BVI News

Ex-legislator slams upcoming Vybz Kartel concert

Dancehall artiste Vybz Kartel

Talk show host and former legislator E. Walwyn Brewley has expressed his strong disapproval of the Vybz Kartel concert scheduled for March 2025 in the British Virgin Islands.

Brewley cited the dancehall artiste’s 2014 murder conviction, which was quashed by the UK Privy Council this year, as a reason to oppose his performance in the territory. He criticized Kartel’s shows as vulgar and questioned why anyone would want to expose their children to them.

“Why are we paying $250,000 to bring a criminal from Jamaica to perform in front of our children?” Brewley stated, describing Kartel as “a very unsavory character.” He further questioned the motives of local officials who would invest in this concert while many residents struggle to meet basic needs.

“We have people who don’t know where their next meal is coming from, and we’re giving $250,000 to this guy,” Brewley added, noting that the profits would likely go into the promoter’s pockets rather than benefiting the government.

After much public speculation, local event promoter Steve Parillon of YOLO Promotions confirmed days ago that Vybz Kartel is officially set to perform in the BVI early next year. A video circulating on social media showed Parillon and Kartel signing a contract for the event, during which the artiste declared, “the comet is coming,” seemingly referring to himself.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley is reported to have been closely involved in securing the artiste’s appearance, but he has not responded to inquiries from our news centre regarding his involvement.

Two government ministers—Deputy Premier Lorna Smith and Communications Minister Kye Rymer—have expressed disapproval of the concert and any government support or involvement. Additionally, Opposition Leader Ronnie Skelton has raised concerns about the government’s participation in the event.

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  1. Help us father says:

    Natalio need licks. That’s it and that’s all.

    Like 42
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  2. WAY TO GO BVI says:


    Like 27
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  3. El Demonio Negro says:

    Hey Mr. Brewley go make sure none your family members out here engaging in … and …. STFU!

    Like 4
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  4. BVI says:


    Like 34
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  5. ........... says:

    How is it that the Premier did all this in secret with a promoter and that fellow Cabinet Members are only just finding out? Now they say they do not approve, as does the leader of the opposition, but do we all believe that they will do anything about it?

    My bet is that not a damn thing will be done, just like all the other times we the people cried out! Our money is spent, our money is wasted, and we the public fools only standby and watch.

    Like 24
  6. Eldread says:

    Natalio Wheatley showing us his Andrew Fahie propensity, and don’t matter how are you talk he go run BVI into the ground, turn it into ghetto, more shootings and drug smuggling, because he celebrating criminals as a way for youths to aspire to, sowandie is the same man of Andrew Fahie ideology, and he don’t know a thing about finance, it’s the power base he wanted in money. Don’t know why qualified financial expert like Lorna smith stay there carrying title purporting to part of government financial executive and allow sowandie to wreck the people tax money and not allowing othe government department to get money for infrastructure and health sector where she herself complain about the hospital named after her husband?.

    Like 15
  7. well sah says:

    I hope this put the icing on the cake for the vote of no confidence on the 18th. the entry visa should also be denied as Kartel is a convicted felon. look how the premier creating all kind of problem in this country. Please remove him asap. The world is watching and laughing at the BVI

    Like 10
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  8. BVI says:

    Is open to anyone who legally qualifies to enter including the artist. What we are against is using our public funds to support this activity when there are far more urgent things to be deal with. The money could have been used to make adjustments to the high school, or what about a lunch program for our schools, or inject it in to some other after school activity or help seniors more or help struggling families sore; agriculture, fisheries and more .

  9. @Eldread says:

    Our deputy drunk with lil power but if she does not turn her tail part around and land on the side of the people, she can kiss a next term goodbye. It’s said so here again. The lady for the 4th should follow her too because right now she is already on the side of being a one-termed. One is power-hungry and one don’t have a clue/lazy.

    • controversial says:

      1st one term
      3rd retiring but no esteemed one will be elected
      4th one term
      7th lose
      9th lose
      the only person from the at large coming back will be the man with braids.

      • controversial on election day says:

        You will be controversial on election day when just about all of your predictions turn out to be wrong.

        Like 1
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  11. TurtleDove says:

    Its going to take 1/3 of the BVI population to show up to break even. None of this makes sense.


    son wah yo saying is the fake pastor turnbull who was boldfaced enough to say , that there is ” NO CORRUPTION HERE ” is he correct ❓️ BECAUSE YOU SAID (SURROUNDING) SO

  13. UK Own says:

    Kartel went to St Vincent he went to Panama no 1 give him a deposit but Foolish Bvi give him money . As that Deposit Cleared KARTEL Bought a Brand New Porsche Same on the VI leader. I don’t agree with Brewly on everything but This one is for the History Books. Let’s hope he don’t do like Movado his friend and don’t show up Good luck with that Show..

  14. Local says:

    Now walywn you should have object to the artistes that were here for festival they just as vulgar so don’t be a hipocrite you may not be a fan and one man or woman can’t speak for the majority when march come stay in your house kartel music is for his fans.

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  15. Gregory says:

    A criminal?Or a sinner who sins different???KMT,bumboclaat.

  16. Wow says:

    Big man watch your mouth, you can be sued , how dare you called this man a Criminal ,his sentence was quashed by the UK privy counsel , bet you , if he was a white dude , you won’t be talking like that, divide and conquer,, black people putting down black people, HOPE HE SEES THIS ARTICLE AND SUED THE HELL OUT OF YOU.

    Like 2
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  17. D1 vs Hon D says:

    Inches meantime the D1 Rep has demonstrated his helplessness to the people and his dominance the D1 drug cartel and remnants of the the previous now incarcerated previous D1 ,namely AF.
    Under the current drug importers he is standing o the sidelines as a 89 year old lady,daughter of the soil,is being victimized by the invasion and resulting destruction of her home and grounds. Hon D hands tied as his allegiance and connection with the young drug punks in D1 in control in the Towers,West End and going North side.

  18. @ Turtle Dove says:

    It makes sense to one man and his ego and duh uhh to one novice baller who got conned. London we got a problem.

  19. Very concern citizens says:

    Who remember kartel was to proform a show in the bvi in 2009 in brandy wine bay all was set to go and the show canceled the same day of the show I was all geared up to go when I hear the show canceled what difference it make now and he wasn’t even convicted then? And it was under the same vip government

  20. Wtf says:

    Isn’t he a convicted murderer? So wtf is he going to speak to the youths about. How to become a criminal? Lock up the Premier.

    • @Wtf says:

      I am not a fan of Vybz Kartel, and I do not support the use of taxpayer’s money for this concert. However, be mindful that he is not a convicted murderer as his murder conviction was quashed.

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      • Resident says:

        Where there is smoke there is fire.
        The big issue is that tax dollars are spent on a private venue and without residents consent

  21. Tola says:

    People out here hungry can’t get nothing and this heck they doing

  22. Sigh says:

    Health in the toilet
    Roads still need to be paved
    Education through the eddoes

    BUT we have money to give to bring a former convicted criminal to the BVI to perform for our youths. What TYPE of people will this attract from the surrounding countries and the resultant impact on our country?

  23. BayGon says:


    Say No to Criminals and to Parasites

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