BVI News

‘Fake news’, no candidates named for my party yet — Fraser

Reports that five well-known locals have been chosen as election candidates for the newly-formed Progressives United political organisation is ‘fake news’, says party founder Julian Fraser.

Queen’s Counsel Dancia Penn and former Speaker of the House of Assembly Keith Flax were among the list of names that were being circulated as Progressives United candidates.

But Fraser categorically dismissed those claims in a recent interview with BVI News.

“I have not revealed a single name to a soul … Julian Fraser has not given Jack a name of anyone running under the ticket for Progressives United,” he said.

“I had a private gathering with a select group of people to whom I disclosed the group’s name and that’s it. [I announced the name of the party] because people were concerned that they were not hearing enough. So, I called a meeting and we wheeled the name up. Anything else you saw is make-up, false, fake news,” he said.

The Fraser-led Progressives United launched the name of the party through a billboard erected near the roundabout in Road Town recently.

“It (the billboard) was all part of a soft launch, sensitising people to the name and the colours and, when the time is right, we will launch the group, the symbols … everything.”

He said the official launch of the party will be a public event. Fraser, however, was tight-lipped about the date and venue of the upcoming party launch.

In the meantime, the representative of the Third Electoral District said he is hosting a community meeting for his constituents on Thursday.

Among items on the agenda will be long-standing issues affecting the district such as water, sewerage, and road infrastructure.

The meeting is scheduled to take place at the Valerie Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay from 7 pm.

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  1. LOL Really? says:

    No way……the yellow site printing falsehoods?

  2. Woww says:

    He & his party whoever the persons are is not going to win regardless. Waste of time.

    Like 28
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  3. Look at life says:

    It’s the same fake news site that you helped to create and supported with their nonsense all these years that did that to you. Isn’t life something else! Look at this.

    Like 9
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  4. Janice says:

    Any party with words “progressive”,”liberal”,or “democrats” can NOT be trusted. They are code words for socialist and communist.

    Like 10
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  5. School children say says:

    I wish he would just understand how st——— and a——– he is. It’s either he way or no way. That they can’t work bossman unless he trying to mash up the place. I would take another Irma over — any day.

    Like 6
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  6. Ah sah says:

    Not elected yet and — done behaving like Trump. Dead on arrival

    Like 14
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  7. lol says:

    lol but we but we hear u have the second district rep and the seventh rep running under your ticket.. and zone 6 rep thinking about following say it aint so

    Like 4
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  8. say i say so says:

    Fraser will be the trump card in this coming election…Some will have to merge with him in order to form the new government

    Like 3
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  9. strupes says:

    That yellow site is only over there printing fake news to make the VIP look good but when they kick him in his butt he will turn against them. BARRY SAY YOU WILL HEAR

    Like 9
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  10. john leonard says:


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  11. fraser to the rescue says:

    The Hon Julian Fraser is finally surrounding himself with trusted people. I cant say the same for that last set he was with.

    Like 6
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  12. hog city says:

    just read the yellow site article and saw no where it said who the candidates were just who were there at meeting, SO WHAT.

    the new party is DOA anyway

    Like 11
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  13. Fact says:

    His party and those names are bad news for the VIP, they may not win but will take away from VIP support.

    Like 9
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    • Reporter says:

      Mr. ——- has already lost his Credibility.
      We hear a lot of BS these days, about “Country above self” from some of these wanna be politicians. We know that its just paying lip service to the expression; and that is more like “Me and then Country”. Some of those same folks around —— had decided during VIP’s term in office; (2007-11) that they would not have work with D—-a, should something happen to R T O’Neal. The thinking was that she was the new kid on the block and did not deserve to move up the ranks so quickly, bypassing those same so-called Country lovers. But I guess she doesn’t know that

  14. Virgin Islander says:

    Some of you just HATE Hon. Frazer because you can’t conquer him. Some don’t know him and still on here hating. But Ya’ll in for a big surprise come election day when those ballots are counted. The Virgin Islands are right now in serious trouble and we will see all kind of self serving people trying to position themselves for the next take, But NO WAY JOSE. Peoples eyes are wide open this time. NO Politician or aspiring Politician can think they have an easy win. It is time for the people of the Virgin Islands to win back the trust of All who are elected into office. As time progress, the people of the Virgin Islands will make their intelligent decision and will vote for thirteen suitable persons to sit in our House of Assembly come next election. Only those who are desirable to stand and sit there to honestly do what is right by the citizens of this territory and not for a few. Be it white, black or pink.

    Like 4
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    • Hold your horses says:

      —— is to damn a—– and c— ,– has no filter. H– ways is the reason why VIP/Vindictive island pests is the way it is.

  15. Political Observer (PO) says:

    None of articles on the on line news sites mention anything about the candidates who were running on the PU ticket. They mention attendees at Icis Villa for the supposed soft introduction. So who put out the 411 on who was running on the PU ticket? Did the school chiren put out the 411 on who was running? Well, the school chiren are a pretty reliable source, are they not?

    A soft introduction. Should not the PU have had an introduce that was hard hitting, memorable, information packed, long lasting?

    Like 4
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  16. What!! says:

    “Virgin Islander” You are correct I do not know J . Fraser but we all know what he did when in power Bi Water mess, money paid to brother for nothing, traffic lights at roundabout against everyones advise, and thats just a few examples. He was not even man enough to admit the traffic lights were wrong and Hon R. O’Neal had to appologise to the people for him!!!

    Like 7
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    • The liberator says:

      This is the man who made cellphones affordable..this is the man who installed all traffic lights..this is the man who made water cheaper 24/7..he is not afraid to make tough decisions and you could take that to the bank

      Like 3
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      • Where's the Vision? says:

        He is also the most Stubborn Politician in BVI politics. So stubborn that his boss, R T O’Neal apologise and took down the street lights at the Round-about. We might have made History being the smallest island and the only place in the whole wide world with million Dollar street lights at a round-about.

      • Yep says:

        The Real Deal. One thing he makes decisions with the people in mind. No one will ever make all the right popular decisions but the attempt to make life better for all of us is commendable.

    • Voter says:

      I agree he is the man behind the bi water system that’s why the people in his district is suffering and the man c—- admit he is wrong that is why O’neal apologize for his mistakes.Now he is making he’s own party to do what???????? He c— help his own district well sahhhhh and aiming high to make bvi people s——…..

  17. ? says:

    None of the official news sites listed any candidates with his party for elections. What they did was mention who attended the meeting. It sounded more like they are the executive body or advisors. From the unofficial sources they listed candidates and some of them would have been good choices. The party looked like a viable option based on the “fake news”

  18. Capt. Obvious says:

    Vote splitting.

  19. New name, same story says:

    The thing is that — is tainted. Part of the old system that breed g—- and c——–. We need something or someone new and fresh with people that genuinely want a better future for bvi. Someone that wasn’t trained in a c—— government but can start afresh.

    If you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig.

  20. talk that says:

    Fraser is not wanted by the feds, he is no thief and can be trusted

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  21. Capt. Obvious says:

    Ok. So Fraser is the founder of a new party. Will he allow that he can be voted out by by the WILL of the memebers? Just a ‘progressive’ inquiry.

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