BVI News

Election day February 25!

It’s been called. The 2019 General Elections will be held on February 25.

Premier Dr D Orlando Smith announced the much-anticipated election date inside the House of Assembly in Road Town on Wednesday.

The announcement came shortly after he declared the House dissolved.

Five known political organisations have declared that they will contest the 2019 General Elections. Those included the Julian Fraser-led Progressives United, the Ronnie Skelton-led Progressive Virgin Islands Movement, and the traditional political parties — the National Democratic Party and the Virgin Islands Party headed by Myron Walwyn and Andrew Fahie, respectively.

The fifth party is the newly-formed Reform Action Alliance but it has not announced any of its candidates since launching on January 1.

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  1. Bossman says:

    Good! Same day NDP gone!!!

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  2. Wait and aee says:

    UK going take control and they putting Dancia to hold the fort. Election date set but nomination day ain’t coming.

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  3. vip says:

    time to get things in order.

    dont forget to take back the days Carrot Bay missed for festival bring back the hype Premier fahie.

    but on a real I aint hear nobody talking about pputting an island wide plan for diaster like Irma cause gov fail beg time by not reassuring people during hard hard hard times messon.

    Like 15
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  4. Wow says:

    Thumbs up if you VIP going win

    Thumbs down if ndp going win.

    Like 45
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  5. Hmm says:

    Thumbs up if you vip going win

    Thumbs down if PVIM going win

    Like 41
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  6. ???? says:

    33 days away

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  7. Haha says:

    Let’s send NDP on the vacation they earned and deserve.

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  8. Concerned Citizen says:

    Thank you Dr. Smith for your years of service. You are a humble man.

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  9. Eagle eye says:

    Pickering and all want to be politicians can now come out of the closet

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  10. ndp heckler says:

    I am so glad that the NDP rein is over. We survived hurricanes irma, maria and the NDP

    Like 45
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    • Haha says:

      We ain’t survive yet. Just wait until the state of the territory address when the new Premier announce the damage that has been done as a result of the last 8 years.

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  11. Vg gal says:

    U sound like a idiot

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    • Fahie says:

      When fahie get in I hope he gives us the answer. Even if it is your friend fahie spill it! Otherwise you going to the left to the left. Everything you own in a box to the left.

  12. ndp heckler says:

    Where is the 7.2 million dollars?

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  13. Political Intelligence says:

    This territory cannot afford to have VIP (——-, who has a history to wash and tumble dry monies). We can’t afford S——— who is divisive and less liberal than (Walwyn). We cant have supper corrupt J——– to crookishly share off monies to himself, family and cronies.

    W—– aint squeaky clean, but he is the best of the options.

    The NDP is now virtually a brand new party. Senile Orlando is no longer the head and it has new candidates.

    VOTE WITH YOUR INTELLECT AND NOT YOUR RUSH BLOOD EMOTIONS FOR CHANGE. Change made now in the party for power will be the worst thing, cause no ohther aint better and the NDP right now.

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    • Haha says:

      This is one of the dumbest comments ever. You called Dr. Smith senile and then recommended Myron. If you were paying attention you would know that Myron pledged to hire Dr. Smith as an adviser if he wins. Only a j@ck@$$ would rely on a senile person for advice.Secondly Dr. Smith resigned from running for office only. He is still a part of the NDP. How can the party be a new party when the players remain the same. Getting 4 new candidates this term does not mean that the party is different. All were members of the NDP behind the scenes. $7.2 million disappear and we have nothing to show for it that sounds like the wash and tumble you talking about.

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      • Political Intelligence says:

        And You are one of the dumbest thinkers ever. The BVI is lacking options, fortunately or unfortunately the best option remains with the NDP. Despite if Orlando is given an advisory role (that’s advisory, not decision making).

        The persons responsible for alot of the political bad are gone from the party (please think). Why dont you mention the bad the VIP and Andrew has done as well? Compare the good and bad on both sides and come back and tell me who is on top.

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        • Haha says:

          First of all change that name. There is no political intelligence whatsoever. By your own words Dr Smith is senile. Would you hire a senile person in an advisory role or any role at all? No but your best option promised to hire a “senile person” in an advisory role. Your words not mine. There is no debating the stupidity of your previous comments. Case closed. There is no comparison we have a NDP party that has been in power for the last 8 years. Their record speaks for itself. Any bad that you can mention that VIP did does not shine a bad light on most of the current members of VIP as only Andrew was an elected member. Too bad the same cant be said of Myron, Marlon, Mark, Hubert and Alvera.

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  14. E. Leonard says:

    The BVI was shocked by the historic flood of August 2017 and the Sep 2017 catastrophic, cat 5 hurricanes (Maria and Irma), 2018 Sanctions and Anti- Money Laundering Bill, and the Evonomic Substance Bill of 2019. But the BVI and its people are a hardy and resilient group; it will recover from its setbacks. For example in the 1800s with Emancipation, the territory was left as supposedly only useful as a bird sanctuary. Nonetheless, through hard work through tough times, personal sacrifices, strong, unselfish leadership; and unity, and despite its small size, it pulled itself up by its bootstrap and emerged having one of the highest standard of living, quality of life and per capita income in the region.

    Moreover, the BVI is a parliamentary/representative democracy and on 25 February 2019, Virgin Islanders will head to the polls to elect 13 members to represent them in the HOA and form a new government. Elections are generally held every 4 years. And though every election is important, this one is critical and has an urgency and importance to it. Why?

    The territory needs a strong team with a steady hand to chart a new course and to set the compass to tackle and solve its myriad of problems, especially the problems resulting from the weather induced shocks, along with external legislative shocks imposed by the UK and EU. The shocks forced the ship of state aground. A new government role is to provide for the safety, health, education and personal well-being of residents, along with continuing the job of building a sustainable economy. The job of electing a new government falls squarely on the shoulders of registered voters. Every resident who is eligible to vote should register to vote and vote. There is a small pool of voters in each district and every vote matters and can make a diffrent.

    Many Virgin Islanders have personally sacrificed for the right to vote and their fight should not be for nought. Here is an example of why every vote counts. Last November in Hoxie, Arkansas, USA, the vote count for a City Council seat ended in tie 223-223. But irony is that one candidate didn’t get a chance to vote. He lost by roll of the dice that broke the tie. It is time to put or s..t up. Vote.

  15. Political Observer (PO) says:

    The territory is politically, socially, culturally and economically adrift. This drifting started well before the weather events of 2017; the events are being used as a cause for the drift. At this juncture, the nation is not strong and is in a weakened state. Much hope is being put on the 25 February 2019 general election to arrest the nation’s myriad of challenges. The good news is that there will be an election and a peaceful transfer of power, unlike what is happening currently in Venezuela. In this sense, the nation is strong.

    However, to take hold of and arrest the myriad of challenges will require a strong government with members that are committed to putting national interest ahead of personal interest. The nation’s problems cannot be arrested by acting solely from the seat of the pants or skirts. A strong, practical national development plan is needed; the National Development Plan should be a growth and development blueprint going forward regardless of what government is in power.

    Moreover, putting a strong government in place is the province of voters. As noted by others, the territory is at a crossroad and this election is critical. It has major national implications and every voter must participate. Voters cannot sit this one out and leave the voting to a few. Every eligible voter must go to the polls and exercise their constitutional right. However, before racing to the polls, voters should listen to causes, plan of actions, funding sources…….etc of combatants, ask questions, decide on a preference and vote. And hopefully by the evening of 25 Feb the territory will know who have the critical task of governing the territory for the next 4 years. It will be the dawn of a new era.

  16. Truthseeker says:

    NDP is over what a wonderful day that will be total waste of time NDP was and can only be.

  17. Truthseeker says:

    None of NDP candidates seem to be that intelligent none of them expressed any form of wisdom for 8 yes get the h**l out of our life you d***l

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