BVI News

Governor’s statement on publicly accessible registers misleading

Premier Fahie (foreground) and Governor Jaspert during an April 15 public broadcast.

Premier Andrew Fahie has referred to the recent statements made by Governor Augustus Jaspert on the territory’s acceptance of publicly accessible registers, as misleading.

In his final new year’s statement as governor of the BVI, Jaspert issued a statement on December 29, addressing a number of topical issues as the territory approached 2021.

He said: “I applaud the government for re-opening the borders, for committing to introduce publicly accessible registers of beneficial ownership by 2023 — which will put our financial services at the forefront of the industry — and for introducing new initiatives to diversify our economy. I hope for new prosperity, resilience and equal opportunities for the people of BVI in 2021 and beyond.”

Premier dismayed by comment

During Tuesday’s session in the House of Assembly, Premier Fahie said the statement made by the governor was not a representation of what his government had agreed to.

“I saw an article where the governor released over the holidays — which I was dismayed — saying that we agree to the publicly accessible registers, and did not put in under certain conditions. You see the misleading statements?” Fahie stated.

“Nobody sees a problem with these things once it’s that entity (the Office of the Governor); and then releases things in it that, when I read them, are not what this government stated or is doing, but it is what they want the people to believe,” the seemingly no-nonsense Premier argued.

Governor’s statement disrespectful to acting governor

The leader of government business further said he believes the governor disrespected the presently sworn-in Acting Governor by in releasing the statement while being out of the territory.

“There’s an acting governor in position but yet a governor who’s away releasing a statement as the governor. And I am saying how can you have two governors in place at the same time? If you’re going to release a statement, release it through the acting governor and not you releasing one from up there as governor and then they have one down here as governor,” Fahie said.

During a September 2020 session in the House of Assembly, Premier Fahie, for the first time during his tenure, formally announced his commitment of implementing publicly accessible registers of company beneficial ownership for the British Virgin Islands.

At the time, Fahie stated that despite his commitment, he still had a number of reservations on several of the UK’s existing policies which he believed needed to be changed.


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  1. Belonger says:

    When will this tit for tat end and when will we start focusing on the issues that are affecting the people at this time?

    Like 52
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    • @Belonger says:

      When the beggars brigade open their eyes! The Premier knows the voters of this Territory so nothing will change. All will complain now but as soon as the money shells out months before elections and they’re told that the other parties are sell outs, white man’s friends and all the other crap, they are assured another 4 years. Do not blame the Premier and the VIP, blame the stupid short-sighted, small minded, idiotic voters of the BVI. All talk and no action, VIP will win again easily unless the mindset changes.

      Like 18
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      • Will stop very soon says:

        The Guv has been recalled to the UK 8 months early – thank goodness. All talk and misleading press releases bigging himself up but no action. The BVI will get back on its feet once Jonah has gone for good.

        Like 11
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  2. Anyone says:


    Like 33
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    • Doh says:

      But dictators and authoritarians only want you to hear them babble on. This Egotistic is no different.

      Don’t worry. The Royal Marines are coming soon to set things right. Queen is tired of our Banana Republic antics…

      Carry on

      Like 12
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  3. BuzzBvi says:

    af has a real problem. He looks smaller of stature everyday he comes with this childish nonsense. VI needs a leader not an uspset child running the country.

    Like 25
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  4. understand says:

    On this, the Governor, the FCO and relevant elements of UKGov have been found lacking.

    But the issues are not unconnected. Of course, the BVI taxpayers and citizens are better off with better governance. However the quid pro quo is that now we are at the forefront of verified governance laws and mechanisms, the UK and others ought to be directing business our way and backing us. If we have done all we have done, how is it arguable from a governance perspective to use English companies, US companies, Indian companies, Nigerian companies, French companies, Leichtenstein companies etc etc.? For NGOs like Oxfam, how can it be appropriate to not use BVI companies in the structure from a risk perspective when any entities who may have a dispute (through fraud, embezzlement etc) would have all of the law enforcement resources and civil remedies of the BVI available as opposed to local avenues which are often lacking in impartiality, KYC, sophistication of laws?

    Even the US, the bastion of KYC-free trade lagging far behind the UK and many European countries for governance which in turn lag behind Cayman, Bermuda, BVI, has now started to make legislative moves towards better governance. The idea, economically or philosophically, that open public registers in all cases is in any way beneficial or positive does not pass any rigorous consideration.

    The human right to legitimate privacy, when we already have the checks and balances in place, could not be more in focus when we look at events in HK, Taiwan, Turkey, and now even probably the US. Russia and CIS states are their own case study too. If we believe in the rule of law and human rights, the British government, particularly
    now free of the EU politically, ought to be standing up for the IFCs for which it has some responsibility. Through all forms of economic and and political turmoil, the flight of assets to jurisdictions with capable, independent judiciary and based on English law is to be encouraged. Ask ourselves who benefits from discouraging the same.

    Our Prem is right to raise questions but must surround himself with articulate experts from many jurisdictions as well as making the point in the diplomatic channels in a positive way. He must be supported but also make himself susceptible to allies.

    Like 1
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  5. Rubber Duck says:

    It looks to me that we might be in line for a government being removed as has happened in the past not only here but in other OTs and even in Australia

    Mr Fahie seems very worried.

    Like 9
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    • To Rubber Duck says:

      You are quacking just like a duck and sound foolish while you are doing so. Fahie and his government will be in power for many years to come.

      Like 1
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  6. One Term Government says:

    The man and his crew never learned from the fall of the NDP: he so crazy for power he wants everything in the Premier’s Office and the victimization is even worse than under the NDP: he already done mash up the public service, and we all know the woman running the country behind him – The UK laughing at his foolishness

    Like 3
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  7. People says:

    The Governor is wrong in his actions and those of you who are saying otherwise are just Fahie haters.

    Like 1
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  8. idlewanderer says:

    Fat Trump needs to grow up. You can politick all you want to pander to a small group of beneficiaries, but if you want more autonomy and responsibility, then diplomacy and maturity are in order.

    Like 6
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