BVI News

Deputy Governor speaks out as political arena muddies in BVI

Deputy Governor David Archer, Jr.

As unsavoury behaviour continues to pollute parts of the political environment ahead of the 2019 General Elections, Deputy Governor David Archer, Jr has now spoken out against such conduct.

In a statement issued on Friday, the deputy governor made specific mention of the vandalism of political posters as well as what he described as a thread of “inappropriate memes” circulating on local social media platforms.

He then reminded election candidates and their supporters of the political code of conduct that is now in effect.

Archer noted Section 6(d) of the code which is so funny: “No political party or any of its members or supporters, and no candidate or any of his or her supporters, may damage or deface property, including the election posters, placards, banners and other election material of another party or candidate, and any posters or other voter education materials disseminated by the Office of the Supervisor of Elections.”

He also noted Section 2(iii) of the code which specifically speaks against defamation of character.

At least one political candidate, Dr Hubert O’Neal of the NDP, is claiming that he was defamed by a member of another party — the VIP.

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  1. Masta Mason says:

    Yeah yeah whatever bowtie

    Like 13
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  2. Thank you! says:

    Thank you Mr. Archer. This behaviour needs to stop if for nothing else but the goodness of our country.

    Like 19
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  3. Ok says:

    The green slime is at it again and are getting more and more desperate. We should expect things to hit rock bottom within the coming days because they cannot win the election on the issues, they have to win on fear mongering and nasty behavior.

    Like 16
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    • Hmm? says:

      While I am happy that the Gov spoke out about this, I find it hard to believe that a party would hurt another while pointing fingers at themselves. I think this green spray is staged.

      Like 10
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  4. RealPol says:

    Deputy Gov, let people campaign; politics is not for choir boys or girls. It is a rough and tumble business that is not for over sensitive souls. A political rally or townhall or announcing…..etc is not a church service nor a board meeting for the prim and proper in empty suits or skirts. For the winers and over sensitive souls, there is libel and slander remedy. If the heat is too hot, they need to run away from the kitchen.

    Furthermore, the process is self-regulating; voters will regulate the process. Voters/electorate is mature enough to either reward or punish parties/individuals for what is communicated on the campaign trail. We should not ket our personal preferences, influence, power……..etc put handcuffs on free speech, freedom of the press……etc. Do voters celebrate political mudslinging, energetic talk show…….etc? Does less than positive sell news magazine, movies, newspapers…….etc.

    Like 16
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    • Anonymous says:

      Bull crap, speak what what the country and people needs and articulate how you will go about getting it/them provided for/done.

      If you you want to s–t, go to the s–t room or out house..

      Decency always, nastiness never!! May the best minds and platforms win!

      Like 10
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  5. Staff says:

    Question: How do would you handle this mess. Yesterday the NDP organization was at the hospital to give token of appreciation to hospital staff. It was shut down by the Governor. I would like to know what discipline will be given for this?

    Like 9
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    • Anonymous says:

      I think when a foreigner shuts down the only major health provider in the country, its political leaders need to take a step back and reconsider its relationship with the power structure that foreigner represents.

      Like 4
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  6. Me again says:

    @ staff
    You say “ token “ of what ? ( chii chinnggg)
    Didnt know We had a train / bus station in bvi that we giving out / using “ tokens”
    Please clear the air on this

    • Staff says:

      @me again:

      They were handing out gift bags to employees of the organization on Valentine’s Day as appreciation for their hard work or so we thought. The governor put a stop to it shortly after they started because this was allergedly not approve and also it will be view as a bribe. They move it off the compound but was in the parking lot handing them out. You probably saw them while driving by. Just to let you know they had in nothing to call home to mother about.

      Like 1
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  7. hog city says:

    Where was he when they (ndp) nearly killed hon frazer last election?

  8. Please says:

    Archer you and your bosses are a bunch of hypocrites why dont you all put a code of conduct in the house of assembly which has ethically and morally drop its standards.

    It is the only house of assembly in the world where ministers can have extra marital affairs and still able to hold office.

    Like 13
    • @Please says:

      I often wonder the same thing. Every last one of those no good men sitting in H– is doing there wives dirty. Some do it on the downlow and others is just plain out bold. If feel bad for the wives,that shows that they have no respect for the wives and the wives is the laughing stocks. Two try to holla my way. I have even heard people saying that the wives of the P———- don’t have the looks or it factor to be a —— —-.

  9. Reality says:

    Dear reporter of BVI news “why is the code funny” please explain

  10. Finally says:

    A member of the NDP continue to defame the character members of the VI P and independent candidates too

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