BVI News

Delinquent fathers to be barred from travelling under upcoming child-support legislation — Premier

Government is introducing a piece of legislation that will prevent delinquent fathers from leaving the territory until they pay any and all outstanding child support debt.

Premier Andrew Fahie said this legislation will be introduced in the British Virgin Islands before June 2020.

Speaking at a media conference on Monday, the Premier said: “I do not know why men go and get children and then don’t support them. I have an issue with that. So, one of the legislation that we are going to bring forward within the next second quarter or so of this year, is that they can’t leave the territory ever again until they pay off their Bill.”

He also said local e-government systems will be used to monitor all government-related activity done by these individuals. This, Fahie said, will ensure they make all the necessary payments.

“Say they have to pay Social Security to get a contract. With the e-government legislation that we are doing, their name will pop up that they owe Inland Revenue or they owe somewhere else, and you are not getting nothing until you pay up that child support and all those other things,” the Premier explained.

Negatively affects children

Premier Fahie further alluded to the negative impact that can result from the actions of fathers who fail to pull their proverbial weight within the family.

He said that, in some cases, children end up turning to a life of crime because they did not have a father figure present.

“We have to understand that when we get children and we don’t support them we are putting them to be a burden on society, and asking a lady to do all of that, to raise the children and to get monies; that is too much and I don’t take that lightly,” Fahie argued.

Along with the female legislators, Premier Fahie said Territorial At-Large Representative Neville Smith and Minister for Health & Social Development Carvin Malone have all been involved with drafting the legislation.

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  1. Roll eyes says:


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  2. yolo says:

    that’s a good plan keep them trap here… all they want to do is travel and spend money on there self and new woman with out looking at there own flesh and blood……”Pay That Bill”……..”Pay That Bill”………

    Like 34
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    • Pay says:

      Why should they pay. This is common throughout the Black world. The men and women have sex with no thought of their actions only their pleasure. Along comes baby, dropped in St Thomas or PR and mother doesn’t know who baby daddy is. Dysfunctional families that create poverty and continued loss of the family unit. Then they seek money from maybe the baby daddy or the US. Leave the men alone. Send the women to jail. They the ones that spread their legs.

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  3. DNA says:

    Should be a requirement before the court decides on child support payment. Half of these ‘mothers’ getting child support from men who are not the father.

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  4. WELL SA!! says:

    What about the mothers who take fathers to court even though they are supporting there child?? they get the money and spend it on themselves and still got the heart/no heart to send the child to the father to ask for extra money.

    Women like that!!!

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  5. YOUTH says:

    As a single mother I applaud the Government for this. Please pass it as soon as possible. A few men around here intend not take care of their children and leave it up to we mothers alone. This is not fair nor right.

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  6. Womankind says:

    I have never seen a man carrying a child in his stomach for 9 months. Some of these women intentionally get pregnant to trap the men into relationships they know the men don’t want and to break up marriages, knowing full well that the men do not want any children because they are not financially equipped to take care of said children. The women are responsible for the children they opted to bring into this world. If the father is helping out, then that is a plus; but some of these women expect the men to carry the full financial strain even though they (the women) are at a better financial standing than the men. I am a woman; and who want to sling mud, be my guest, but you know I speak the truth.

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    • LMAO says:

      How the f*** does a woman intentionally get pregnant? She goes to the man’s facebook page, click download c**k and 9 months later shows up with his child? WTF? There are some bad mothers out there yes and the law should capture these situations as well instead of focusing on men. However, to talk about persons intentionally getting pregnant? If a man doesn’t want a child with a woman he protects himself and vice-versa. This is not the 1950s when it was just plug and play.

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    • hmmm says:

      I feel you on this. A lot of women out here trying to break up homes by getting pregnant and thinking the man is going to stay with them.

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      • wtf? says:

        break up homes? take responsibility for the actions of your pein. you should have thought about your home. A woman have that much power? that mean y’all just lil boys masquerading in grown men bodies.

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    • It takes 2 says:

      I am embarrassed to be a woman and reading this comment… How does a woman intentionally gets pregnant? How does a woman break up a “happy home” if there wasn’t a invitation from a man in the first place?? There is no relationship with just one person. If men don’t want to be fathers they should 1. Make their intentions clear (which they most times do not). 2. Protect THEMSELVES from the consequences of THEIR (both) actions 3. STAY HOME WITH THEIR SIGNIFICANT OTHER SINCE HOME IS SUCH A FREAKING HAPPY PLACE OR 4. Abstain from sex on a whole!! When a woman becomes pregnant there are 2 guilty parties involved and for a WOMAN to say this blame is for WOMEN….u sound unintelligent and sour like this happened to you. Why you gotta come and let everyone know you paying your spouse’s child support??…. #gositdown

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  7. Anon says:

    And what about delinquent mothers who do not abide ie. Court ordered decisions, visitations, basic decency, weaponizing and using the children as a tool against fathers when they are supporting? Fair is fair! The percentage of these cases may be meager, however it does effect all concerned. What about them Mr.Premier will it be reciprocal? I agree 1000% that Children should be cared for by the both parents in this never ending cycle of fatherless situations. Though other cases such as above do fall into the cracks and are not ever mentioned when it is the woman with her ulterior motives.

    Like 11
  8. Anon says:

    And what about delinquent mothers who do not abide ie. Court ordered decisions, visitations, basic decency, weaponizing and using the children as a tool against fathers when they are supporting? Fair is fair! The percentage of these cases may be meager, however it does effect all concerned. What about them Mr.Premier will it be reciprocal? I agree 1000% that Children should be cared for by the both parents in this never ending cycle of fatherless situations. Though other cases such as above do fall into the cracks and are not ever mentioned when it is the woman with her ulterior motives. Give Jack or Jackie their jacket.

  9. Lol says:

    That’s funny cause some of those same ministers might be trapped her.

  10. Money says:

    Court issued lein on their salary or band from conducting business with govt eg trade license renewal/drivers license renewal will be more effective.

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  11. vip heckler says:

    I know of someone big in the VIP party who is a deadbeat dad. I wonder if he will say aye to that bill?

  12. Anonymous says:

    What about fathers that are not from the BVI? Are they going to be kept in the BVI too? The bill will probably be effective for BV Islander fathers but not for fathers that are on work permits.

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  13. Anonymous says:

    Some these women should be smarter than jus get pregnant for some these men who’s jus in the territory working they dont care if he has a wife or kids back in their homeland cant see why some women so foolish jus plain talk tho

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  14. Sassy says:

    Some these women should be smarter than jus get pregnant for some these men who’s jus in the territory working they dont care if he has a wife or kids back in their homeland cant see why some women so foolish jus plain talk tho

  15. Anon says:

    Greedy mothers cause men to run…They go to the court just to be spiteful and expect a man to fold to their unreasonable demands, paying money and not seeing their child. Worst, if you are not a BVIslander and unemployed, they can’t make you stay in the BVI

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  16. lolol says:

    y’all men or should I say little boys are pathetic! How the hell y’all talking about breaking up homes and marriages. did the women tie you to the bed and rape you to get the child? weakling scum doesn’t need to be procreating.

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  17. wow says:

    The BVI is fast becoming a communist state

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  18. Wow says:

    A married man should know his boundaries when he has an affair . That is wrong no excuse BUT the woman – The majority of them use babies to make business . They feel by getting pregnant it traps the man for life When the man leaves they cry foul . Now what should be done to the women who breaks up a marriage or gets pregnant for someone else husband ? What is the penalty for the woman – DEPORTATION?

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  19. SWELLHEADED says:

    Andrew needs to slow his roll at the rate he is going in four years time nuff people wont want to see even his shadow.

  20. Lol says:

    Bvi news always got some bias headings. This article should be read as follows: delinquent parents (males and females) not fathers……

  21. Reality says:

    To avoid all this and end a long story short, men put on your helmet, use condoms.
    This will protect you from making babies and diseases as well.
    Some of you guys are saying that some of the women sleep with more than one guy and they don’t know who the dad is. There’re a number of bad women yes, so protect yourselves.
    In that case do a DNA and if the child is yours, for God Sake, take care of your child.

  22. Fairness says:

    What about the men who do not want women because their preference is being with other men but they pretend to the women that they are straight long enough to get a child and then verbaly and mentally abuse the mother trying all kind of antics to get the child from the mother including turning the child against the mother. Not just the financial aspect should be looked at but the mental and sexual abuse by some of these undercover men.

  23. One eye fowl cock says:

    Keep you leg close If you don’t want to get breed or use a bloddy condom you set of dummies

  24. Fivesense says:

    My 5 cents… what I think should happen here is that any person male or female who has to pay child support, there should be a system set up in Government where the bill shows up where they are unable to obtain Government contract, Passport renewals, driver’s license, business license, etc. The child support fee will have to be paid up just like you taxes. This should work after the courts order you to pay. So it will be mandatory that they will be pay.

  25. Proud Virgin Islander says:

    How many women haven’t successfully raised their child/children independently? A man can say the child is not his, but a woman can’t. As the old saying goes “ban yo belly and raise yo chile”.

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