BVI News

Governor: I’ve had no say in ministerial appointments!

Governor John Rankin has denied influencing any decisions made after the release of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) report last year that preceded a reshuffle of government ministers.

Following the report and Premier Andrew Fahie’s unrelated arrest in the United States, two ministers — then-Health Minister Carvin Malone and Labour Minister Vincent Wheatley — were asked to step down. Then Opposition legislators Marlon Penn and Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull where given those two ministerial posts to help form the coalition Government of National Unity with

However, the governor has insisted he played no role in that Cabinet reshuffle.

“Let me assure you, I have had no say at any point or attempted to influence who is appointed as a minister within this territory,” Governor Rankin said at a recent press conference. “I have not done that to date, and I would not intend to do that after the general election.”

While responding to a question about his position on the coalition government should continue after the upcoming general elections, Rankin attempted to steer clear of that arena.

“My stance is that I’m hopefully a wise enough governor not to get involved in party political issues within this territory,” he stated. “It is not for myself as governor to express views about any particular political party.”

Governor Rankin stated that he welcomes a commitment from any subsequent government to the implementation of the COI recommendations, but said he would not get involved in the specific questions of who should be a minister or which party should be in power.

“That is for the people of the British Virgin Islands in the upcoming election to determine, not for me as governor,” the governor insisted.

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  1. What a shame! says:

    The Premier is a power hungry untruthful man. In the midst of the crisis he chose to secure a position for himself and his colleagues over the needs of the country. He accepted all the recommendations from the COI so he could get what he wanted personally. He flipped from a so called freedom fighter to a colonial lap dog all to secure himself. He has to go! And now he made up stories to get two of his colleagues out of their post claiming it was the UK who did it. All because he did not want to dissolve the HOA and call fresh elections.

    Like 21
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  2. Hmm says:

    The other tabloid site blogger sleeping today. They have not bombarded this post with anti UK rants and deflective arguments trying to make it seem like the BVI people feel that way. I guess the one raging narcissist lunatic is not awake yet….

    Like 21
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  3. Coke is it! says:

    The whole unity government ministers lied to the public to secure ministerial positions.

    Like 16
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  4. Word Play says:

    Notice the exact words. He is saying ‘HE’ didn’t have a say, but does that mean the UK/FCO didn’t have a say? Let’s stop playing stupid! The Ministers that were removed, got removed right after the high level meetings with the visiting UK Officials where it was made clear that the Speaker and certain others had to go. Stop taking people for f**king fools!

    Like 8
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  5. @ hmm says:

    No one even goes on platinum so stop it

    Like 5
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  6. xxx says:

    They removed the speaker for no reason these politicians are something else they have issues with the truth

    Like 2
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  7. @word play says:

    What about the option to dissolve the HOA and call fresh elections? The public made their views on this quite clear. What excuse could you provide for your government for this? Let me hear you spin it!

  8. @hmm says:

    Well what are you, a UK sponsored blogger? No one else cares or noticed.

    Who smelt it dealt it….

    Like 1
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  9. Hmm says:

    There you are…

  10. Not nice says:

    You can’t trust nothing that l**r Rankin seys

    Like 3
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  11. Credit to the Governor says:

    Avoided voicing an opinion on our vast selection of suitable candidates for honest political representation.

  12. My take says:

    I believe nothing the Governor says. His intentions for the BVI people is not good.

    Like 3
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  13. Deceitful says:

    If what the governor said is not true then Natalio needs to come out and say so. He wouldn’t come out for two reasons. Firstly he has been indoctrinated because of his quest to be Premier and secondly, the governor’s statements are true.
    The Unity Government took advantage of the country at its most vulnerable point. They all should be dealt with at the poles.

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  14. Wise Up!! says:

    The governor is dishonest! We are so against our own people that we quicker believe the governor! Do not be fooled!

    Like 2
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  15. Street Reporter. says:

    Sowande just smarter, more clever. He pull the two weakest link to stay in Power, then had all his members and the whole country blaming the governor..

    Like 3
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  16. Close Encounter says:

    Keep that hand off the Governor please

    Like 1
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  17. Secret Ways says:

    Both Governor Rankin and Premier Wheatley are l**ng in this drama. How come this is being said at this time when it is so close to election.

    Like 1
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  18. @xxx says:

    That poppy show man was not supposed to be no speaker in the first place so moving him was a positive thing.

  19. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    That what you get when you vote along popular line rather than capacity and capability. These Unified +++ show needs to stop now. Call for elections. If the BVI want any of these *** should be back in office after that so be it.

  20. Truth says:

    Good Premier bad Premier. I dont know his agenda but I know without him doing what he did we would have had the UK takeover. We could all say now what we would’ve done differently. I believe he is dim-witted but on this one, we avoided, for now, a take-over. I know for sure if that woman from Water& Sewerage who said she did her engineering degree online was in the office it was murder she wrote.

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