 1 level.

      BVI has done well consistently over the years in English and this year it has shown considerable improvement in Math.

      What we should be looking closely at is not necessarily the highest number of subjects a candidate passes, but the Country’s overall pass rate, and the quality of passes for FIVE subjects
      including Math and English per candidate required for matriculation in tertiary institutions.

  9. student says:

    tryin to get my results and i am not getting try

  10. Tresa Shue says:

    best love text for her

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