BVI News

First 35 travel to USVI to get alternative COVID vaccine

The first batch of BVI residents was yesterday, Tuesday, August 3, transported to the neighbouring US Virgin Islands (USVI) to receive an alternative COVID-19 vaccine.

Only the AstraZeneca brand of the vaccine is available in the BVI. But through a programme dubbed the BVI-USVI Vaccination Bubble Initiative, residents are now able to travel to the neighbouring territory and get either the Pfizer or the Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

“We had the first 35 persons being transported to St John; as approved by the [USVI] Governor through the particular request by the Premier,” Health Minister Carvin Malone told ZBVI radio from the West End Ferry Dock where the ferry to St John departed.

“We were able to register the names and actually fulfil all the protocols for entering the United States and will be administering vaccinations,” Malone added.

The first trip comprised of persons 12 to 17 years old who were given priority once they had a parent or legal guardian accompanying them. They’ve been given the Pfizer brand which, unlike AstraZeneca, can be administered to children and teens.

The next trip to the USVI will be for persons 18 years and older.

“Those persons will be invited to now register so that we can then have the other trip. We have about three to five trips that will be administered in this particular regard,” Malone stated.

BVI-USVI Vaccination Bubble initiative officially launched

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  1. Keep says:

    Keep their racist a**es in the BVI. What vaccine are their relatives getting in Africa? The Belonger is so smart and racist then develop your own vaccine. Put your bush tea in a syringe and inject it. Lmfao

    Like 10
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    • @keep says:

      Every now and then you turn up with your fake racist trolls. Perhaps a tiny number of ppl fall for it and believe you are a white racist but most don’t and they know you could be any race stirring trouble. Nobody really takes any notice anyway. Why bother. It’s pathetic.

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  2. LCS says:

    Neither Bush tea nor ganja work. Haven’t you noticed? Get vaccinated ASAP. L

    Like 11
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  3. Crystal says:

    I can understand the 12-18 year old getting it, I just hope they realise that it will be two trips to get both jabs because we do not know about forward thinking/planning.

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  4. Interesting says:

    It would be good to hear what they think they are going to get that’s different. If they do get a vaccine, at least it helps the BVI (unless they bring the Delta variant back with them).

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    • @Interesting says:

      AstraZeneca is not recommended in most countries for persons under the age of 40 years! Definitely not for teenagers. Since adult persons living in the BVI are rejecting the vaccine, it falls on the young to take it in order to try and reach a high enough level of herd immunity within the community. As we are only able to bring the AZ into the BVI, it means that persons wishing to take an alternative need to travel to get it. At least the Govt has made this possible and the USVI is being magnanimous in assisting us.

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  5. Kudos says:

    What a wonderful initiative between the US Virgin Islands and BVI. I am so grateful and so impressed!!

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  6. Anonymous says:

    My Tortola people is the most ungrateful people I know , hear is the USVI Governor trying to help , and they don’t have too , but he know that original BVI people and people from the USVI are ancestors,and family,there is a long history of these people, but a lot of people coming to the BVI from elsewhere don’t know the history,so that is why the Governor of the USVI is will to help, so of you don’t the the history of the greater VI sit you backside down and let the friendship of these islands prosper.

    Like 8
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  7. Wow says:

    Singapore has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (post-mortem) for a Covid-19 corpse. after a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but rather a bacterium that has been exposed to radiation and causes human death by coagulation in the blood.
    Covid-19 disease has been found to cause blood clotting, which causes blood clotting in humans and causes blood clotting in the veins, which makes it difficult for a person to breathe because the brain, heart and lungs cannot receive oxygen, causing people to die quickly.

    To find the cause of the shortage of respiratory energy, doctors in Singapore did not listen to the WHO protocol and performed an autopsy on COVID-19. after doctors opened arms, legs, and other parts of the body and carefully examined them, they noticed that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, which impeded blood flow and also reduced the flow of oxygen. In the body it causes the death of the patient. after learning about this research, the Singapore Ministry of Health immediately changed the treatment protocol for Covid-19 and gave aspirin to its positive patients. I started taking 100 mg and Imromac. As a result, patients began to recover and their health began to improve. the Singapore Ministry of Health evacuated more than 14,000 patients in one day and sent them home.After a period of scientific discovery, doctors in Singapore explained the treatment method by saying that the disease is a global trick, “It is nothing but a coagulation inside blood vessels (blood clots) and a method of treatment.
    Antibiotic tablets
    Anti-inflammatory and
    Take an anticoagulant (aspirin).
    This indicates that it is possible to treat the disease.
    According to other Singapore scientists, ventilators and an intensive care unit (ICU) were never needed. Protocols for this effect have already been published in Singapore
    China already knows this, but it has never released its report.Share this information with your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends and colleagues so that they can get rid of the fear of Covid-19 and realize that this is not a virus, but a bacterium that has only been exposed to radiation. Only people with very low immunity should be careful. this radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Victims should take Asprin-100mg and Apronik or Paracetamol 650mg.

    ? * NOTE *
    Source: Singapore Ministry of Health
    () ?

    Like 2
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    • Hogwash says:

      What nonsense you just vomited. Stick to your bush tea and cancer-healing elixirs. Let the rest of your countrymen receive proper medical care and survive.

      Like 4
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  8. @wow says:

    Your English is almost as appalling as
    your grasp of science.

    Like 6
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  9. @ ASKING says:

    So is there a boat ride heaven also ?

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  10. Watching says:

    So how come there is no social distancing on that ferry. Tricks, pure tricks.

    Like 3
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    • @Watching says:

      In the absence of staying 6ft apart, everyone is wearing their mask – and they were tested before departure.

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      • Ffff says:

        Who they don’t send us the vaccine so the kids don’t go travelling an risk getting or spreading Covid?

        Like 2
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        • ??? says:

          Because the vaccines were purchased with US Federal funds. Therefore one would have to be on US soil to receive it, otherwise the governor would get in trouble with the feds. I am sure most of the children or adults traveling to get it are either us persons born or green card holder so not a problem. Evrn if they are not anyone on US soil can get the vaccine. You did however ask a great question. Hope this response helps.

      • But says:

        You’re supposed to do BOTH! No wonder ppl dying if ppl that dumb.

  11. Hmmmm says:

    The paid bloggers on this site can’t even thank the Government for this well thought of, organized and needed initiative.

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  12. happy says:

    we were there, and as a parent there is nothing important as to protect our child or a child to this virus that kills people. We should at least be thankful to the GOvernment initiative to have the young people to have the vaccine.
    I salute all the staff of BVI health Services who were there very early and to make sure things were done right.Doctors and Nurses and other staff offered their time to assist the Parents and kids. Kudos to the Ministers who were there as well.

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