BVI News

Governor deeply concerned over murders, drug problem

In the wake of yet another gun-related murder, Governor John Rankin has expressed deep concern over the proliferation of illicit drugs and guns in circulation and the challenges faced in effectively managing the territory’s porous borders.

“Overall, this is a safe place. Overall, our crime rate is low. But one death, one murder, is one too many in any circumstance,” Governor Rankin said recently. “And I’m particularly concerned about the number of guns in the territory because the majority of these murders are carried out through gun violence.”

Governor Rankin, who has oversight of the territory’s internal security, pointed to the record number of guns seized last year, but acknowledged that much more has to be done in order to control the escalating problem.

“We need to have effective arrangements through Customs, through immigration, through the marine police patrolling to try to prevent those guns coming in the first place,” Rankin stated. 

And while advocating for more effective policing, the governor alluded to some of the challenges faced with illicit drugs coming into the territory. He further pointed out that there is a correlation between some of the murders that have taken place in recent years and the drug trade.

“A number of these murders are linked to the importation of drugs and drug wars. And again, that requires dealing with the customs, immigration and maritime controls to try to prevent the drugs coming in,” he expressed.

Governor Rankin has repeatedly expressed strong support in recent months for a revision of the territory’s Police Act, arguing in part that the existing legislation is deficient in the area of modern policing techniques, such as taking DNA samples.

However, the most recent draft of the Police Bill that was sent to the House of Assembly (HOA) failed to garner sufficient support from lawmakers after it came under intense public backlash and was rejected over some of its more draconian provisions.

In the meantime, Governor Rankin commented that there is also a need for attention to be given to the territory’s youth through training, education, and effective social services, so that they will not become involved in gang culture or connected to the drug trade and gun violence.


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  1. Solution says:

    I was going to suggest a lock down in long long
    ..but the gun man them shooting you in broad day light.

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  2. Hmmm says:

    We all fully agree this is a concern and all hands must be on deck to deal with this issue which is plaguing all countries whether small or big be it America, UK, Asia, Caribbean, etc. It calls for a deeper look at the real root and not the symptoms of this problem why it is suddenly escalating worldwide and not just in BVI as some may have us to think.

    Like 17
  3. Well says:

    When you have leaders who in it for what they can gain without considering what is right, it makes it hypocritical for us to expect anything better from our young people who killing each other. There is something to gain, even if it is wrong. Our leaders have been sending out this message time and time again, up to very recently. Not because they do not have a gun in their hand means they are any better than the man on the streets who does. Same category!

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  4. Oliver Closeoff says:

    The sad fact is that the drug trade is deeply ingrained in this territory and it’s locals, going back decades. When Fat Albert was caught, that just shows how bad the corruption and drug trade goes here.

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  5. Guest says:

    Sure you are????. Let me ask, with all this so called concern have you ever perhaps thought of asking the British Navy to reconsider their previous offer??? I highly doubt that Mr For-Show Governor. You seem high on theatrics and comments but woefully lacking in action and developing a good blind eye. BVI people are no longer buying politicians fake concern. When are you leaving anyway, so the people of the BVI can get a real worker???

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  6. .... says:

    do like they do in the states build a tasks force even import some help…create a web players and close friends/girl friends get the search warrants for the same time knock on every one door the same time that way nobody gets to call nobody and take out as much players as possible….im fed up

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  7. @ HMMM says:

    We cannot listen to ignorance that’s why the lord gave us a mind of our own , we know what is going on all around the world , but we have to concentrate on where you are living first ( if you and your neighbor’s house is on fire whose house are you going to throw water on first ? ) it’s like those who just chatting shit about racism and colonialism and the UK and their corruption and they want to come here and tell us about ours as if they have it , it ain’t no big deal if we have some too
    DUH so wd should just let the killings the drugs and corruption slide , because they have it we should have it ?

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  8. Reality Check says:

    Mandatory ten years, no trial, for possession and for everyone with them. No exception! To many have guns here and that culture must change!

    Like 14
  9. @Oliver Closeoff says:

    None Sense! Quit the hypocrisy!

    The entire industrial revolution of the USA, Britain and Europe were financed, supported and constructed off of the drug trade, specifically opium and cocaine. Indeed, most of the richest presidents in sais countries were drug dealers. And, most of the richest folk of those countries today are inheritors of said drug proceeds. He who research reads knows.

    The BVI is neither the beginning of nor the haven of the drug business. So, quit trying to paint in a negative to the trade. It has been around for centuries being handled by elite Europeans and other long, long long before Black people and especially VIslanders were introduced to it.

    So stop the hypocrisy!!

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  10. Anonymous says:

    Take over the territory and install an aggressive and up to date police bill!

    The elected and selected local body is THE problem..

    Mek war on the importation …change the overseers and the human imports .

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  11. My take says:

    The residents of this country must bear some responsibility. Many persons know who the killers are but remain mute. A man was gunned down in daylight in a village. He was not in the mountains. How come nobody see. They know the vehicle. Even if the persons wore masks you can identify height weight gait etc. A lot of crimes ate solved in the u.s because somebody calls in a tip. Come on people say something.

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  12. Raid says:

    Take over the territory and install an aggressive and up to date police bill!

    The elected and selected local body is THE problem..

    Mek war on the importation …change the overseers and the human imports …stop the migration by stopping visas issuance to the offending countries.

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  13. Jane says:

    We need CCTV on our roads and junctions. Police need to get their fat backsides out of their jeeps and walking around our communities, talking to people and building trust. The Governor needs to be pushing the new government and the UK government to find extra resources. We probably need a new police headquarters built – this is not sticking plaster stuff. The DPP needs more funding, enhanced training and probably needs some UK expertise to strengthen its activities. Juries should be extended to include all long-term residents: serving on a jury is a civic duty and it is part of being a good citizen.

    Like 17
  14. Jim says:

    Agree with you. Belongers have a long history of smuggling. Evidence to the fact is huge expensive properties,
    The newest car, and lavish lifestyles. Take your pick.

    When the UK takes over, we’ll see a change for the better

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  15. Wow says:

    Most of the recent murders happened in district 7

  16. @Jim says:

    Exactly! It is a well known fact Jim, English people are highly jealous of VIslanders and thier physical belongings, land, house, cars etc..

    That is always their main focus of their onversation the minute they arrive here. That is now confirmed by your envious statements on this platform. But from good sources, we know of this. So sad of.

    Be reminded,however, Smuggling has been a common human practice in the UK of and all over the wotld of contraband, stolen artifacts and other for centuries. And are prevalent to the moment. Have you no knowledge of this?? Or have you a wanton desire and hatred for and to project Tolaand its people in a negative way?

    Like 7
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  17. rastarite says:

    Ever wondered how a young guy with a 2 million dollar speedboat and no job gets to operate? Now there’s a line of enquiry – no satisfactory answer and no income or taxes paid – SEIZE de dam boat!!

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  18. Redstorm says:

    We need to have effective arrangements through Customs, through immigration, through the marine police patrolling to try to prevent those guns coming in the first place,” Rankin stated.

    Please ask the USVIRGIN for help, they have a system that will allow you to stay in your office and find the guns. Clean up the place governor. The people are tired, whoever is creating this monster is decreasing the male population. We can’t have that.

    Call in the UK squad.

  19. Mr. Governor says:

    Mr. Governor, you are responsible for the police. You are responsible for the security of this country. Let us hear what you and your people will do instead of complaining and confirming what we all know. What will you do about it?

    here are a few ideas. Let us get random stop and search around the island, anytime of day, any day of week. Even if you have to stop a wedding motorcade to check vehicles, do what you gotcha do.

    When there is a shootout, have the police block off roads for a while – nobody in, nobody out till we get a grip of this. Yes we have alot of by-pass roads in throughout the island, but they’re all known.

    Cameras. Where are they. Why on this small piece of rock we can’t have effective cameras throughout the island. Sticket has been a death zone for ages now. Why no cameras in the area all now.

    police presence – most of us don’t even remember we have a police force until there’s a crime or accident and they show up with yellow tape and direct traffic. One time police use to be on the beat and even though a criminal going find a way to do what they want, once you see an officer, you can at least think twice. Now they out giving out prizes and raffle tickets and you see them in groups of 4 and 6. rubbish

    All this is free of charge

    Like 13
  20. Resident says:

    There needs to be an aggressive Police presence . The best would be UK police officers only here for 6 months to do the Job. Stop cars and scooters, confiscate if there is drugs or weapons found. destroy scooters confiscated right away. Look at Unexplained wealth. if no taxes are paid and you have $$$ how did you get it. do you own 2 million dollar property on 100K income and no 2 million loan? its easy to find! there has to be consequences for illegal activity or nothing will ever change!

    Like 11
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  21. @Guest & Burnett says:

    That offer of a ship was made during the height of the pandemic when we had few to no cases of covid so people from the USVI decided to sneak in (and bring it with them).

    The UK is not in the habit of stepping in and interfering with domestic or political issues of its territories except when the citizens are threatened (economically usually) by their own government, hence the post COI mandates. The Governor was NEVER going to appoint someone to cross that aisle after the election; that was a lie.

    Whether we want independence or not, it’s time for the citizens of the Territory to put on their big boy pants and accept responsibility for self governance.

    There are some good ideas above (@ Roger Burnett, @ Jane and others). We need to offer our kids shopcraft, arts and outside apprenticeships through the schools and stop teaching them only how to sit in an office – believe it or not, some people actually LIKE physical labor and feel satisfaction from their craft.

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  22. @Guest & Burnett says:

    That offer of a ship was made during the height of the pandemic when we had few to no cases of covid so people from the USVI decided to sneak in (and bring it with them).

    The UK is not in the habit of stepping in and interfering with domestic or political issues of its territories except when the citizens are threatened (economically usually) by their own government, hence the post COI mandates. The Governor was NEVER going to appoint someone to cross that aisle after the election.

    Whether we want independence or not, it’s time for the citizens of the Territory to put on their big boy pants and accept responsibility for self governance.

    There are some good ideas above (@ Roger Burnett, @ Jane and others). We need to offer our kids shopcraft, arts and outside apprenticeships through the schools and stop teaching them only how to sit in an office – believe it or not, some people actually LIKE physical labor and feel satisfaction from their craft.

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  23. No knife says:

    Remember a time when there were lots of stabbings?

  24. @solution says:

    you are out of place. could it be gun men not living in long look? Real Long Lookian are genuinely helpful, peaceful people.

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  25. to @solution says:

    I didn’t read where anyone said its Long Look people committing the crimes. Until the person is caught, charged and convicted, we will never had any evidence of this. This is not a Long Look issue, this is a BVI issue we are facing with, so need to defend your Long Look reputation – why be offended?

    Since you are so defensive, why don’t you step out and make a Long Look crime prevention group and youall walk around the community and see what you can do without having to go through red-tape. One of your first projects can be to donate and erect cameras on the sticket and utility poles thhroughout Long Look, Nottingham and all entrances. No need to be thin-skin and feel offended let’s get together, unite and find a way to deter the gunmen to the point that they wouldn’t have need to use these weapons. This way they can either turn in guns to the police anonymously or tie them to a block and sink them and the ammunition to the bottom of the sea

  26. Faithful says:

    Go to the bank and you will find all of my paper trails for every single one of my properties. Not everybody build from drugs money. I still owe the bank after 30 years of paying mortgage. So stop painting everybody with the same warped paintbrush

  27. Truth says:

    The territory is so small if they don’t be careful they might end up murdering family members. I remember a few years ago in the USVI a guy murdered a person only to find out it was a cousin. The guy was one of his uncle’s sons.

  28. BVI smugglers says:

    are just terrorists masquerading as local BVI residents. Darwin’s theories of natural selection will thin these terrorists out of the male population. UK and BVI police/armed forces can aid in the natural selection process but only to a minor extent. Every terrorist involved in BVI smuggling will die young then be replaced with a new recruit who will also die young. This death/replacement cycle will continue forever. Fortunately most humans chose to live life but a minority chose to destroy live.

  29. @ RESIDENT says:

    you know that even though its a good idea ,/ but you that would be another OUTCRY like when the video of the BRUTAL EXECUTION of a human being in fish bay was released , it was not against the killers , but against the person who open our eyes to what really happened ? ( STRANGELY ) it
    seems like we are supposed to get accustomed to cold blooded murders day or night / only when another o e bits dah dust , you will hear one or two of the so called politicians open their ” broken record ” mouths and mumble something and next day we will be wondering who is the next latest victim ?

  30. Jim says:

    English are jealous. Lol. That’s why they buy islands to be away from tolans I guess. So jealous…

  31. Anonymous says:

    They don’t like it when they read and are told the truth.

    It could stated that water is transparent or the ocean is deep and wars kill people, yet there are people who would show their mental dysfunction by thumbing down such truths. What a mentality lord.

  32. Anonymous says:

    No, they buy away from Tolans because they are naturally segregationist by nature.

  33. Good vote? says:

    So in the week after elections 7 boats are burned and one person murdered. Coincidence?

  34. Observer says:

    Writers Address to the Governor; Well said; In addition there needs to be (a) Placement of Buoys with cameras and sensors all along the coast-line of Tortola, starting on the south-side; So there can be a RAPID RESPONSE by tactical Police; These Guns are SMUGGLED in here; Like what is causing havoc in many Caribbean countries and in Central America – These are AMERICAN MADE arsenals; (b) Should have RANDOM surprise STOP and SEARCH, DAY and NIGHT, staggered times, (closely kept secret by only the Commissioner of Police and maybe second in command); Keeping the Criminals off-guard and harassing them is what will help to deter those from here and those from off-shore here to carry out a hit; (c) Gun violence Perpetrators should serve there time in the UK or some other bigger Caribbean country, inconveniencing them of CLOSE links to contacts; (d) ALL convicted of criminal offenses must be placed in a DNA data base; (e) High resolution cameras SHOULD be blanketed ALL OVER Tortola, starting with trouble spots; (f) Request UK help in having a HMS battle ship station in Road harbor and using the naval help in stabilizing and with searching

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  35. youkay pole-ees says:

    Can someone please explain what all the UK officers have been doing here and what benefit that are to the BVI community. Where have we improved, how have they helped, how are we better off. I am not against them and not knocking anything but at this point something need to make sense mehn. Right now it ain’t make no sense. Are they on vacation and came to soak up some sea and sun or what?

  36. ReX FeRaL says:

    @ Jim….Eta….You need to shut up if you cannot prove what you are alleging.

  37. uh says:

    “The best would be UK police officers only here for 6 months to do the Job. ”

    No way. The best would be local officers people feel comfortable calling on or existing around during daily life. We’ve had a majority of foreign officers for way way too long. Now they want to go the undercover route and further destroy what trust we have in each other.

    Why would local people trust or want to be police when every other person is smoking. Then the officers who pretend not to see it we call them corrupt. There is no winning for the local officers yet some choose to be police because there is more to policing than controlling what people put in their own body.

    Its all good with the officers from away who comes for the pay and call it a job.

    The police have to align with the people they are tasked to protect. We cant have both criminals and police preying on citizens.

  38. VI BORN AND PROUD! says:

    Persons come to the BVI and feel everybody build houses from drug money. Let me enlighten all of you. The BVI was a community that helped each other to build their homes and all we had to do was cook food and eat. The BVI for generations were land rich because of our ancestors who bought the land from our slave masters. Please dont come to the BVI making false statements about us!!! I have travelled on the ferry and heard the WHITE folks ask who own the houses on the hill and when they are told the locals…. their faces drop. They want us to live in trees and thatch houses. These houses too good for us!

  39. Anonymous says:

    Bravo yessssss

  40. War on Badness says:

    Chop off the hands of all persons illegally bearing arms and ammos and impose a minimum 5 yrs imprisonment. Illegal importers 25 yrs to life. Re hard drugs=chop off the culprit’s thumbs.

  41. Road Towner says:

    We had a good crop of police from the Islands in the 90’s , they were way better than these clowns including the commissioner and his team. Lawd beg them old CID veterans to come back and help us deal with our out of order crime problem.

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