BVI News

Fraser doubles down on ‘motion of no-confidence’ threat


Third District Representative Julian Fraser has re-issued a warning he made weeks ago that he stands ready, along with the rest of the parliamentary Opposition, to deliver on several motions of no-confidence in the House of Assembly (HOA) against the government.

Fraser, who had been taken to task by Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley about his earlier threat of disruption to the government’s agenda, reaffirmed his promise yesterday during the first sitting of the Fifth House of Assembly.

He assured that, not only is there the necessary competence among the Opposition’s ranks to deliver on his threat, but there is also a level of fortitude and determination to execute on that promise.

The veteran lawmaker made the remarks after speaking about a number of critical changes needed across the various communities as well as infrastructure improvements he said he and other Opposition members had campaigned on and wants to see coming from the government during its term in office.

“I said in our press conference that this Opposition has the capacity, the tenacity, and the will to move not one, not two, not three, but as many as necessary motions of no-confidence on the government as we have to in order to get these changes into effect,” said Fraser.

Fraser warned that if the Premier and his team turn a deaf ear to the Opposition’s cries and the things that are necessary in the territory, then those motions will come to fruition in the legislature.

He added: “It’s not something that we want to wake up in the morning, come to a [House] sitting to do, but it will happen if these things are not done.”

In the meantime, Premier Wheatley, while promising to work with all members of the HOA and the Opposition in particular, suggested that Fraser had now qualified his previous threats and thanked him for bringing clarity to the HOA.

“I’m grateful that my good friend, the senior member from the Third District cleaned up what he said earlier about votes of no-confidence,” said Premier Wheatley. “Because of course, we must focus our attention, not in bringing down a government, but in building up the BVI, and we can do that together. I’m confident.”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Seems like the Premier is growing up!

    “I’m grateful that my good friend, the senior member from the Third District cleaned up what he said earlier about votes of no-confidence,” said Premier Wheatley. “Because of course, we must focus our attention, not in bringing down a government, but in building up the BVI, and we can do that together. I’m confident.”

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  2. OMG says:

    This Honorable gentleman have been in for 20 long years , what he has done besides having that funny hair style and dining some funny water deals hahahahah, no confidence my back!!!!! Hahahahah

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  3. Talk is cheap says:

    He can bring as many no confidence motions as he likes, but unless the opposition vote as a block and one member of the VIP (which now includes Lorna) votes with the opposition the motion will fail. Will Julian resign if any motion he brings fails?

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  4. The mistake premier says:

    Thanks to the good people of the third district for giving us a representative who will challenge this government. The premier ended the last assembly by having to have the house recalled because of an error.

    Can you believe this nonsense where he began this session by trying to bully the speaker. Go ahead and call for the vote he said. Five minutes after he is saying that it was an error another mistake.

    Is this how he plans to run this session. Can one man continue to mistake after mistake. But I will give him high Mark, he is even able to lead who we thought had a level head down the wrong road. Lorna is no leader she is a follower. The mistake was not the premier alone she must share in the blame. Two blind mice. But then again ultimately it is the people who gave us an ERROR GOVERNMENT.

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  5. Resident says:

    he needs to double down on visiting his barber

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  6. S**w says:

    Sowande s**w. Cleared up what?? Fraser was as clear the first time as he was the second time. Sowande is po**y show.

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  7. Stop the Frig says:

    With all due respect, I think Hon. Fraser needs to give it up now. He is unserious and past the point where is making any serious contribution to progress in the country.

    He won’t ever be Premier or likely a minister of government again (and have not yet come to that realization). And instead of putting forward serious ideas to hold the government accountable or move the country forward, he wants to begin the new administration’s term in office with a no confidence motion. A motion he does not have the votes to pass, even if all the members of the opposition vote with him.

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  8. Down2earth says:

    It would be awesome if persons address issues at hand and not resort to personal attacks. Let’s raise the bar people!

    A native Virgin Islander to the Nth generation

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  9. @the mistake Premier says:

    and the Attorney General was sitting right next to him.

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  10. Hmmm says:

    Imagine they made Farser shadow Minister for biwater. Talk about rat put to preserve cheese, or rather the disappearance of the cheese.

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  11. just bitter says:

    Man just throw in the dreads and done with that silly path down the middle like a white man from the 1940s.

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  12. Taxpayer says:

    Must be nice to run unopposed.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Who cares if Fraser chooses to be vindictive and stupid by bringing a motion of no confidence. They will lose 7-6 anyway so it will be a waste of everybody’s time.

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  14. Mannix says:

    Stop wasting dam time. Look out for the dam country

  15. Sara says:

    That is an unfair statement as we do not know what discussions were had prior to the house sitting.

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  16. Observer says:

    Let’s be real people and put the politics and personal attacks to rest and look at the issues at hand from a realistic point of view. First sitting of the fifth house of Assembly and in the company of our fellow legislators from the neighboring USVI. What an embarrassment! What a big mistake to see that neither the sitting premier or the Deputy knows the Constitution. Whether you Like Frazer or not, he knows the General Orders and the Constitution of the land and can reference those instruments at anytime and anyplace. It’s people like him we need to ensure that things are done correctly.

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  17. Salty says:

    Mu mu

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  18. People in the bvi cant comprehend says:

    Ayo must learn to read before commenting on the headlines…The level of comprehension in the BVI is way low…People see a headline and jump to conclusion before reading the details…Ayo stop hating on Fraser…The man means well

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  20. Synopsis says:

    With regards to the nomination of the Deputy Speaker yesterday it would have been a done deal to have the representative for the fourth district fill this position because the premier had no intentions of listening to the opinions of the Opposition. And to add further insult to injury, you had the Deputy Premier seconding the motion where neither of the two knows the constitution. Thank God for technology for one can only conclude that either the special envoy or JW who knows the constitution made contact with him, and instructed him accordingly.. hence his nomination was withdrawn. Point in case is that there is an opportunity for the young ones to learn from the older ones. Together they can build this country.

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  21. Political Intelligence says:

    The threat of a motion of no confidence is actually an excellent democratic tool that helps to keep the government’s feet close to the fire. I won’t write off the possibility for a successful motion of no confidence either.

    Maybe a disgruntled government member decides to vote with the opposition. Maybe for example, grasshopper Lorna might feel like her demands are not being met by the VIP and so she decides vote against Sowande. Any disgruntled government member can give that critical vote.

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  22. Aron 2027 says:

    ARON 2027!

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  23. agreed he has funny hair.. says:

    but come on guys, enough already. Ease up on the personal attacks and focus on substance. His hair is not important.

  24. Not Exactly says:

    With the government having a 1 seat majority. Should persons from the government side not be present during a no confidence motion, the government can find themselves in trouble.

  25. Hmm says:

    They should move one to have him vacate his seat.

  26. @not exactly says:

    And if there have to be another election I’m certain the ruling party will have more seats because right now I think people realize who really want good for this country instead of self. I think after the election people see who all was power hungry.

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  27. @@the mistake premier says:

    2nd time a mistake, compliments of Lorna in deh corner

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