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DR man granted $50K bail after allegedly brandishing machete at debtor

A Dominican Republic man was granted $50,000 bail after he allegedly visited another man’s home and brandished a machete.

Charged with aggravated burglary is Alquimedes Rabsatt of an unspecified local address.

Rabsatt was not required to plead when he appeared before Magistrate Ayanna Baptiste-DaBreo on Thursday.

This is because the matter is indictable, which means it is triable before a judge and jury in the high court.

What the court heard happened

The court heard that about 2:30 pm on September 20, the accused man entered into the home of another man in Purcell Estate while he was having lunch.

Rabsatt allegedly began accusing the victim of owing him money for a job he had done.

The court heard that the alleged victim in the matter refused to give him any money. Up his refusal, Rabsatt allegedly swung the previously-concealed machete in the alleged victim’s direction. 

The man then began screaming for help. He reportedly fled to his bathroom, closed the door and continued shouting for help.

It was during that time some of his neighbours heard the cries and allegedly observed the Rabsatt leaving the premises with the machete still in hand.

The matter was reported to the police and Rabsatt was subsequently charged.

During a cautioned interview, Rabsatt allegedly admitted to the offence.


With no objections to bail from the Crown, Rabsatt was granted bail.

Rabsatt, who is unrepresented, was ordered to have no contact with the reported victim or other witnesses in the matter.

He was also told surrender his travel documents and report to the Road Town Police Station every Monday and Friday between 6 am to 6 pm.

The matter was adjourned to October 24.


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  1. unfortunately says:

    These people here like to owe too doggone much…Bunch ah bad pays

    Like 15
  2. I believe the man says:

    No one is going to show up at your place where You live with a weapon looking to get paid for what is owed to them.You people like to hire people to work and then go ghost when It is time to pay up.Sorry to say It but one of you no pay people is going to get messed up real good.You dont’t take advantage of anyone like that.

    Like 19
  3. Well okay now says:

    Yeah he owe the man money. He kept on dipping and dodging the man. Bet when he see that machette up in the air he rang off screaming like a little girl and locked himself in the bathroom. Stop trying to play people and lie. If you had give the man his money this would have been avoided.No one works for free.

    Like 17
  4. Come on dude says:

    You try to cheat the man out of the money after he did some work for You.I dont’t condone what he did, but you set him off to do what he did.You dont’t play with peoples money. I dont’t care where the man is from, you don’t do that to people. I know one who is out here selling fish who is famous for doing S**t like that to people when they work for him.

    Like 10
  5. John says:


    Pay the man, you don’t know what he might be going through. Don’t play like that with people.

    Like 7
    Dislike 1
  6. Just sickeing says:

    I dont’t think the guy was going to hurt the fool. He was Just fusterated and angry because he was owed the money for the work he did and he keep getting the run around. A lot of people hire these poor people to do work for them and then they shaft the people. And for real, one of you dead beats is going to get your A**es whipped real good or worse for taking advantage of people.

  7. Shamed and Disgusted says:

    I have someone who comes in to do my yard work and I have never cheated the man out of a dollar. I leave his pay and a tip in a secret spot in the back yard only him and I knows about. I work and If my employer don’t pay me, I would be pissed of. Don’t treat people like that,

  8. Riley Freeman says:

    That tigga going pay what he owe

    • Okayyyyy says:

      He began screaming for help and bolted to the bathroom and locked himself in to escape the plan A**ing he was about to recieve from the machette. LMAO. Mr, I bet you will remember that day when you decide to use another person like that. If you have no intention of paying a person to do a job,then do It your damn self.

  9. Yeah says:

    He took off like a bat out of hell running for cover behind the lock bathroom door when he saw that cutlass surface.Honestly, I dont’t think the man was going to hurt him, the man was Just fusterated.That was not right.That man have bills Just like everyone else. No good will come to you people who have people work and then you refuse to pay them. That is Just plain out cruel,demeaning and cold hearted. Shame on you people.

  10. Magistrate says:

    pay the man is money evil and wicked man the judge need to let this man walk free i use to work by a gas station in road town and for weeks am working and couldnt get pay for weeks i couldnt fine my boss for weeks and i have my kids to feeds ayo need to make this a example for these people out there you love put people to work and dont want to pay i bet you my last dollar he will never do somebody else like that caz he will alawys remember this day when the man pull a prank oh he lol

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