BVI News

Final call! Today the last available day to get first dose of vaccine

Health Minister Carvin Malone

With just today, Saturday, July 3 remaining for unvaccinated persons to take their first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, Minister Carvin Health Malone has made a last-ditch call for persons to take the jab before the day ends.

The Health Minister made the appeal while speaking on in ZBVI radio; reminding persons that the current vaccine supply in the territory expires at the end of July.

Health officials recently announced a four-week period between which the first and second doses of the vaccine can be taken. This means that July 3 is the last day that anyone can take a first dosage of the remaining vaccine supply in the BVI before they expire.

Malone said health officials have even offered a concierge service in their efforts to get as much persons vaccinated.

“If you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you,” he said while advising that centres will be open today so that the vaccine exercise can continue.

Malone reminded persons that the COVID-19 global pandemic wreaked havoc on the population and on businesses throughout the world.

“In the Virgin Islands we have done all that we could in terms of preparing institutions facilities and personnel for times such as this,” he stated.

The Health Minister said decisions have to be made to take the vaccine in order to get to herd immunity and give everyone fighting chance of survival.

He also warned that emergency rooms, labs and isolation centres cannot afford to be overwhelmed given the limited capacity in that regard.

According to Malone, the new variants of the virus throughout the world meant that adhering to social distance protocols was all the more important now. He further said preparations were being made for these variants’ eventual arrival in the BVI.

He further advised that persons need to do whatever they can to be safe and pointed out that being vaccinated was the most efficient method of accomplishing this.

He said the government will continue to negotiate with the UK government to determine whether they would be willing to offer the BVI additional doses of any vaccines for free.

One more person dies from COVID in BVI! Active cases climb to 150

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  1. Lol says:

    Lol lol lol.W**ked man the only time running out it’s your own.

    Like 13
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  2. Belonger says:

    If I were the U.K, you would have to pay for anymore that you need if you allow what was given to spoil.

    Like 15
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  3. It rough says:

    Heard that lab rats had a protest to ban this experiment from being tested on them

    Like 12
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  4. SMH says:

    These comments, really.
    “The ignorant are ignorant of their ignorance”.

    Like 26
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    • @SMH says:


      Like 12
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      • Sensible1 says:

        I wonder how many anti vaxxers will change their minds if an unvaccinated relative dies. These people worried about vaccines but on Fb, cellphones( with chips) , have muliple credit cards and online shopping all them time. Amazing. But to each his own stay safe people

        Like 5
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  5. Im happy people are taking the Vaccine says:

    Friday Out side of Kmarks had a long line, the Clinics also people wanting the vaccine,,99% of the positive cases are all unvaccinated, and for those who recently got the vaccine and are been positive with the virus, dont blame the vaccine, blame yourself for delay taking the vaccine, Dont think once you already have the virus taking the vaccine will drive it away, it wont. The vaccine is to prevent the dangers of the virus..I didnt want it, I made up my mind and took it..Cant keep the country stagnant..

    Like 20
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  6. Stop let lie says:

    Report say 50% of the cases are unvaccinated 18% fully vaccinated and 15 partially vaccinated.

    Like 3
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    • Tongue Fu says:

      @ Stop let lie

      What report? That is 83% what happened to the other 17 % ? Allyuh need to stop.

      Like 5
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      • We says:

        Don’t hate on a belonger who isn’t good at math. He didn’t graduate second grade.

        Like Fahie

        Like 1
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      • Lol says:


        He must be government. They can’t do numbers too

        Like 4
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      • You didn't get the memo says:

        The other % they are still trying to figure out. For your information the is a report, a long one that gives you the figures, you just didn’t see it yet.

  7. can we please stop it says:

    what would happen if we practised the love of God like we are glorifying covid, who got vaccine and who don’t. covid, cancer, BBP, diabetes, no matter what it is, we need to seek the face of God and turn from her ways so we can hear from heaven. Covid or not, all of our time will come to an end and we need to be ready for eternity.

    Let us stop this stupid division about vaccinated or non-vaccinated. Heaven is crying.

    Not one of us know the truth about covid and the vaccine. None of us. Let God be true and every man a liar.

    Like 6
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  8. Hard Truth says:

    Statistically the chances of survival through natural immunity are far far greater than the potential immunity one may receive from the vaccine.

    When more than 60% of CoViD deaths in the UK are vaccinated individuals, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out they are better off without the jab.

    Before any imbociles try and call me out on fake news, do yourself a favour and look it up in the PHE data.

    Like 6
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    • Nope says:

      Wow fake data? How wrong you are.

      Stop spreading lies. Put down the weed and bush tea and take off your tin foil hat.

      Like 5
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    • Please says:

      Exactly the opposite to what PHE posts

    • @Nope and Please says:

      Thank you both for proving my point.

      Please may I direct you to page 10 of the document titled “SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing restrictions – Roadmap Step 2, 31 March 2021” where you will read, “The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave.”

      Please may I also direct you to table 4 on page 14 of the PHE document titled, “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England – Technical briefing 17 25 June 2021”. In this document you will see on page 14 in table 4 that deaths within 28 days of positive specimen date are majority vaccinated.

      The numbers are of a total of 117: 50 received 2 doses, 19 equal to or more than 21 days post first dose, 1 less than 21 days post first dose, 3 were unlinked, and 44 were unvaccinated. By my count that is of 117 deaths by covid, 70 were vaccinated with at least 1 dose and 44 were unvaccinated.

      I think you both need to stop getting your news from Tw**ter and Tw*tbook, and start going to the actual data. I pray to God that our health authorities do not approach this in the same fallacious manner that you both seem to employ.

  9. @Nope and Please says:

    Just in case you failed to read, or the comment is censored, here is a condensed version.

    Check the following documents:

    “PHE – SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England”, table 4, page 14.

    “UKGOV – SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing restrictions – Roadmap Step 2”, page 10, paragraph 32.

    I accept your apology.

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