BVI News

Evidence gathering stage of COI now concluded

Inquiry Commissioner, the Right Honourable Sir Gary Hickinbottom.

After more than 50 days of oral hearings in the last six months, the head of the Commissioner of Inquiry (COI), Sir Gary Hickinbottom today announced the conclusion of these hearings.

While open oral hearings have been happening since about April, evidence-gathering started long before that.

In a statement Friday morning, October 22, Sir Gary said: “The stage of evidence collection which I began in January is now concluded and I’m and going to proceed on the basis that the elected ministers, etcetera — as represented by the Attorney General, and her IRU (Internal Response Unit) — have now disclosed all documents in relation to matters that are potentially relevant to my terms of reference.”

“The same applies to members of the House of Assembly who are represented by Silk Legal,” the Commissioner added.

He continued: “The evidence stage, as I say, is complete but that’s subject to a number of caveats. First, there are outstanding several requests for disclosure which have been made to the Attorney General; some several weeks ago. And I propose that the Attorney complies with each of those requests by 4 pm by Friday the 29th of October.”

While the evidence gathering stage is completed, Sir Gary noted that the Attorney General has requested to put questions to both the present and past governor at a later time. Sir Gary said this is something he has agreed to “in principle”.

Over the course of oral hearings which have been made public, the COI has heard evidence on topics such as the interests held and declared by members of the House of Assembly, as well as leases, statutory boards, Crown land, Belongership, governance under law enforcement and justice systems, and the procurement of contracts.

The next stage of the COI and the details of that exercise is not immediately clear.

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  1. Candy says:

    Those on long vacations can now return to work.

    Like 15
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    • Build it and they will come. says:

      I’m happy for my taxes to be used for one thing…..
      build an extension to Balsum Ghut. Put all the existing prisoners in it to make room for the scumbags been stealing from us for years and taking a decent standard of living from decent people.

      Like 47
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    • YES says:


  2. View from the UK says:

    The last few days did not go so well for Sir Gary, as his working narrative that it was all the fault of the Premier and the other politicians was attacked by Sir Geoffrey – looks like the public servants were paddling their own canoes and that Gus thought, and still seems to think, that he was a saint and above the law (notwithstanding his incitement to the Registrar of Interests to provide him with confidential information).
    Sir Gary is now going to try to limit Sir Geoffrey’s questioning of the Governor and in particular the former Governor to try to save Gus’s bacon. Sir Geoffrey was barely allowed to get started with the Auditor General before she lost her cool, and the Commissioner kept on interrupting and answering for her.
    The best day time TV has come to an end for now. The Commissioner needs to get back here to London to discuss how he can manipulate the evidence to suit the brief that Gus gave him.
    Gus’s evidence, (thank you, thank you) was not believable and he came across as being very insincere (how many times did we hear that at all times Gus was working in the interests of belongers – whilst at the same time refusing to sign transfer of crown land to them – thank you).
    The Commissioner, recently retired from the Court of Appeal and looking for his next gig, knows that it would be career ending to find that Gus did anything wrong but it certainly looks like that from outside.

    Like 3
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    • Resident says:

      We must have been watching different CoIs. The Commissioner has been scrupulously fair and even handed. He is the opposite of a yes man for London. I think there will be some criticism going in the direction of UK and the Governor. It will just be a lot less than is going in the direction of the Government.

      Like 49
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    • BuzzBvi says:

      Interesting to see what things look like from someone living in an alternate universe. Thanks.
      Now back to life and back to reality for us earth bound souls. From me to you.

      Like 16
    • illiterate diatribe says:

      from the Wig party. Not a single coherent point but a series of snide innuendos. You and your fellow troughers days are numbered.

      Like 8
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    • Bumpy says:

      @ View from the UK
      You are an insider that you can write a narrative this long of pure bull sh*t defending corruption. So in your opinion the Premier does come off as being sincere? That serial L**R? You people once you are getting your palms darbed you all don’t care if the country go to hell. It goes without saying, you and your corrupt government is going bring this territory to collapse and ultimate demise.

      Like 9
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    • Lol says:

      We’re you tuned into Fox News…nobody else got that

  3. Waiting for Change says:

    If some kind of serious change doesnt happen. This exercise with all the evidence of wrong doings will be a disappointment, a waste of time and a waste of money.. A complete coward act of mockery by the commissioner…

    Like 28
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    • to waiting for change says:

      I think what should happen will happen and it is obvious what that is based on all we have heard during the hearings for all these months. Consistent and blatant mis-management on all levels. Even the cry about Winrush and all the long sermons and the praying by the devil will not deter the outcome.

      The ship is already waiting for them

      Like 23
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  4. Wise words, Commis says:

    I am happy the Commissioner put this warning: “…I’m going to proceed on the basis that the elected ministers…have now disclosed all documents in relation to matters that are potentially relevant to my terms of reference.”

    I hope Fahie and he people know he CAN’T mess with the COI like he mess with the Auditor General. Don’t talk froth about incomplete report if you playing hide and go seek with the information.

    Like 36
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  5. LOL says:

    The next stage is called prison time if i am not mistaken

    Like 25
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  6. Beeewis says:

    Seemed to have stayed off island during this interview phase..anyone going to bring him back anytime soon?

  7. @ LOL says:

    and am pretty sure that pumkin awaits that dark chocolate with the WIG

    Like 12
  8. The Nation says:

    Well COI, you don’t have enough evidence to come in with direct rule…if you did then Boris needs to be removed by a no-confidence vote because seems like mother like child.

    Like 3
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  9. Norris Turnbull says:

    They should have interviewed the Hill man who used to work immigration or Walters.

    Like 9
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  10. WOW says:

    This COI was bias. No fairness for the people of the Virgin Islands

    Like 3
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    • @wow says:

      I would suggest that you cease blogging and go and read a book. How could you accuse the COI of been Bias when you haven’t seen its report?

      Continue following these jokers as if you are in a cult!!!

      Like 10
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