Don’t be ungrateful! Premier slams those who disregard govt’s efforts

“It seems to me that some persons only wake up every day and look for whatever it is that they feel is going wrong. Even when you fix it, they move on to the next thing – they don’t’ even say thanks,” the Premier said during the House of Assembly last evening, September 22.
He also roundly chastised public servants for being ungrateful, after they were made to wait several years before finally receiving their long overdue increments through his administration’s efforts.
“Before we took office, none of them got any increments at all – not one. And you didn’t hear a cry. We gave the 2016 [increments] and before they — some of them; not only some — get it, they even didn’t say thanks. ‘Where the next one?’, [they ask],” the Premier said.
He added: “[They’re] just like a fowl, done eat and wipe he mouth and gone.”
He then stated that most persons expressed thanks, adding that they had worked for their increments.
Numerous financial challenges
The Premier, who is also the territory’s Finance Minister, indicated the numerous financial challenges the BVI faced as a result of the pandemic as well as what he called the ‘ill-advised’ decisions made by a previous government that has cost the territory several million to remedy.
Despite this though, the Premier said his government has made several strides that have resulted in significant political achievements.
Premier Fahie also complained that the government was being blamed unnecessarily for many of the ails experienced by persons across the territory when many of these issues were either self-inflicted or caused because of management deficiencies.
“Yes, we have some failures. Which government doesn’t? But I want our people not to become ungrateful. Look where the Lord bring us from Irma and Maria. Look where the Lord carry us thus far through this COVID,” he stated.
This reduced budget rescued BVI
He made those comments while making contributions about the adjusted budget that passed in the House of Assembly late Wednesday evening.
The Premier explained that with this reduced budget, the government has rescued the territory from facing any deficit spending, even in the face of increased expenditure which comes largely as a result of the global pandemic.
He said this challenge came at a time when the government has had reason to caution some public officers and remind them that the territory is simply not out of the woods yet.
He advised that other countries across the globe are also experiencing deficit spending because of the effects of COVID-19.
The Premier further pointed out that the government has spent more than $70 million in efforts at keeping the territory safe from COVID-19. He added, if one were to also count the cost associated with keeping public officers hired, this figure would balloon to well over $200 million.
“Some people think because COVID-19 is not like a hurricane or earthquake or any major natural disaster — where you can physically see the damage and see that we’ve been through … that unless it’s like that, we’re not going through anything,” he commented.
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“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked rule, the people moan.”
Fahie the di***tor is right.
We should say thanks to the Dear Leader for trashing the economy, ruining our lives and livelihoods, driving tourism away for years, and raising the cost of living.
Thank you sir. Thank you.
driving away tourism for years??? now we see who ungrateful…the Premier was so right.
Yes he did. Covid policies proved too restrictive and shut down hotels, BnBs, restaurants, charter companies, etc, etc.
For a year and a half, tourists have gone elsewhere. Ask the USVI as they were and are rolling in the dollars with overflow tourists.
Charter boats that were locked out of the BVI ran through the USVI and their guests LOVED IT. The boats did too as they didn’t pay all of the exorbitant fees we charge. So where do you think they’ll be next year or the ones after that. Nope we lost them…
So yes, he drove tourism away. And I thank him with a sarcastic one finger salute
Wow Foy was a teacher?!!!!!!
He sounds like a chile.
Did he actually called those workers a fowl?
Well Jesus. I am sure most of the fowls voted for him. He should be embarrassed of himself. Wow.
when the “government” decide their best policy is to criticise the people. Notice how the ruling party has lined up, one after the other, in desperation, to lambast employers, workers, expats, industry. Fahie, Smith, D6 woman, Wheatley et al.
Remember this is the gang that refused the $700m guaranteed by UK after Irma, which would have put the Territory on a sound footing before Covid. A legacy that we are living with, and Trappist silence on the pandemic of drugs that has overtaken the BVI. All we got was CCTV on the bins.
You Better go and ACCOUNT for that Farmers and Fishers Stimulus. EVERY SINGLE DIME. Setta Dishonesty!
Public service speak for a salary raise not justified by performance!
Can someone explain government pay scales for me? Does each band have annual increments through the scale which is paid more or less automatically, or is increase subject to performance interview. Once reaching the top of the scale is one stuck there until one hopefully gets promotion to a higher grade? I dont understand how government can interfere with established pay structures. Are they talking about “increments” or pay rises?
To much people struggling under you administration…….y’all don’t even care to have a proper sit down with the people…
Andrew Fahie, your tenure has been good for your family, it has been good for your friends, it has been good for your sponsors, but it has not been good for the wider community. If you believe it has, you are severely deluded!
Agreed. His suits got bigger
Sheep called us beggars and now the chief calling us ungrateful
Voters’ memories are short. But I know where to place my X.
At least you can vote, only a tiny minority who think they are gods gift to humanity can vote here, 30,000 people and only 5000 are local and about half of them can vote , its not democracy , the only thing we seem to be good for is the stealth taxes he brings in every 5 mins to punish expats, cert of good standing for example, why do we need to do this every year , oh of cause so they can get a $100 dollars out of all of them , this does not impact any local ( they need to have jobs for a start)
That’s not really a speech from a mature leader to the people who he will be counting on for votes in the next elections….
What happened to dignity and grace in the utterance of our elected leaders? Do they need to pay a political consultant to advise them that such increasing tendency to gaslighting, quarrelling, bickering and brawling is disgustingly childish and crude? Why are they wasting good speech time being so cantankerous and defensive to the point of being paranoid of any suspicion of different opinion or position. Confident leadership need not devote so much time reacting to every little criticism under the sun! Come on!
They are building evidence for why they really do actually need political advisors. Just in case COI get on to that crony/backhander exercise, they can point to these idiotic statements to prover they are clueless without some advice.
You know who UNGRATEFUL ……….when you figure it out then you will understand the rest.
Ungratefulness is turning your back on the voters who put your party in power while you only taking care of your close friends, political candidates and family
“It seems to me that some persons only wake up every day and look for whatever it is that they feel is going wrong. Even when you fix it, they move on to the next thing – they don’t’ even say thanks,” the Premier said during the House of Assembly last evening, September 22.
Thanks? We should tell the Government who we elected, thanks? For what? Cutting some bush? Fixing few pot holes? Thanks?
Despite this though, the Premier said his government has made several strides that have resulted in significant political achievements.
Name one then?
Mr. Fahie likens civil servants to ungrateful fowls, who “… done eat and wipe he mouth and gone.”
(Foul equal female; rooster equal male. A former educator? Hmmm)
Imagine that. Civil servants are now ungrateful fowls who should show gratitude for getting a few crumbs from the table. Crumbs oh by the way that were due them like forever.
He seems to take praise in being the one to drop the few crumbs on these ungrateful fowls after he has spent money on other questionable areas.
Civil servants were due that increment, so be it his government or not, it was due them.
This notion of gratitude is rank with disrespect. Increments owed should not be a personal thing that is deserving of gratitude once given.
If people are owed an increment, give it, and cut all the gratitude crap. You are doing your job and what you promised you would do on the campaign trail.
No one owes the government some big thank you for for what is owed to them.
Next election, if the COI does not speed things up, he is guaranteed to see the bottoms of many ungrateful fowls when he comes looking for votes.
Fowls have memories, and they will not forget the insult they received for getting what was due them.
You, whoever you are.
Thank you.
This comment was it.
Perfect picture – Looking down his nose at us. COI please act and put and end to this.
?? coming
Andrew Fahie If you said these things that are in this article you are a disgrace to the BVI and its people. No need to say more because most people of the BVI know that you are not fit for this job, It’s a wonder you are not looking for a tip for all that you said you did.
spoken like a true career politician. Looks like it’s time for someone to leave politics and start to appreciate who should be grateful of what…
To ‘fight’ Covid. What a load of “[They’re] just like a fowl, done eat and wipe he mouth and gone.”
No. 1, some people rather be a FOWL than a FOOL.
No. 2, come next election some people may
end up running around begging for scraps, which is the X they need people to mark on the ballots.
For one to actually sit and think in their mind and heart of people as fowls and of themself as that person who is just throwing the left over scraps to the fowls, then wanting a whole “thank you” in return, some people really need to stay humble.
The audacity of U andrew the people elected Uwe dont owe non.Did it come out of ur personal.coffer that we’ve to say thanks ?This is not a true elected.U didn’t do for so thanks GOD My conscience is clear.GOD IS GOOD.
You are voted in position to do a job !! You are overseeing the process .: You are paid to lead , you run for the position , the money you give out, the projects you complete is not money from your salary . It comes from the Govt purse .
Ungrateful is using one’s personal salary and giving it to folks who shows no appreciation to the giver . NOT GOVERNMENT SPENDING. Hehe
You want a thank you for finally doing what’s right by the people? Your administration have continued to display poor economic practices and schemes of self sustainability within yall selves. With the ability to improve lives across this territory you’ve further taken advantage of our people and our finances. Shame on this administration
Don’t be ungrateful ye peasants,!!!!
Big Head Andy…wow! He need to go sit down. But before doing so, pls call a snap election. Many ppl would like to show their gratitude by electing the other guy. He sounds like a gangster rather than a leader.