BVI News

Elected officials will no longer be responsible for social assistance grants

A section of Tortola. (BVI News photo)

The government will be moving from its hybrid social assistance system to a central-standardised institutional system where the Social Development Department will be solely responsible for providing social assistance to residents.

The previous system saw the public assistance programme run by the Social Development Department alongside the House of Assembly assistance grants programme and the provision of ministry assistance grants.

However, under the new proposed systems, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley said they will transition from elected representatives and Ministries having a hand in providing social assistance.

“While these arrangements were originally established to assist persons in need in our communities, the socio-economic challenges of the territory have grown beyond the ability of the current system to address. A different more effective approach is needed. One that is more structured, targeted and gets to the root cause of the problems that persons face so that long-term solutions can be found, especially those of a socio-economic nature,” Dr Wheatley said in a press statement yesterday.

“The Social Development Department will be the primary vehicle through which this happens, but with added capacity and resources,” the Premier said.

Dr Wheatley added that the transition is currently being initiated and it will be led by Minister for Social Development Marlon Penn who should be updating the public further in the coming weeks.

“The Government of National Unity will ensure that as this transition takes place, persons currently receiving critical social assistance will not be adversely affected by the changes being made. I also want to reassure you, and anyone who wishes to apply for social assistance in the future, that every effort will be made to maintain your confidentiality under the new system,” the Premier said.

“To be clear, we are transitioning away from your elected representatives and ministries providing social assistance to this function being done primarily by the Social Development Department. We will ensure that those in need, persons with disabilities, our golden gems, and others, will not suffer while the new system is being formulated and implemented,” Dr Wheatley added.

He said that in this new era of democratic governance, his government will try to renew the Virgin Islands and transform it into one that delivers for all people. The Premier added that he is confident this can be accomplished together as a community.

“I do want to remind you that change will be hard. It will be painful. People we know and care about will be affected. However, in the end, it will be for the betterment of these Virgin Islands that we love so much,” Dr Wheatley said.

“While we carry out reform, the new Cabinet and junior ministers will continue working diligently to ensure the operations of government continue with respect to our schools, hospitals, clinics, and other important public services. I want to assure you that we are working in the best interest of the people of the Virgin Islands,” he added.

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  1. Careful says:

    “anyone who wishes to apply for social assistance in the future, that every effort will be made to maintain your confidentiality under the new system”

    This is the very problem. You want Public money, but it needs to be ‘hush hush’. The attempt to circumnavigate transparency once again is very apparent.

    This is Public money, and because of that we (the Public) have every right to know where it is going and who is getting it, and that the standards are all the same.

    Like 33
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    • redstorm says:

      Careful, I love that you brought your comment the forum. Public should not be told everything, as some do not know how to handle certain information. Exposing the people information is subject to the privacy and confidential human / civil rights.

      However, it should not never be done with the Farmers and Fisher Folks. There should have been an investigation to see if people actually own farm and fishing boat, before they were given the money . Hence, those who now have new car, motorbike and truck instead to planting and catching fish.

      Like 17
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    • redstorm says:

      Careful, I love that you brought your comment the forum. Public should not be told everything, as some do not know how to handle certain information. Exposing the people information is subject to the privacy and confidential human / civil rights.

      However, it should not never be done with the Farmers and Fisher Folks. There should have been an investigation to see if people actually own farm and fishing boat, before they were given the money . Hence, those who now have new car, motorbike and truck instead to planting and catching fish.

  2. Smack dab says:

    Oh oh, how then are these elected officials going to win Re-election?

    Like 23
  3. need to know says:

    Will all the stolen crown land that was taken by elected past and present government officials,for their family members, be returned and sold fairly to whomever really need them?

    Just saying, if you fixing one; then fix them all.

    Like 34
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    • Legal problem says:

      Look how the death estates of some former politicians haven’t been settled yet because the family cannot explain where all the millions came from. Corruption and theft have been ingrained for years and some “heroes” of our country were nothing more than criminals, stealing from their people.

  4. Good Decision says:

    Finally, this is a good move. Get it out of those politicians hands. They like to wield that power over the persons who they help like Lords over the people

    Like 18
  5. The TRUTH says:

    Yes, remove the sycophants that stay attached to the government’s nipple and let the people that really need help get it.

    Like 13
  6. Cato says:

    BVI has a Social Services, yet Government officials were heavily involved in this mess. Let social services do their job, despite the fact that they too will be bias.

    If people genuinely need assistance let them find themselves by FSN, Social Security or Social Security.

  7. ? says:

    Will these Elected officials ,still have the privileges to sponcer this and that in their name with taxpayers money.?

  8. Bad idea says:

    Keeping this ‘free money’ system inside the BVI government. The UK governor’s office should handle all public assistance programs and grants NOT the Social

    Like 5
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  9. Bad idea says:

    Keeping this ‘free money’ system inside the BVI government. The UK governor’s office should handle all social assistance grants NOT the Social Development Department.

  10. family says:

    Welcome to the new food stamps department center, I’ll be in the system.

    Like 3
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  11. lol says:

    Its gonna be friends and family alone getting along with those hungry a**e island people

    Like 3
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  12. Shine light says:

    Good. That was one of the recommendations of the COI. All the monies given to the reps for discretionary spending can now go to Social Development and any other agencies that provide assistance.

  13. Bystander says:

    Well under the leadership of A M-F and others poor people dead now. We know that department does not like persons that are no sons and daughters of the soil with their type of last names.

    Like 3
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  14. Amen says:


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