BVI News

de Castro pushes improved pay for teachers amid ‘alarming resignations’

Educators play an essential role in the economic development of the Virgin Islands. This was the unmistakable and underlying message from Education Minister Sharie de Castro as she made an urgent plea for lawmakers to properly address the compensation issues affecting teachers in the territory.

The minister’s plea comes days after receiving a missive from the BVI Teacher’s Union over unpaid salary increments dating back several years ago.

According to de Castro, she contacted the union afterwards to request a meeting to hear directly from teachers so that their concerns could be effectively articulated and represented.

The minister pointed out that teachers have shown a high level of dedication and commitment even amid times of crisis and said her ministry aims to “build teachers that are highly qualified and adequately compensated”.

Alarming resignations

In the meantime, the minister explained that the territory has lost teachers with an “alarming number of resignations” coming since the start of the school year.

The haemorrhaging of educators was said to be over issues such as a low rate of pay, the increased cost of living, the compensation offered in other countries, insufficient and outdated resources, and a challenging work environment, among others.

She explained the stark disparity in compensation between teachers locally and abroad, with entry-level teachers in the BVI getting just about $34,600 while across in the USVI their colleagues will earn $50,000 beginning this August, and further away in Texas, the starting salary is now set at $61,500.00 per annum.

Higher demands

But as the minister described the loss of teachers to other countries, she pointed out that the demands on teachers have only grown over the years. 

These include professional development, monitoring and evaluation, the initiation of Professional Learning Communities and the implementation of S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education as mechanisms of upgrading the system and making it more innovative and competitive, de Castro explained.

“At this juncture, I must emphatically emphasise that, based on these demands, and more, there must be a thrust for higher pay for our teachers,” the minister urged.

According to de Castro, “it is understandable that low compensation for teachers discourages our own from entering the profession”. She further said she believed that increasing teachers’ salaries will improve the quality of the future workforce, keep teachers in the classroom and reduce turnover.

She added that the low rate of pay for teachers has led them to consider second and third jobs to make ends meet and said teachers need to focus on teaching and on building the territory’s future.

“Education is a fundamental aspect in the development of any country. When the youth of any country are educated, a future is born with hope, vision and possibilities. In actuality, our educators increase the creativity and productivity of students, and therefore, our future workforce,” the minister argued.

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  1. About time says:

    About time the teachers show they mean action. Yes, resign! Give them a real shakeup. With the amount of extra duties teachers have to perform on a daily basis such as the psychological aspect of dealing with unruly students, the matronly aspect of having to provide necessities to children whose parents do not, etc.

    They definitely deserve salaries starting at no less than $50k ($80k would be the standard if I had a say).

    Teachers deserve a livable wage! Dealing with multiple students coming from all walks of life is mentally, emotionally and physically taxing. They should at the very least be compensated fairly.

    I say this as a former student who not only has witnessed the extent to which teachers have to go on a daily basis with students but who also appreciated and continue to appreciate their efforts.

    Educators, I thank you! I hope in the very near future you will see the fruits of your labour.

  2. Questions says:

    The premier who was education minister before he became premier (minister of finance) knew about this issue. He did nothing neither as education minister or as premier (minister of finance)? Interesting.

    Like 16
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  3. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    We in trouble Buddy! Instead of expensive buildings, the capital should have been invested in systems that would improve the manner in which children are educated

  4. Hmm says:

    The Virgin Islands party is what you call a failed Government. Their actions in office has eroded the moral of the country. Anybody who will go to the polls must keep that in mind.

    The other choices are not any better either. Why the Brandywine bay project was not part of the coi is mind boggling. The UK continue to play games to the detriment of the people while these evil men and women continue to play house and pursue the political power.

    Like 8
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  5. Open eyes says:

    What about the taxes how much is the salary after the US and federal taxes are taken out. USVI don’t pay federal but the cost of living is un believable.

    Like 6
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  6. No lies says:

    Yall got to stop the crap about comparing to US. You want to pay the tax rate of the US not to mention the other dozens of random fees of living?

    Like 10
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  7. Lawd send help says:

    What a weak comparative analysis. Comparing the BVI to the USA is like comparing apples to grapes.

  8. Citizen says:

    Election MUST be around the corner. The politician lady didn’t know teacher’s salary was disgraceful before they kicked up. Now all of a sudden, she promising to push for higher pay. Vote them in again and not a thing will change until you hear them again talking in 2027.

    Like 4
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  9. ICU says:

    @citizen if NDP had not stop our increments sum of uor salaryes wud b higher. Don’t blame her. She inherited it and is bearly Ed Min a few months

  10. @ QUESTIONS says:

    either he believe in miracles or CSC has been praying for him ,/ and she looks frightened, she better ask CSC the psychic for guidance on whether to run for her life or go on her knees and beg the lord for help

  11. Starting Salary - for what level and experience? says:

    in Texas “the starting salary is now set at $61,500.00 per annum.”

    So, what level – experience excetera – is the ‘starting salary’ being referred to?

    There is a difference between ‘starting salary’ and ‘entry level” and those in between.

  12. Smh says:

    First off stop comparing to US. BVI always want to follow US instead they be themselves. Yes pay is low I agree but you cannot compare yourself to the US.

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