BVI News

Fahie questions Penn’s conflicting earnings in 2013 FSC contract

Premier Andrew Fahie has called into question the conflicting earnings that were reportedly made by Opposition Leader Marlon Penn while he (Penn) had a contract with the Financial Services Commission (FSC) back in 2013. 

According to the Premier, the Opposition Leader has offered different figures at different times about what he earned in the contract. 

The issue arose as legislators debated a motion to exempt government legislator, Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith from having to vacate his seat in the HOA after becoming engaged in a contract with the government. 

Penn went through a similar process when he was offered a contract by the state-owned FSC in 2013 while he was a member of the former NDP government.

“He (Penn) said [at first] he didn’t receive a dime from his contract at FSC,” Premier Fahie stated. “But in the Hansard report, the last time we were here, based on the report that I have here, it stated that, ‘I (Penn) received $10,000 from the contract but all was paid out to sub-contractors’. That’s in the notes.”

Penn told the HOA yesterday that he received $18,407 over a two-year period. 

But Premier Fahie said he has evidence that Penn earned even way more than this amount on the FSC contract.

“But I just want us to do some fact-checking because when we checked off of a question that you asked us — and we were checking who all had contracts — we got from FSC that your contract was $141,000 for two years, so that is an answer to a question coming up,” Fahie said. 

The Opposition Leader quickly rose to interrupt the Premier and vehemently denied the Fahie’s accusation.

“The Premier is putting things on the record and if he’s putting these things on the record he needs to bring the evidence. I have the evidence of what I was paid and I will put it on the record of this House. So if he’s going to put those things on the record in terms of what I made from FSC, he needs to put on record the evidence of what I made from FSC,” Penn stated. 

“The member is making statements that are attributed to me and is suggesting to the public that I made $141,000 a year from FSC for a contract and other services which is totally not true,” Penn responded. 

Penn told the HOA that most of the work that he did for the FSC was pro bono work and on behalf of his country. 

He said the record is clear on the amount of money that was made, and promised to lodge his documents with the HOA for the sake of accuracy.

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  1. any who says:

    check out Andrew smile thou. lol

    if he has so much anger within then don’t smile!

    Like 10
    • Yup says:

      The negro be turnin on each other. That’s the way!! Why jails are full of negros. No brains just a lot of talk. They be talkin again when they takin showers together.

      Like 3
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    • King says:

      L**r go sit down because you going down you mean every body have to go down with you but don’t worry you will get company.
      Coi done take you blows and stop make trouble , first you say you never go by the governor House to make trouble now he testify to the world and you get caught you come out now and say is only once me go there. ‘Liar Liar you pants on fire’
      Look what you have single handed done to nature’s little secret .shame shame

      Like 11
  2. heckler says:

    2 wrongs doesn’t make it right

    Like 13
    • Crystal says:

      I have always believed that most of the elected members have skeletons in the closet but what the Premier is doing is down right nasty, this shows criminal behaviour, and can show some of the reasons for the behaviour of a lot what he does, he clearly should not be in a leadership role.

      Like 18
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  3. asking again says:

    Can anybody trust a word out of Fahie’s mouth since his sittings before the COI?

    A l**r never tell the truth

    Like 42
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  4. Vex says:

    Penn got caught l**ng ha ha he could never be premier

    Like 6
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    • Evidence says:

      As evidenced by what?

      Did you read that article?

      Do you have the evidence that he is lying? by all means please place it before us.
      Marlon intends to place his evidence that he is not lying.

      So help us out here, give us the evidence that he is.


      Like 13
  5. childish says:

    Tit for tat…kim jung foy @ it again

    Like 30
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  6. Strange says:

    Well sah…you see how dem corruption is exposing.

    Like 8
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    • @Strange says:

      What Corruption? Andy Fahie made a baseless accusation that Hon. Penn was paid for something that was brought before the House since 2012 regarding FSC. Which should not have even come to the house since FSC is a statutory board. Hon. Penn read from an actual document from FSC, that outline his payments. This is actual much to do about nothing and Andy Fahie with his usual duplicitou$ and di$hone$t behavior.

      This man is disgrace and by extension has disgraced our entire country.

  7. WHAT … says:

    … the HE!! is this?

    Why Foy thinks it is necessary for him to NOW bring this to the HOA?

    Is this a CLASSIC colonial behavior I am seeing here? What I mean is this, because COI are on your behind you now looking for thing about others to bring to light? IF there was no COI would the public had known of the above? Well, looks like the COI laid the common bait that always trap coloured people.

    As soon they (COI) close off at that …

    Like 11
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  8. Crazy says:

    Yep we all knew about that $200,000 no bid FSU contract the NDP give to hon. Marlon penn

    Like 6
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  9. Anonymous says:

    Andrew’s lips we’re moving when he made that baseless accusation, therefore, he must be l**ng.

    Like 17
  10. typical foy says:

    Throwing dirty water in people’s face

    Like 13
  11. Rattie says:

    Smuf has no credibility bottom line

    Like 2
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  12. Thoughts... says:

    …and now we know why the leader of the opposition is silent. All of them are complicit!!! No integrity. He can’t object to the present state of things when he too is culpable.

    Like 10
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    • @thoughts says:

      Silent!? Do you live in the same BVI I live in? The same Leader of the Opposition that is the everyday shouting from the mountain top? We need to stop joining in melee and stat facts. That’s why this country will not get any better.

  13. furi says:

    Lawd have mercy but why fahie SO FREAKING PETTY AND ALWAYS CASTING BLAME…. in the year 2021 you going really bring up stuff from 2013????? like REALLLY!! i am so disappointed…

    Like 8
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  14. SMDH says:

    The Premier needs to focus on the People and the Infrastructure of the Territory instead of trying to blindside the Issues with these Personal Tactics. Fund the Teachers, Repair the Schools, Provide a Public Library, Repair and upgrade ALL Government owned facilities to defer from paying the ludicrous RENTS and give Gover Employees their Dued Increments. Stop this bareface practice of seeking raise for the Cabinet Members while the Ground or Corner Stones are being overlooked. No Confidence in this Self Centered Leader At All.

    Like 11
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  15. @ VEX says:

    your mind is as dirty as your color/ DARK

  16. Fool says:

    Have you not learned your lesson on carrying news?why you soo childish man? Why you put yourself in position you not qualified for? This is embarrassing!

  17. Actually they says:

    Need to do none of the above. They are broken and beyond reasonable doubt, serving themselves alone. What need to happen first is remove the government. Remove all civil servant bosses who are 90% in cahoots, enjoy some free competent and professional uk foreign service and national staff to straighten thing out. Then get this basic needs of society that been neglected and failed on for 12+ years done. Maybe the richest little place in the Caribbean can then actually look like the $ went somewhere else from mens’ pockets and into the sand. Nearly $3 billion taken in last 12 years. We all been robbed by neighbors who we paid and praised fo do we thieving.

    Like 5
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  18. Secret Bear says:

    Deny, deflect, distract.

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