BVI News

Governor receives COI report! Says he’ll review before publicising

Governor John Rankin

Governor John Rankin has announced that he received the Commission of Inquiry (COI) report yesterday, April 4 but the length of the report means he will need to take some time to read and consider the findings.

Rankins said the Commission’s report is long and detailed with almost 1,000 pages and more than 40 recommendations.

“I appreciate that there is a lot of interest in the Report, but I hope you will understand that I will need some time to read and consider the findings and all of the Commissioner’s recommendations. I will not be making any further statements on the Report until I have done so,” Rankin said.

Governor Rankin also that noted he shared a copy of the report with Amanda Milling, the United Kingdom Minister for Overseas Territories and there will also be a need to discuss the Report’s findings and recommendations with BVI political leaders.

“During his visit to the UK in November, the Honourable Premier suggested to the Minister for the Overseas Territories a meeting in London for this purpose, and the two discussed this again during the latter’s recent visit to BVI. I have confirmed with the Premier that he is content with this approach,” Rankin said.

The governor said once he has completed his review of the COI report, he will announce the next steps including details about the access to the report for elected and other officials, any other person with good reason to see the report before making it public.

“It is my hope that I will be able to publish the Report in full, though I must first assess whether it is in the public interest to do so. I will review the Report as quickly as I can, but I trust you will agree that it is important to do so properly and not rush things. I therefore do not expect to make any further substantive statements on the Report until shortly after Easter,” Rankin said.

“In the interim period, I know that there will be speculation, and some people may try to discredit or second-guess the COI Report and recommendations, claiming incorrectly to know what they are. But I hope the people of the BVI will recognise the need for me to carefully consider the Report in line with my duties as Governor, before further decisions on next steps are made,” the Governor continued.

Rankin said he believe this is the best interest of the territory and its good governance. The Governor also thanked the Commission for the work it conducted over the last 15 months. He noted the work they carried out a valuable service for the people of the Virgin Islands.

“I am also extremely grateful to the hundreds of BVI officials, members and former members of the House of Assembly, and members of the public who have made valuable and essential contributions in helping the Commissioner to carry out his mandate,” Rankin said.

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  1. About time. says:

    Hold all the fine print Mr Governor. We the people simply want to know. Is the navy on their way. Is Andrew still the premier, do we need a waiver to construct more prison and finally can someone tell us about the whereabout of CSC the pizza man.

    Like 18
    • Hey hey heyyyyy says:

      Professor Klumps requested a London meeting about the COI Report LOL LOL

    • Rubber Duck says:

      The report must be published in full Mr Rankin. Anything else will breed suspicion, accusation and division.

      We are not children. We have a right to know.

  2. hurry up sir says:

    because we want the VIP gone

    Like 27
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  3. nothing gonna come out of dah says:

    Million of dollars and precious time wasted

    Like 9
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    • Well Well says:

      The thing that has to be looked at is; do we still need the Govmt Lawyer? and still to pay him $1.2ml?
      Time to let him GO.

      Like 11
  4. hint hint says:

    Turks & caicos had less pages than us

    Like 29
    • @hint hint says:

      From the time the COI started, we were all shocked by the things coming out. Even the Premier changed his tune and everyone lawyered up. This COI was given a huge task with plenty to address.

      Like 18
    • Him says:

      It’s fewer pages, not less pages.
      It’s really simple.

      Like 3
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  5. Let the speculations begin. says:

    Ill be the first to say that many will be disappointed on both sides of the coin.

    On the one side of the coin, I do not believe there will be a UK takeover temporary or otherwise. On the flip side, the government proper will not be seen in a favorable light. Its deficiencies relative to good governance would be laid bare.

    At the end of the day, it will be up to the voters in the next election to right what I consider a listing ship.

    If there is any other outcome to this COI, It would have come as a surprise to me.

    Now if the Governor needs help reading and parsing the report, he can send me a copy. Ill have it read overnight and there will be no leaks, and the public can be fully informed of the COI findings and the actions he will be taking in short time.

    Listening Governor? Don’t kill your self reading some 1000 plus page report when I can do so while you get some sleep. I read fast and my vision is 20/20. At your age you should not be stressing. Ill get you up to speed in the morning.

    Pick up the phone. You know who I am. Call me. Im waiting.

    Like 8
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  6. just wow says:

    1000 pages? trouble!

    Like 18
  7. The Commissioner says:

    There may be a number of persons who will using the bathroom and a lot of toilet paper this evening now that the COI report has arrived.

    Like 15
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  8. Well Well says:

    The thing that has to be looked at is; do we still need the Govmt Lawyer? and still to pay him $1.2ml?
    Time to let him GO. That money can go into the High school.

  9. Make sense says:

    Lots of recommendations some with serious and painful effects.. He needs a plan..A strategy to implement and enforce..Take the time you need Mr. Governor and get it right..

    Like 21
  10. Tonic says:

    Don’t worry the 1,000 pages. Out of them 40 recommendations we only need one to f#%k us over.

    Like 5
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  11. Mad Max says:

    At least the Governor will have time to review before the Premier receives and someone “leaks” the report.

  12. THE POINT ? IS says:

    is it fact or fiction ? call a spade a spade / let the readers read and decide for themselves / , unless you covering up for somebody ? or the truth hurts and sooner nor later you will be exposed

  13. NDP says:

    All these NDP believe is only the VIP that guilty from the COI-they have a shock coming

    Like 1
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  14. The Premier running to England. says:

    The report was already leaked to the Premier or he was given the heads up on whats in it.. He knows its not good. Now he wants to run to the one he calls the devil to save him, to rescue him…Sad..

  15. Crystal says:

    They are only reccomdations,? as the writer of the report has no power to enforce anything. The voters in the territory will decide if they warrant a change, or should we proceed down the same path that we are currently travelling.

  16. @ Crystal says:

    Yes they are recommendations but if there have been crimes committed the people cannot decide not to prosecute the criminals, the DPP and others must do their jobs or we MUST get rid of them as well. Sadly this is not simply a matter of opinions, it is a matter of law

  17. Yeah says:

    1000 pages in 1000 days..

    Like 1
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  18. fingers crossed says:

    I do have some expectations on the CoI report recommendations: revised immigration policy (incl. status and work permit exemption), a fair Trade License issuing system (no more “you need a local” red tape), public expenditures to be properly audited and a greener policy for the BVI. Maybe UK could take over the MoF!!

  19. Maverick says:

    Every ethnicity other than Blacks were not allowed
    to practice our original culture, etc. upon our arrival to where we were enslaved. This is one of the main reasons why we don’t know
    who we really are. read Isaiah 1:2-3, Psalms 83: 1-4, Gen. 15:13 and Jeremiah 17:4 DONOT DIE FOR WANT OF WISDOM, READ THEM. Our enslavers told us that we are Africans and we swallowed it hook, line and sinker.And even our clergy will not tell us the truth, maybe they too are in the dark! From the info WE would have gleaned from God’s Word, at least WE have learnt a few truths: We were shipped to foreign lands, forced to speak a strange tongue or language, given new names and forced to erase as much of our past as possible, worked like a beast , were numbered amongst the beast, most were denied an education, were deemed property and had little or no rights. Lastly we are of the rebellious stiff necked Israelites. All blacks are not Africans and all blacks are not dark skinned. Those mostly fearful of Blacks have benefitted from Black sweat equity and feel that if we know the truth WE’LL seek to retake what they have accumulated. Had we followed God’s righteous path WE would not be in this chaotic state.Vengeance belongs to God, He will repay.

  20. Maverick says:

    There is an obvious trust deficit, and it’s sad because BVI tax payers paid for the COI, and this document is first seen worlds apart b4, here. Sing With Me
    1 I trust in God wherever I may be,
    Upon the land or on the rolling sea;
    For come what may, from day to day,
    My heav’nly Father watches over me.
    I trust in God, I know he cares for me,
    On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
    Though billows roll, he keeps my soul,
    My heav’nly Father watches over me.
    2 He makes the rose an object of his care,
    He guides the eagle through the pathless air;
    And surely he remembers me,
    My heav’nly Father watches over me. [Refrain]
    3 I trust in God, for, in the lion’s den,
    On battlefield, or in the prison pen;
    Through praise or blame, through flood or flame,
    My heav’nly Father watches over me. [Refrain]
    4 The valley may be dark, the shadows deep,
    But oh, the shepherd guards his lonely sheep;
    And through the gloom, he’ll lead me home,
    My heav’nly Father watches over me. [Refrain]

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