BVI News

Engine firing up | New Willy T nearly complete

The old Willy T vessel. (Photo Credit: Willy T)

Owner of the William Thornton (Willy T) Floating Bar & Restaurant, Ewan Anderson said after months of ‘an awful lot of work’, the new vessel is getting ready to make its way to the British Virgin Islands.

The world-famous vessel which operates on the south-west corner of The Bight off Norman Island was ‘an absolute right off’ following last year’s hurricanes.

The vessel was expected to be back from the United States already. However, the workload proved to be more than anticipated.

“On any given day we have 20 people working — welding, painting on this boat from 6:30 in the morning to 9 at night. It has been long, long days [but] we are 99 percent done,” Anderson told BVI News on Thursday, April 19.

He further said: “We are putting some fuel in the ship today and firing up the engines as we are leaving next week.”

Anderson anticipates that the voyage will take roughly 10 days from the US to the BVI.

Anxious to move

The businessman said he is anxious to get the ship moving.

“It has been a very slow process. It’s an awful lot of work we have done to get it finished and looking good for the BVI,” he said.

“We have spent a lot of money putting this together. It is a good looking boat with great facilities and we will be there as soon as we can.”

Going to be a lot of fun

In the meantime, Anderson had some words for Willy-T fanatics.

“It is a bigger boat and it’s going to be a lot of fun. We have completely refitted the boat. We got a lovely deck, a bigger bar, [as well as] male and female toilets. Somewhat like the old boat but more efficient.”

Anderson and his family have been operating the unique business for more than 35 years in the territory.

He also encouraged persons to pray the territory is spared any major hurricanes this year, as the country is still grappling with the billions in damage sustained in the 2017 hurricane season.

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  1. well sah says:

    When are they going to remove the old eye sore that’s sitting on norman island???

  2. good idea says:


  3. One eye rooste says:

    O brother s— in the water again t— p——-n.

  4. Flush says:

    And, just what exactly, are the “New male and female toilets” going to be hooked up to??

  5. Captain G says:

    They empty the holding tanks every morning.

  6. Yummy says:

    Lobster food 😉

  7. nicol says:

    So happy to know you guys back stronger then before!!!!! See you soon WILLY T!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Fish food every single boat in the water does the same thing including cruise ships, so does every septic system, especially if you have no waste treatment plant, were do you think the truck dumps what it pumps, that’s what a soak away does, and if you are on hill next to the ocean, where do you think it runs to, can’t go up hill

  9. My spot says:

    Willy T’s is my hang out spot.Can’t wait for the new re-opening.

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