BVI News

Elected leaders deserve same grace as top cop

Hosts of the Talking Points radio show have pointed out a double standard in the treatment that former Governor John Rankin meted out to elected leaders and his compatriot Police Commissioner Mark Collins.

The hosts said elected leaders have dropped the ball on implementing promised recommendations made by the COI and deserved the pressure the former Governor placed on them. But they said there have been a few instances where Commissioner Collins seemingly dropped the ball in his line of work, but was given a free pass by former Governor Rankin.

“There were many instances where his (Police Commissioner) judgement was questioned and how many benefits of the doubt does one get? Because it certainly seems like when the shoe is on the other foot, it’s one strike and you’re off and then you have to prove your innocence. Whereas in this instance (matters with the Police Commissioner), it seems you’re innocent until proven guilty. The double standard needs to be called out,” host Elvin Grant stated.

His co-host Damion Grange agreed that there is a double standard, adding that Governor Rankin often accepted the Commissioner’s points of view without investigating, despite how the community felt about the top cop’s actions.

“I agree with you that the same grace is seemingly not given to locals who may fall under similar scrutiny,” Grange explained.

In recent times, sections of the community have been calling for Commissioner Collins to be investigated, saying that some of his actions have fallen below the desired standards for his office.

In the meantime, the hosts also called for the Governor to pay the same attention to crime and violence that the COI implementation process is being given.

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  1. Be fair says:

    Talk the thing

  2. Cry me a river says:

    corrupts sh**s

  3. See Beacon article says:

    I didn’t vote for the commissioner. I voted for these slimeballs in the HOA some of which from the VIP accepted 87k from FAHEY’s deal with the mexican drug ppl

    • Hmmm says:

      I wonder if anyone in media has the cohones to ask the VIP members how does it feel to have spent drug money and what have they done to account for this money

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  4. BuzzBvi says:

    Classic VI thinking. Because others are corruot andbdo bad things, we demand to be able to do it to. Never thoughts of doing better and not being corrupt or self serving. That others do it does not make it right for them orfor you. We want better.

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  5. bvi eyes open says:

    Honestly the top brace in the rvipf is fast asleep, there is a Jamaican ring being established in the force, the Jamaican husband and wife who believe that they are the brightest in the history of the rvipf, used their influence to recruit all their Jamaican buddies, even when background check was made and serious red flags came up against these Jamaican transferees, they were still accepted, we need to take back the rvipf from the claws of these Jamaicans, they do not mean well for this Territory.

    Like 5
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    • Ok then says:

      Officer, your xenophobic vitriole is on full display and you might also be presenting signs of a rather small brain. The first problem might be treatable, but I fear the latter is a permanent affliction. Consider getting help; fast.

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    • Ok then... says:

      Officer, your xenophobic vitriole is on full display and you might also be presenting signs of a rather small brain. The first problem might be treatable, but I fear the latter is a permanent affliction. Consider getting help; fast.

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    • Projection says:

      Projection is attributing your shortcomings and mistakes to others in order to protect your ego.

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    • Smh says:

      You Mr or Ms Bvi eyes open, you are a disgrace to the human race, your parents should have done the honorable thing by flushing you in the toilet or pit latrine to save the world and the rvipf from a waste matter like you.

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  6. The truth is... says:

    Jamaicans need to go back home to fight their Country of crime.

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    • Yea says:

      @the truth is, I agree with your comment, but since the top brass of the force knows what is best for the country and the force we will continue to employ and keep them here, they are the ones doing the work and keeping the force afloat, so keep your xenophobic comments to yourself and the others that follow.

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  7. SOME AH U says:

    still has a personal vendetta with Collins because he exposed what is really happening in this once peaceful and Quiet island where only (xenophobia) which was and still is a serious problem we live with / but that horrific and brutal execution style killing of a human in fish bay is real ,and
    We are lucky / thank GOD no one got killed in that brazen daylight robbery in road town / the pier park robbery was the first ,now we are left wondering when those wannabe bad boyz are gonna strike next and where ❓️ luckily the workers are young , those kind of things can cause a heart attack to older persons (while the hypocrites only singing racism songs as an excuse to hide their guilty conscience / which is being exposed slowly but surely , one by one ( the country really needs a cleansing from these power hungry fakes

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  8. Thoughtful Sailor says:

    Surely it is obvious that the HOA members and other officials mentioned on the COI have more than one strike against them? Maybe quite a few?

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