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Education Minister questions Opposition tactics

Education Minister Sharie deCastro

Education Minister Sharie de Castro has condemned what she described as the Opposition’s tactics during a House of Assembly debate last week, accusing them of attempting to mislead the public about government procedures and timelines.

De Castro made these remarks while defending the government’s $100 million loan resolution to fund critical infrastructure projects in the territory.

While speaking in support of the loan resolution, de Castro suggested that the Opposition was intentionally distorting the reality of government processes. She claimed that Opposition members were trying to create an impression that government projects only advanced when under pressure, particularly following a recent attempt at an Opposition no-confidence motion.

“The Opposition would stand here and seek to have the public believe that because they brought a motion of no confidence, somehow the government was able to quickly get into gear and start fixing roads,” de Castro said.

The minister explained that projects like road repairs and water infrastructure had been in the planning stages for months, delayed only by the necessary processes and paperwork. She argued that the government’s commitment to transparency and adherence to proper procedures meant that these projects could not happen overnight.

“The transparency that the public is asking for cannot happen at the snap of a finger,” she noted. “The same tender processes, the same RFPs (requests for proposals)—they take time.”


She also criticised the Opposition for contradicting themselves by calling for more transparency while simultaneously pressuring the government for quicker results. “It’s either we want to do it right and transparently, or we revert to practices that we’ve criticised in the past,” she added.

De Castro also challenged the Opposition’s claims regarding the government’s alleged inactivity on infrastructure improvements. She suggested that the Opposition was downplaying the progress that had already been made, particularly in road repairs and education.

De Castro singled out the Opposition’s failure to support government initiatives, particularly those in education, where she has been pushing for additional funding. According to the second-term legislator, the Opposition was silent when she lobbied for more funding in the budget. She further contended that more progress could have been made if they supported her requests.

De Castro also addressed claims that the Virgin Islands School of Technical Studies was being closed, calling them unfounded. The minister also noted that the school receives loan funding to develop technical and vocational education further. “As far as I know, it’s currently open, very much so. And it’s excelling and its mandate is being operationalised and expanded, because we understand that there is a need for additional technical skills in our territory,” she remarked.

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  1. Come for her please says:

    Somebody please come get this 8th grader from here. She knows not what she is doing or saying. I am extremely concerned about the education system under her watch. She was horrible teacher for the 39 days that she taught for and she is an even worse minister.

    Like 18
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  2. VIP on the move says:

    It is encouraging to witness Cabinet members now pushing back against the false narratives being disseminated to the public. As the Minister aptly notes, the opposition has consistently failed to support and fund key government initiatives—in several ministries—while simultaneously claiming that no progress is being made. This is a calculated strategy designed to ensure that the Wheatley administration achieves little, if anything. Yet, they are being outmaneuvered, and the public is beginning to see tangible results emerge. One understands the role of opposition in holding the government accountable and providing balance, but there is a marked difference between responsible oversight and willful obstruction. While it may not align with the opposition’s political interests to see the Wheatley administration succeed, there are moments that demand the priority of country over party. This is indisputably one of those times.

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  3. Truth says:

    “The transparency that the public is asking for cannot happen at the snap of a finger,” she noted. “The same tender processes, the same RFPs (requests for proposals)—they take time.”

    Becareful what you wish for! I am no fan of deCastro but she is correct here. All this tendering, transparency and stupid talk is what has us in this mess. By the time they go through these paper tiger processes, everything has already gone to s**t. Keep up the good work of pushing paper and stalling progress.

    Like 2
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  4. Mr maggoo says:

    Please tell me when you will back the money you flr your mom’s car repairs/Your man cards they cometalk

    Like 14
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  5. Mr maggoo says:

    Please tell me when you will back the money you flr your mom’s car repairs/Your man cards they come talk

    Like 3
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  6. Disinterested says:

    I have no dog in this fight but does the government have a majority in the HoA to pass additional funding for education if it desired? Under Westminster system, a sitting government always have the votes to pass legislation, does it not? The Opposition job is not to hold hands with government and sing kumbaya.

    Like 15
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    • @ Disinterested says:

      Wondering myself what point she was trying to make?

      They are the majority. Did they not move ahead and approve the $100 million loan without the opposition’s approval

      Like 12
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  7. SMH says:

    Waste of votes

  8. 8th Grader says:

    This is a Disgrace to All 8th Graders. Shouldn’t even be allowed in the HOA. Should be up Balo probably holding Hands with the Inmates up there. Some Nerves. Gal go sit down from talking P**s. Nobody wants to hear from you.

    Like 8
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    is saying )> and now a word to ya’ll OPPOSITION over there , ya’ll can’t even unite AMD work TOGETHER , AND NOW YA’LL WANT TO FLEX OFF ON THIS CHILD

    Like 3
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  10. She is b*d says:

    Tell mommy to bring back the tax players money for the car brakes and tell short foot to bring back our belongers and the money he get to pay his credit card.

    Like 7
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  11. My people says:

    Leh we all question where that stimulus money went

  12. The real question says:

    When the education of the education minister is the real question. Children belong in the house, not in the house of assembly.

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