BVI News

Days left to register to vote, seek transfer!

The Office of the Supervisor of Elections has indicated that Virgin Islanders and Belongers might only have days left to register to vote or transfer the address where they are currently registered to vote.

According to Supervisor of Elections Scherrie Griffin, the deadline for registration will be two days following the dissolution of the House of Assembly. Dissolution describes a formal term for the end of a parliament. It occurs ahead of a general election for a new parliament.

“Constitutionally, it is to be dissolved no later than the 12th of March so I would encourage everyone who has not already registered or anyone who intends to transfer their registration to do so before that date,” Griffin stated while speaking on ZBVI radio this week.

To register for the first time, persons will be required to complete what the Elections Supervisor describe as Form No.1 and must either present a valid Virgin Islands passport, a Belongers card, or a Belongers certificate. Alternatively, registered voters seeking to transfer are required to fill out Form No.9 and present two months’ rental receipts or a notarised letter from the homeowner or main occupant of the household where they are seeking to be transferred. The letter must explicitly outline the address.

Meanwhile, as the days wind down for the House to be dissolved and for Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley to announce the date for elections, Griffin said her office has been in “a heightened state of preparations” for the upcoming elections.

She said the office recently commenced training of new elections officers who will be tasked to man the territory’s 18 polling stations. Additionally, Supervisor Griffin noted that in the coming days, prospective candidates will be given notice to attend a meeting where they will be briefed on information necessary to their candidacy.

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  1. Ooh. Boii says:

    Can WE have a profile on “ who” Scherrie Griffin “ is

    Like 2
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  2. Ok says:

    Thanks for the update. Everyone please make sure you exercise your right to vote. This is more important now than ever.

    Like 2
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  3. Newbie says:

    Where do you register to vote?

  4. @Oh Boii says:

    Imbecile- what does that matter and if you have been paying an iota of attention you would already know her. Sick of you dog vomit personalities deflecting and attempting (albeit failing) to sully persons names. Sand Lane has an open room for you go get help!

    Like 4
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  5. We the People says:

    You need a profile on the canidates not the supervisor of elections. Stay focus.

    Like 10
  6. GWH says:

    Go to the Government’s website and search

  7. @Oh. Boi says:

    She’s a chatterbox! Always talking …

  8. @@Oh. Boi says:

    Are you her man? Why are you so upset? Is it because Oh.Boi hit a nerve or is it because there’s more to that question? We have a right to really KNOW who is this Supervisor of Elections. Perhaps, if you put your friendship aside and really look at the person you might change your tune. Or is it you (SG) answering the blogger? Girl, go do some work and stop mind people business!

    Like 2
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  9. @@Oh Boi…: says:

    Your 1st question in your rebuttal solidifies my point on you! Playground reaction typical of limited thinking. I am not her (FYI) nor am I am man. Rather a BVIslander professional who has been paying attention to what matters (unlike yourself evidently). Seems that you have an axe to grind regarding this lady an maybe she rejected you in someway that you’re still bitter about. Again, my suggestion is that you seek inpatient help soonest!

    Like 1
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  10. Tafari Zharr says:


    By Tafari Zharr

    “While we were sleeping” a lot of malarky ensued. Unlike that movie, the conundrum is neither the COI (Commission Of Inquiry) nor its inversely counterpart, the OIC (Order In Council) is neither/nor a romantic comedy. Reality Check, the COI and The OIC are two sides of the same realm and the territory operates under the auspices of UK.

    Amid our lassitude I urge us to take on the mantle and be audacious enough to face the issues presented.

    LEST WE FORGET- “UK TO IMPOSE DIRECT RULE” the existential threat to the order of VI life – it’s three months shy of a year and we are waiting for test day like students worried if all the work we did all year will matter!


    Recommendation A1:

    -Temporary Partial Suspension of the Constitution

    Recommendation A2: Constitutional Review

    Recommendation A3: Curtailment of Open-Ended Discretion Recommendation A4: Audits and Investigations

    Recommendations from Chapter 3 (Commission of Inquiry Methodology and Process)

    Recommendations from Chapter 4 (Elected Public Officials’ Interests) Recommendations from Chapter 5 (Assistance Grants)

    Recommendations from Chapter 6 (Contracts)

    Recommendations from Chapter 7 (Statutory Boards)

    Recommendations from Chapter 8 (Disposals of Crown Land)

    Recommendations from Chapter 10 (Residence and Belonger Status)

    Recommendations from Chapter 11 (Public Service)

    Recommendations from Chapter 12 (Law Enforcement and Justice)

    Recommendations from Chapter 13 (Governance and Serious Dishonesty in Public Office)

    I’m fully awakened, but shouldn’t we all be?
    Is Citizenry-reform possible or will lack of and failure to meet the expedient benchmarks of monitors and intervention prescribed cause a remedy of modern day Reform Act?

    The time to vote is upon us. Participate in the process regardless of the party- don’t let Another right be taken for granted or lost! Even if you flip a coin , on a candidate or party Heads you win tails you lose. But don’t let the UK tale be you did not vote!

    Romancing Recommendations. Copyright (c) 2023. Tafari Zharr

  11. Wondering says:

    Where to go to register to vote was completely left out of this story. Seems like they do not want any one to register.

  12. SAME PLAYERS says:

    so does it really matter ? ? , all they goNNa do is nice UP the GAME a little BIT with some special effects and we will gladly pull the wool over our eyes and it’s BUSINESS AS USUAL • (INTEGRITY) seems like it has ran for its life ?

  13. Knowledge is power says:

    You need competent people to run the Office , so hush you foolish trap … The law says belongers card or BVI passport and yet still they turn away people who had one or the other telling them they need birth certificates. You need to know the law both Citzen and those in position …. The poor people who does not know better turn away so you need to know

    The machine that gives the iD broke down three years ago and they cannot find money to fix it but 80 and 50 and 19 thousand going into individuals pocket . Sooo yes you have a right to ask

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