BVI News

‘Enough is enough’, D1 lags behind under Fahie’s 20-year leadership — Romney-Moses


Though commending VIP Chairman Andrew Fahie for ‘long years of service’ as representative of First District, Sylvia Romney-Moses — the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) candidate hoping to unseat the five-term legislator — said the district has straggled under Fahie’s leadership.

“Over these past two decades, District One has lagged behind … The current state of the district requires immediate attention and that is why I am here. That is why I am the one to say enough is enough,” Moses told a gathering of supporters at the launch of her campaign in Capoon’s Bay on Saturday.

While underscoring what she suggested was poor representation, Romney-Moses pointed to the unsightly and overgrown vegetation in the district, poor air quality, roads and drainage systems, as well as incomplete park projects, among other things.

Promising to address all those issues if elected as the next representative for that constituency, Romney-Moses said she would start by having certain emergency and revenue-earning services returned to the district.

“As your next district representative I propose to return the police and fire services back in our community,” she said. “[I propose] to see that there is a constant and reliable water supply in the district, develop a proper functioning fisherman’s dock and fish market in Carrot Bay, work diligently towards the restoration of the ferry terminal and seaport operations in West End, [and] champion the development of the long overdue Carrot Bay Park and Cultural Village.”

Carrot Bay Development Plan

The park and village, she said, would be part of a wider Carrot Bay development plan and Belmont development plan.

“The fisherman’s dock project in Carrot Bay needs to be completed and I look forward to having this completed as your next district representative. The establishment of a fisherman’s market in Carrot Bay adjacent to the fisherman’s dock will allow for our local cooks and craft ladies and men to display their crafts and culinary skills. It is time to complete the West End Park and develop and plan for the adjacent landfill. The full completion of the Benjamin Romney Recreational Park and basketball court will be a project I will push for,” Romney-Moses said.

District beautification and air quality improvement

The second set of things on the PVIM candidate’s priority list for the district is what she describes as a beautification project.

She said, if elected, beautification would start within the first three months of taking office.

“Thirdly, the issue of clean air quality would be immediately looked into,” she said. “On a daily basis, the residents of this district, especially those in towers, Freshwater Pond, West End, Carrot Bay, Capoon’s Bay, and Long Bay continue to be affected by the smoke that comes from the incinerator. This also demands immediate attention to understand why this is still happening and to determine what relief should be given to affected residents. There is also the issue of road maintenance. As your district representative, I will work very closely with the appropriate ministries to establish a functioning road crew for District One to ensure that our roads, sidewalks, ghuts … overgrown bushes and trees are regularly maintained.”

Romney-Moses also said she has plans of improving sporting facilities in the district, among other things.


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  1. Carrot Bay says:

    She has my vote!! Andrew Is a waste!

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    • @Carrot Bay says:

      You speak for yourself. The majority of people in the 1st District respect Fahie’s efforts. I for one am a parent whose child has benefited from his afterschool youth homework and study programme.

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      • What!!! says:

        “@Carrot Bay” great that your child benifited from the afterschool program , did they get a comuter from all the money that was given for Fahies computer for kids?

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        • It's About Time says:

          The D1 politician became comfortable speaking in front of a crowd complaining about what people has done to him, complained he was shot, and who victimized him or who is holding him back? I can clearly recall after the election when the VIP took back the house, Mister Fahie was given a ministry and they had access to all the money Ronnie and the NDP saved. It’s the same money they campaigned on about they are saving all the money while people are hungry. Omar started 2 projects, Fraser started many, Even Dr Do Little did some, why didn’t Fahie work on the projects in the 1st? I will tell you why, He knows how to play on the emotions of the voters and figures he can ride on that, but people are getting wiser. Time is going, and he has nothing to show for it other than talk.

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      • District 1 voter says:

        That’s the best of some voters. The “meitist” Syndrome. We need to see results for the entire district. It should not to be catered to only a few. If you are able to point to one tangible thing outside of the bathroom in the grave yard and the park paying homage to his grandfather, I will be willing to listen to you. Be fair and call a spade a spade. How does it take 20 years to accomplish so little?

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        • To District 1 voter says:

          It is amazing that you only promoting 20yrs of service about fahie but forgetting that the most of those years were spent in the Opposition under the wicked NDP who has not funded anything for the 1st district. The evil against fahie by a few is really coming out but it will not be enough to stop him from being re-elected.

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    • @Carrot Bay says:

      I am also giving her my vote. Very classy lady.

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    • Anonymous says:

      The D1 politician became very comfortable speaking in front of a crowds complaining about what people has done or doing to him daily, complained he was shot, and who victimized him or who’s holding him back? I can clearly recall after the election when the VIP took back the house, Mister Fahie was given a ministry. They had access to all the money Ronnie and the NDP saved. It’s the same money they campaigned on about they are saving all the money while people are hungry. Omar started 2 projects, Fraser started many, Even Dr Do Little did some, why didn’t Fahie work on the projects in the 1st? I will tell you why, He knows how to play on the emotions of the voters and figures he can ride on that, but people are getting wiser. Time is going, and he has nothing to show for it other than talk.

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  2. No nonsense says:

    Lol! It would appear that she just left NY city after spending some time there. Are these the same heirlooms Fahie has been asking her(Ronnie NDP government)to restore? A tourist in st john, spent SIX(6)hrs to get to Jost Van Dyke. That is utter nonsense! And her father must be feeling it in his pockets with West End dock not operating. Ask Ronnie why??? Yes,we are open for business…!

    Like 19
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    • Blind says:

      Ask the Premier and the Minister of Communications and Works.

      When you go on a job are you required to do every task within that company. Give jack his jacket.

      Silvia is damn correct. It would have been an embarrassment to the Government if the 1st district representative had the vision to use his district funds to attempt to fix the issue at West End instead of all the lip service.

      Ronnie is where he is because he had no voice.

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  3. Woman of the 1st says:

    Ms.Moses, I am speaking for myself. Thank you. I am going to support you. It is time for a change in the 1st. It is time for Andrew to step aside. I canot support anyone who Align themselves with Mr.C****. The only thing I see Mr.C**** doing is starting to much drama and confusion.

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    • HRMPH says:

      I agree – Andrew Fahie’s Achilles heal is Claude ‘Obfor Overspend’ Skelton Cline. He is sucking up to Andrew bebayse he knows that his law suit will fail. If Andrew does not disassociate himself from the Overspend, then people cannot trust him. Andrew dropped the Eateemed now he needs to drop the Overspend.

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    • To Womanof the 1st says:

      I am so glad that you are speaking for yourself because the majority of us with sense will be voting for fahie.

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      • Woman of the 1st says:

        Listen Dear, IGNORANCE is truly a bliss. Dear, I am not speakimg for the Majority, I am so glad that common sense give you the ok and a pass to see I was speaking for myself. Gee, thanks. You have a good day.

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  4. Anonymous says:

    Lol, Half the stuff she talking about were the same things Fahie was begging NDP to fix. You think Fahie and Fraser deserves to be punished because NDP boycotted their districts.

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  5. TO BE FRANK says:

    “As your next district representative I propose to return the police and fire services back in our community,” she said. “[I propose] to see that there is a constant and reliable water supply in the district, develop a proper functioning fisherman’s dock and fish market in Carrot Bay, work diligently towards the restoration of the ferry terminal and seaport operations in West End. Champion the development of the long overdue Carrot Bay Park and Cultural Village.” – TO BE QUITE FRANK HON. FAHIE DID TRY TO GET THESE DONE…HE WAS ABLE TO SEE THE POLICE STATION AND FIRE STATION RETURN BUT THEN IRMA HAPPENED…SINCE THEN YOU ALL KNOW IS NDP POLITICS THAT NOT GETTING THE STUFF DONE IN THE DISTRICT

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    • Excuses!! says:

      Stop blame others and take responsibility. That is the sign of a true leader!

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      • Haha says:

        Can anyone take responsibility for something they do not control? Are you suggesting that funds he got for his district be diverted to another area, perhaps to building the dock? Now now! Was that possible and will that not be seen as running his own self serving government by trying to upend the government of the day? Fahie stood tall and showed the people of his district true leadership. I do not know the good lady but things she is proposing is already on stream so what exactly different is she offering besides attacking a man that her party willfully sabotage in many ways. Last election NDP pull a lot of resources in paving roads and building wharf in an effort to sway voters. Then they economy struggled as the country almost go broke! PVIM need to bring in more than cheap talk this time around. Lol!

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  6. Women United says:

    Andrew, it is time for you to find something else to do. Ok, you did a few things for your District but,you didnot do enough. I’m keeping it real,it is time for you to step aside.

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  7. REVENUE says:

    every single politician all talk about spending money to do this and that project but none of them except maybe for Dancia telling us how we going to put revenue in the country’s pockets to get all these things done. the country is BROKE…that is no secret…come on people…we need to MAKE money…how you going to help us MAKE MONEY?

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    • IT Didn't work in st.kitts/Nevis says:

      @Revenue, you are so right. People need to understand and open their eyes. Our (Kind of Democracy) is a Decisiveness kind. Instead of working together for all the people, some of the districts, (the losing party districts) get ignored. Why? if the opposition’s districts are treated fairly, the district rep looks good. It is clear; Crystal clear as NDP would say, that the 1st and 3rd were Ignored …Big time. The reason again, is designed to make their representatives look bad; as if they got the money and support, or didn’t ask for anything; when in fact I have heard Fahie calling over and over for attention and repairs for the Bridge to Frenchman’s Cay, for the readiness and restoration of the Police station in West End, for repair of the school in his district and Definitely for restoration of the Ferry dock in West End. The Opposition gets a small budget to run his/her office. On top of having ministries, such as MW and MV and D Premier, along withtheir Decision-making power and control of governments purse, get another $225,000 a year to assist in the districts; not simply to purchase computers and purchase Cider and ham and turkey; but also to make certain repairs; such as to a bathroom, put some paint r change a door or locks on a building. Instead, most of that money, if not All ends buying votes.
      We the people ourselves are sometimes our own Best Enemies. What did we do ast election? Gave NDP a landslide; so much so that they created 2 additional ministries (Junior Minister of Tourism and Junior Ministry of Trade. Yet with a mere 2 members in the Opposition, Hon. Fahie acted like our savior. Through him we learned that the NDP is now wearing the title of “Most Correct Government in the history of the VI. If Hon. Christopher was alive, I’m sure she would have abandoned NDP like Hon. Ronnie and company.
      Like the scriptures says” “We wrestle not against Flesh and Blood, but against Principalities and Powers; against Darkness in high places”. That is certainly our condition.
      Now to the good lady determined against Hon. Andrew, wherever you have been the government of which the two Former members of government heading up your party were right there and cannot be separated from NDP!. They themseves are talking about the waste and mismanagement of our moneys; so much so that our mother, the UK doesn’t trust us and mandated the creation of The RDA, the salary of the board being $300,000 per year + Bonus. Hadn’t Hon Fahie did the detective work he did, we likely would not have known about the $7.2 million given away to the broke airline, nor the $$40+ million over run on the pier park, nor the $8-million taken from Long Look sewage system development, the millions spent for consultancy at TBLI-Airport and so much more. Unless the good lady would be working with her own money, (since she apparently doesn’t know about the government books not being audited and thus may be emptied.
      May God remove the Cataracts from our eyes so that we can see and make the most Serious Choice of our lives; choosing the right people to run the affairs of our country

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      • @It didnot work in St. Kitts. says:

        @It did not work in St. Kitts, you made some points with great insight. However, just a friend suggestion. More and shorter paragraphs will encourage readers to read the full post. Long, long paragraphs cause readers to turn the page. Readers need to catch a breath and breaks help them to catch a breath. Need more white space. So what is: It didn’t work in St.Kitts?

        • IT Didn't work in st.kitts/Nevis says:

          Thanks my fried for your honest suggestion; but with so much to be highlighted, especially at this Crucial time, its a bit difficult to hold back (like an excited preacher). I am hurt, disappointed, saddened after the forward strides we have made; but squandered by the current government. Do we really expect to move forward with the same government that got us into this seemingly helpless situation? The level of greed, nepotism, cronyism is not sustainable. Relocating is in my thoughts should the “most corrupt government in BVI history” be returned to power. The hopes for a better BVIus based on our ability to put country above self would have proved to be just lip service to the idea.
          You will find the reference to ST.Kitts/Nevis interesting. Leading up to the 2015 election, the Labour Party government was alleged to have be guilty of corruption. A motion of no confidence was resisted for more than 2 years, a decision to adjust the boundaries, (supposedly in favor of Labour) ended up going to the the Privy Council in the UK and won by the Unity Party. Finally, in hopes of winning the historic election, Jumbo planes were contracted to transport voters from Canada and the US to SKN. The rest is history. Unity Government won the election and SKN is one of or the most economically thriving country in the region.

    • Dancia and Ronnie supporter says:

      You are being bias. I heard Ronnie talk about putting making money all the time.

  8. ah ha says:

    A change is coming in the 1st district…I can feel it

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  9. Strpzz says:

    Moses Do the 1st district a favour…give $1000 for running to the rummies in the district to celebrate Hon. Andrew Fahie victory at the polls and becoming the new premier. Same goes for Brown girl in the ring fine like a glass of wine but take a seat.

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    • Lilly says:

      LOL – “give $1000 for the running to the rummies in the district to celebrate Hon Andre Fahie victory” then curse government for not building a mental health facility to assist the rummies. What a life we are promoting

  10. Really says:

    This woman never study the 1st district since I know myself now come a few days before elections promising things her boss Ronnie and the NDP refused to fund in the same 1st District. Give me a break. FAHIE ALL THE WAY!!!

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  11. People says:

    I am clear that this woman just wake up because for years Fahie has been in the House of Assembly asking and pleading with the ndp government to allocate money to the district to fix the west end jetty, fire station and many other government structures in the 1st District. Fahie has worked for the people of the 1st District and the Territory and we the people of the 1st District will be putting him back in for 4 more years.

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    • Really?? says:

      Those pleadings were just a façade! The district allotment could do a lot more than you think. It is not spent wisely nor is it used to benefit the entire district, which is wrong!

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      • Hah says:

        No it cant. In reality you need a ministry to really make things happen or be a part of the ruling government. In one project Myron spent more than what district representatives get in 4 years. Look at the major projects all were done as a ministerial project and none by any of the back benchers or district reps. Town benefitted from most major projects. There hasn’t been a groundbreaking project by any district rep in years. The most that was done was to build community centers and basketball courts. These kind of projects don’t bring revenue and aren’t remembered by ungrateful constituents. You need to be Premier or Minister of C&W to appear successful in the BVI that is if you actually did standout projects.

  12. yolo says:

    NDP is punishing away the first district because they know we is vip all the way, them ain’t giving fahie no money to help with the school our courts, is donation that help fix one of our school. Npd must go. We going in one direction and that is Forward.

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    • Nonsense says:

      Stop misinforming readers. Each district rep gets an allotted amount of money each year for their district. What needs to be asked is how the rep (especially for D1) spends or allocates the district funds.

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      • @Nonsense says:

        Ask me. I know what it was spent on. Greasing palms, Ma’am or Sir. And you all have to tell the people what good money was spent on in the First District. Park equipment that will kill the children if they hang out there now, paving ghuts, moving lots and lots of dirt. One is a mountain in West End growing very tall weeds, and the one in Carrot Bay is a dump for boats and old cars. There was also the bathrooms. The First must be full of s**t, because we got two sets of public bathrroms. One set next to the clinic that is in dire need of renovation and the one in the cemetetry and there was a wall around built around the School in Cappoons Bay.

        Now, I can also mention the after school programme which lasted for a hot minute and the computers and printers handed out to students allegedly in Carrot Bay, and the rides to and from the college, but that to me was so terrible as most of it was done when the Honourable member was Minister of Education and should have been Territory wide if it was done. You see, doing things only in your District as Minister of Education to ensure that you are voted back in again and again is absolutely terrible. I thought it was then and still do now.

        But Honourable H.L. Stoutt said it best. Where there is no vision, the people perish. We have to pray now because the poor people don’t even see the problems in the District except for a few. But God sees.

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  13. To me says:

    Just how this picture looks is how this woman is FAKE

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  14. Joshua Girl says:

    Funny season getting funnier. Woman go siddung. Can’t even keep a good m——- itself. Why people who fail in they life always want to come tell you how to run you life much less the district. errrr.

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  15. One thing.... says:

    ….When you see a story with Andrew, his keyboard warriors come out in full force to defend him no matter how far they have to stretch.

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    • @One thing says:

      You mean his paid brigade. He wouldn’t get this kind of loyality otherwise. Even Hon. H.L. Stoutt his die hards didn’t follow the majority of them. And that was someone to follow. It could only mean one thing, all that District money going into their pockets and not the District. God will take care of things this election. He sees all.

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    • District handouts says:

      Yep those on the hand out programs depends on F*t M*n for their daily bread.

  16. Question says:

    What was the crowd turn out like?

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  17. I wonder says:

    I wonder how Ronnie feel sitting hearing this lady saying that nothing was done in the 1st district for the capoons bay drainage, west end jetty, fire station, and all government structures in the 1st district and he was one of the 5 ministers in government for the past eight consecutive years who made sure no money was given to fix any of them. Tell this woman to do proper research and stop talking foolishness about what fahie didn’t do. If she researched or looked at House of Assembly she would know the facts. We voting fahie AGAIN.

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  18. Wow says:

    She looks like a completely different person in this picture compared to her official PVIM picture

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  19. THANKS says:

    I know that they are those at this time who will never see the good of Hon Fahie but my family and I thank him for all he does especially in the district after Irma. He showed that he is a leader. He was a tower of strength in the district after Irma and he was there for his people. Hon. Fahie don’t worry, the majority will reward you with four more years for your efforts.

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    • @Thanks says:

      Fine but he is not the only District Leader who looked out for their Districts after the storms. Exactly What are you trying to say.

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      • @thanks says:

        I am with you. During Irma and Maria, Fahie was a tower of strength for the District. Where was Sylvia? Never saw her at any clean up event. Never saw her at any community meetings. Now she want to come to our homes asking for votes at the polls to take out Fahie. Sylvia go ask your colleague Ronnie why nothing was done in the District? He is part of the big problem that the country is going through right now. On February 25 we voting VIP ALL THE WAY. … Try go sid dung. Take several seats too. No one knows you in the district.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I see right through this charade. PVIM never got so many supporters on other articles. They always getting bashed whenever anything with their name is brought up. This is a bunch of NDP supporters trying to eliminate their biggest treat but guess what them likes and dislike ain’t got stop the train. NDP ain’t getting power with that weak squad and poor performance this time.

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    • Anonymous says:

      Hon, Broke Down, Not Bruk down.I thought EBONICS was a thing of the past. Hon,Andrew helped in your words BRUK DOWN the Country. Leave those Ignorant Carrot Bay people alone. They can’t see that if Andrew wins,the Pastor will be the one calling the shots. And if it happens, they deserve every minute of it. Andrew is a FAKE. Time to take a seat Andrew.Your District is in need of a new leader like as of yesterday.

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  21. 6th says:

    All these things she’s talking about, Hon. Fahie has been begging the NDP like a little child to address. What could he get done sitting on the Opposition? I am waiting for your response. Run a clean campaign and tell the people what and how you intend to get things done. Fahie is a fighter and he has been fighting for his people all along, but the NDP Govt. refused to assist. When he becomes Premier, you will see the change in his District

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  22. The Truth says:

    So you blame Fahie for NDP victimzation? The same party your’e a part of? (NDP2) Andrew proved his gusto many times over especially after Irma.

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  23. FIRST DISTRICT says:

    No man that lived will have everyone liking or loving him but if the First District do not re-elect Fahie especially for what he did after Irma then it would be the most ungrateful act in the history of the BVI.

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    • Lol says:

      What he did was took control of the stuff that was donated to the district by organizations such as Rotary and he did what he wanted with them. Who know know!!!

      The same organizations could have donated it themselves but they also played politics. A lot tried to use Irma with this but it can’t work. Who know know!!

  24. Political Observer (PO) says:

    Nice poetry! But need to hear the prose on how these things will be accomplished, what is the timeline, the priority and more importantly how they will be funded. Some of the nice sounding poetry are things that must be addressed by the central government, ie, improved air quality, public safety…..etc. Unless I’m missing something, the districts do not raise and control their own revenue (some activity within their districts contribute to central government purse).

    Members have to work cooperatively within the party or if in opposition plead (clean word) with government to get anything done. It seems as if I is the only pronoun candidates know. Everything is I, I, I and I. They are intelligent people so they know other pronouns, ie, We. Parliamentary democracy and/ or represensative democracy requires working as a team; it requires unity.

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  25. NDP Supporter says:

    I am an NDP supporter in the 1st District and I am voting for Fahie. For years my children benefit from his HLSCC college bus service. He is a fighter and despite I back the NDP I have a lot of respect for him. He will get my vote.

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  26. Listen to me says:

    I worked with this woman and I am pleading with the people of the first district to keep this woman far from power.

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  27. Reasoning says:

    We Empowering Hon Fahie to not only fix District #1…But to fix our country that the NDP Bruk Down. FORWARD EVER; BACKWARD NEVER. Like Zoe used to say; Bam, Bam

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    • @Reasoning says:

      Hon, Broke Down, Not Bruk down.I thought EBONICS was a thing of the past. Hon,Andrew helped in your words BRUK DOWN the Country. Leave those Ignorant Carrot Bay people alone. They can’t see that if Andrew wins,the Pastor will be the one calling the shots. And if it happens, they deserve every minute of it. Andrew is a FAKE. Time to take a seat Andrew.Your District is in need of a new leader like as of yesterday.

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  28. 1st district come on says:

    Now is the time, you all have a decent person who came forward in the name of SYLVIA, please vote for her {DRAIN THE LAGOON OF THAT GREAT WHITE SHARK ANDREW}

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  29. who the cap fit says:

    She is not a sell out—-She will not demand kickbacks from petty contracts—-She will not use you as an ATM machine—-She wont have to repay any sponsors from the cays—-She worships one god and don’t have time for bush baths

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  30. @who the cap fit says:

    Same family chatting piddle all the time but obviously you do not know this girl or you would not post that folly because the master of bush has arrived.

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  31. Nah says:

    Moses is not for the people of the 1st District and this is a fact. Her party leader and deputy sat and drank with the NDP for years laugh at Fahie and Fraser when they were begging for necessities like water and now she got the audacity to throw that in Fahie’s face. At her next rally she need to confront Ronnie in front of the constituents since he was a part of cabinet. One thing you can’t say is that Fahie wasn’t fighting for the people during the last 8 years. They never walked out of the HOA when times got tough like Dr Smith did when it was just him and Pickering. Fahie and Fraser did their jobs even though it was an uphill battle.

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    • Memory Short says:

      @Nah so the NDP laugh at Fahie and Faser. So what did Ralph, Fahie and Fraser did to Dr. Smith and Dr. Pickering. The were actually making a mockery out of them. When VIP had 11 and NDP had 2.

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  32. breaking news says:


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  33. @breaking news says:

    Of course they fear her and they are running scared and in panic mode. People down in the 1st got to confortable with the stupidity. She is a breath of fresh air for the 1st.

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  34. It amazes me says:

    A lot could have got done with VIP the loan his government used from the then Barclays in 2015 43 million dollars to fund Bi-water a bankrupt company cannot compared to 7 million this government give for a plane. The plane is not here but also bi-water. The said company bi-water was sold

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  35. concerned citizen says:

    We in the 1st district have no fear of Sylvia. Where was she all the years that she lived in BVI? This woman never showed no interest in the first district. Andrew is no saint, but he has always supported his people. There are many young men that are in the states at college doing well because of his support. NDP never did anything for 1st district. Ronnie never gave us the support we needed. He sided with his pals in the NDP and made our people suffer. Now he thinks he can send Clinton’s daughter for our votes. Well she might get her family’s votes but I’m sure that Carrot Bay won’t give her theirs. The NDP knew what was happening in Carrot Bay school for years and never tried to drain the swamp. It took the Good Lord to Drain the Swamp but by then it was too late. Irma and Maria were the final demise of IMPS. It needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. To God be the Glory.

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  36. Yes Girl says:

    Show Andrew what time of day it is. He finally met his match. Don’t back down take his A** out at the polls.

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  37. Remember says:

    So who build the fisherman dock and bridge in carrot bay?. And paved the roads in apple bay? Paved the road long bay? Improve the police station? Fixed the schools I sure not Andrew. Andrew as education minister how many scholrships he give out to the territory? Why he could not make college education free? What he did beside pick and choose who to lookout for is paved driveways, scholarship, hand me out to certain people. If he such a savour why those people as you past the gas station before u reach the methodist church still live in tent? If he is a man of good reputation why millions of dollars was placed in……….. bank acount?

  38. PVIM says:


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  39. Fuss says:

    All fahie do is complain and bicker all the time. Moses
    has my vote!

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    • @ Fuss says:

      Thanks to his complaining we know all about the 7.2M plane and the 1M Wall and the 90M pier park…and more…thanks to him we had a no confidence vote that all them who now breakaway resisted and now going admit there them party mates was mismanaging the people’s money…Fahie gotta get back in…Dancia gotta get in…Kedrick gotta get in…we need a coalition to check all this party politics cos that ain’t help us since we got 2 or more parties…COALITION I TELL YOU…Who they putting at the helm…that’s the Billion Dollar Question…the people fed up and they will talk on 25 February.

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  40. Dang Andrew says:

    Dude, you are getting blaze like a New England Bon Fire.

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  41. Andrew says:

    You hook up with C***e that is why people is beginning to not trust you and is giving you the side look. Once that trust is gone,it becomes a problem. For real, it is time for you to step aside.

  42. BVI says:

    Is Fahie’s model I will teach a man how to fish with my personal fishing line, so I can turn around and take away his catch and eat from it?
    The petty contract system was in place to train our small contractors to do the work, so they can expand their company, but where it went wrong was greedy politicians decided they must receive a commission? That breed corruption to the highest level. No wonder the cost to do small projects have sky rocked in the VI. All they are seeing is the Green, Green, Green. No accountability, no value for money.
    A perfect example was the hospital project. It was a free for all, they wasted millions digging the hill, and more millions trucking the dirt to West End and Carrot Bay. Ask yourself who are the beneficiaries of the Carrot Bay park project?

  43. Go long says:

    This new site is bias. It refuse to post anything about Andrew.

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