BVI News

Deal with Belonger backlog, Governor urges

The backlog of applications for residency and Belongership that has existed for nearly a year now must be addressed, Governor John Rankin has expressed.

While acknowledging that the issue of immigration is a sensitive one that is devolved to the local government, Rankin expressed concerns surrounding the matter of the delay in issuing Belongership status to hundreds of applicants.

The governor argued that one of the first considerations in approaching the issue is that the law needs to be applied regarding Belongership applications.

“I know that the Belonger status is a difficult issue, a sensitive issue, which needs to be handled, taking account of all the different factors, but let’s apply the law as it stands at the moment, and let’s deal with that backlog please,” the governor urged.

While the law requires 10 years of residence in the territory before an application can be made, a government policy has for years held that persons must live in the territory beyond 20 years before their application for Belongership can be considered.

“The law was not being applied,” Governor Rankin said.

In the meantime, Governor Rankin said he is looking forward to the review carried out by Kendrick Malone into the issue of the granting of Belongership status, pursuant to the Commission of Inquiry (COI) recommendations, noting that Malone is a highly experienced individual.

The governor pointed out in his last quarterly review of the implementation of COI recommendations that he had made it clear that very little, if anything, appeared to have been done regarding those applications.

“I’m determined, working together with the premier, within whose ministry it falls, to deal with that backlog,” Rankin said, “and get those who are entitled to their status. If they’re entitled to it, they shouldn’t be denied it.”

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  1. Hmm says:

    Be very careful.. the BVI will be upside down with what giving out belonger status can do to a small island nation and Rankin will be long gone living his best life while we suffer . Be very careful .

    Like 17
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  2. Caucasians next says:

    We are slowly giving away this country…Bring back the suggested 7 year policy where they have to leave the country after 7 years and re-apply.

    Like 22
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  3. STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! says:


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  4. Homelessness says:

    Where are these people going to live when they retire, most people can’t afford homes and land here, where are they going to live when they retire and have no income to pay rent and by food. There needs to be a modern and bigger old people’s home .

    Like 6
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  5. solution says:

    Give them rights but stop SELLING THEM OUR LANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Like 6
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  6. Sunshine ☀️ says:

    As he should do ayo could stop dating ayo family lol ?

    Like 6
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  7. Sunshine says:

    Lol look jokes

  8. ?? says:

    What is the rush? They need to institute a cap on how many people gets status each year regardless of how long they have been here. We cannot just give everyone Belonger Status.

    Like 6
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  9. @Hmm says:

    I get your position, but the issue is that people have been resident for such long periods they’re already entitled to residency and they are just being denied their legal rights. Try and imagine how that feels?

    Maybe part of the reason is work permit fees: if they get residency they’re not longer required for pay our $thousands every year. It is not right what is happening. The rule of law must prevail. If you do not like the law then seek to change it for anyone who has not already fulfilled the criteria.

    Like 15
  10. Youth says:

    We need a referendum on the Governor position being an elected position. This is the 21st century & just like the Ministers of Government and all elected officials, the post of Governor needs to be a person who is held accountable to the people and placed in the position by the people and be govern by the laws and not be over the laws.

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  11. Really says:

    The governor said entitled. He actually said entitled. no one is entitled. It is a privilege not a right.

    Like 6
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  12. Backlog says:

    Mr. Gov, every single government office and department has a backlog. Passport office, Immigration, labour, inland rev…all the staff complaining for either shortage of staff, lack of resources or both. Every aspect of governance is important but can we get some every day normalcy here first as a priority and then deal with belonger issues?

    Not against them being worked on but Rankin, we up against a wall right now. Give us some slack for a minute let us fix some stuff

    Like 5
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  13. hmm says:

    Why is there a backlog? How long does it take to determine a yes or no for 1 person? Is this just another case of government workers just not wanting to do any work?

    Like 12
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  14. @ Really says:

    What he’s trying to say is give their application the right to be reviewed as per the law 10 years plus
    and privileges where it’s due ….

  15. @Youth says:

    The governor is England’s representative… He does not represent the people of the BVI that is not his job. So the people of the BVI must choose and elect England’s representative? That make sense to you?

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  16. @ hmmm says:

    Well I applied 4 years ago and legally I met the requirements still waiting…..

    Like 5
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  17. Extra staff says:

    Get extra staff work shifts
    Or just do another fast track
    And yes amend the law after this let ppl Exit and break the cycles

  18. Pond is too small says:

    Belongers are worried about a flood of approvals but the reality is that the BVI population is too small. Pop size is directly correlated to economic growth and the pool of voters is about 30% of the population. With the strict work permit, trade licence and immigration laws already in place there wont be a ‘flood’ but we need to stimulate investment. Not wait until someones been here 35 years – by which time they are old and becoming a drain on the health care system. The treatment of 18 year olds who have been through the school system but left for university is appalling, i know 4 that have come ‘home’ with new business ideas to be denied any rights. The system needs fixes

    Like 6
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  19. yank says:

    times up. the amount of bvi ppl in usa enjoying us residence or citizen, and y’all pull this sht??
    payback coming from US dept. of state and IRS, as prob 1000’s bvi belongers owe us tax. what a set of hypocrates.
    btw, us is richest land on earth from diversity of immigrants. you just killing any chance for bvi to rise. fact.

    belongers – planter class. no difference.
    took masters’ playbook.

  20. Cocoa Tea says:

    True. No land for them Makazema, especially them from cross the place that treated our ancestors badly. Let them live in the sea.

  21. Redstorm says:

    @ really,
    Are you seriously make that statement. Many of the old Folks used to make us believe such a thing being a privilege, most of whom are dead or still at the old people home or sick at home. Now you want tell us the same.

    The governor say according to section so, and so go look it up. The COI people make recommendations to have it reflect the laws. Come on do you due diligence.

  22. @ hmmm says:

    We won’t stay here with you all set of selfish people (some of ) we will go when the governor leave UK ?? will accept us
    Tola will soon be empty selfish set of people some of you !

    Like 2
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  23. @ Caucasian’s says:

    Let me informed you a lot of us hear that policy won’t apply to !
    You all not even like your own islands .
    Like the fast life in America
    FYI the governor taking us with him cause we will move to England soon ? and contribute to a system that appreciates humanity

  24. Wekl go says:

    That why u want belonger right?lolol gi straight uk tben

  25. Gish says:

    The governor just wants his friends to get belonger his rich white friends!!! This bvi going down a bad pathway for christ sake is just 24 square miles leave the people with their belongers some of you just go a bigger country more oppurtunities…why must it be BVI belonger??? THEY CAN NOT GIVE OUT OUT SO MUCH BELONGER IT IS DOES NOT ECONOMICALLY MAKE SENSE!!!! IT MUST BE STAGGERED CHANGE THE DAMN LAW AND THATS IT NATALIO..

  26. Well Sa!! says:

    And how many are your Friends Governor??

  27. Anonymous says:

    There needs to be an immigration policy where the reality of becoming a liability to the peoples and Government is paramount.
    Past and current statistics is a ready measure and predictor More of the same will continue the disaster that we created with immigration. Quality of life has gone to the dogs. There is nothing good to be had now orin the future by continuing on the same path. The path was one created to enable wrong doings by Elected officials and facilitating the drug trade…Poor and illiterate immigrants in large numbers is not conducive to a healthy productive andmindful community .

  28. Guasa guasa says:

    So much so that you criticize the immigrant, you like to have your children in America so they can give you a passport, you are crafty, envious, you don’t like to work and you like to mistreat those who honestly come to work here. If it hurts so much that the immigrant is given that privilege, stop sending them your children off the island and stop giving birth to your children outside of here in the same way that each one of you seeks to give your family a better life, the same way the one who comes here seeks to give the best to his family or they forget their story of when they had to leave tortola because they had nothing and they had to emigrate to bring bread to their family what is the hatred what is the resentment let’s be more humane and think about the rest if you forgot your story start reading early selfish

  29. Hush says:

    Maybe your children born in the US should go back too idiot

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