BVI News

Gov’t being transparent, says Stoutt-Igwe

Carolyn Stoutt-Igwe

The government is being more transparent in its operations in the wake of the Commission of Inquiry (COI).

This is according to Permanent Secretary in the Premier’s Office, Carolyn Stoutt-Igwe, who made that contention while appearing on the Government Business at its Best Table Talk platform recently.

Stoutt-Igwe pointed to a number of different areas of governance such as statutory boards, ministries and various processes within the government itself that have been transformed to reflect a greater level of transparency and efficiency.

One of the thorny issues that arose during the COI was the government’s procurement process and its tendency to issue contracts that often did not go through a public tender process and contracts that were often not shared with the public before being issued.

But Stoutt-Igwe said there is now a more transparent process there, particularly in dealing with district projects under the Ministry of Communications and Works that are utilising the Procurement Act, 2021.

The Permanent Secretary also alluded to a more streamlined and structured social assistance grants programme that is now under the Ministry of Health. That programme had previously been criticised for its disjointed and indiscriminate administration.

Governor John Rankin, in his last quarterly review of the implementation of COI recommendations, said the funds for social assistance grants were largely not governed by any financial rules or eligibility criteria and were hence not consistently distributed based on need.

Statutory boards, Stoutt-Igwe said, are going through an action plan programme but have already benefitted from a greater level of transparency and accountability with the advertisement of vacancy notices for board memberships.

She said many persons with different skillsets have now been able to serve on statutory boards and several have since expressed gratitude that there are now more opportunities for persons to serve on boards as a result of the increased level of transparency in place.

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  1. TOOK HER MEDS? says:


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  2. Pandora says:

    What is happening with the Greed Bill that all our elected members said they would address? They’ve gone quiet, while we the people seem to forget too.

    Accountability, integrity, and ‘country first’ is just not in our DNA and these political tricksters will sail off with boats filled with our money!

    Repeal the Bill – NOW!

    Like 26
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  3. FACTS says:

    Good to hear this report but even if the BVI Government implements all 48 recommendations of the pre-arranged COI they will never satisfy the Governor and his UK Officials. They will shift the goal post again and again because their mission is really not about good governance but about control while they cannot get matters in the UK handle as crime is at an all time high and their economy is facing serious challenges.

    Like 4
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  4. Reality Check says:

    So where are the audits of the GSB’s and when will they be published? Our Governor has indicated an unacceptable amount of heel-dragging on the part of the GSB’s audits, also indicating the fault is with the GSB’s.
    We, the shareholders of this Territory, want to be the recipients / beneficiaries of the transparency you say is happening.

    Like 17
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  5. Thank you says:

    Thank you for this update and do not mind the minority who will never say or post anything positive about the BVI people and government because you will never do enough to satisfy these FEW bad minded people who say they want the best for the BVI and its people, but they do not really mean it. May the Government of the BVI carry on with the good works as God will continue to bless them and the people of the BVI. The BVI is doing better than most other countries especially those that continuously unjustifiably criticize them.

    Like 6
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  6. Lots of says:

    opinion in this article with no actual facts.

    Like 8
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  7. Horseman says:

    Be careful what you wish for, I remember the Premier that keep begging Governor Meerkat for a COI and do nothing but complain when him get it… Now them want the UN.

    Like 6
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  8. lol says:

    When in history has our government ever come out and admitted that its not being transparent? Anybody who working for the premier could come out and say the government not transparent? Sturpss.

    Like 11
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  9. Thanks my Sister. says:

    Thanks My Sister for this Report but, may I correct some of your statements. NO Government throughout the World is transparent and that includes our Territory. After the COI, they are trying to make everyone think they are doing things right but it’s NOT so. I saw an Article on another Site about a Hungry person asking for something to eat and was denied by a Politician. NO ONE should have to beg for food. All Governments in every Country or Territory must put Policies in place to take care of ALL Citizens. Countries across the World including BVI MUST ensure their Country or Territory is Thriving and not merely surviving unless in times of crises.
    Governments across the World including BVI have a high level of corruption. They contest Elections for self-gain and could care less about their Citizens. Until the Citizens open their eyes and Minds and stop being wilful in some instances, Then and only Then the culture of Politics will change. The choices we make today Will and Must affect the Generations of tomorrow. But who is listening?

    Like 8
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  10. TurtleDove says:

    Why another board? What happen to the social Department and it director? There should be a process where documentation is provided for benefits.

    Like 2
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  11. Really says:

    Does an educated woman like her knows the meaning of transparency?
    Go back to the dictionary and revise the meaning . This is thr most crooked Government ever in the history of my country . Check the facts
    Who not diverting funds under various so called given areas to hide under
    Downright a law unto themselves
    Transparency is now an over used buzz word that holds no merit in this country .
    Heaven help all of us

    Like 4
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  12. Oh Boy. says:

    Why you all keep oppressing innocent people when you all should be helping people being the Christian you all say you are. God is watching..Remember.

    Like 1
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  13. The Rational One says:

    Why do you people always attack “the person” as opposed to what is being said? Do you have a point you’re trying to make here?

  14. The Rational One says:

    Then you need to watch the Table Talk Programme for yourself.

  15. The Rational One says:

    My take on this new initiative by the government is that it is a very good start. We have to start from somewhere to rebuild this great little nation. Trust has been broken as we, yes government and the people, have not always done everything right. So this is where we are. So coke let us all work together to rebuild as opposed to sitting on the sidelines and just doing nothing or just criticizing.

    Government is taking the opportunity to have open conversations. Yes government has been transparent. Maybe not as transparent as they should be or as everyone would like. But here we all are!

    Let us put aside personality bashing and deal with the facts and make your valuable contributions to this rebuilding process.

    The PS is stating how the government plans to move forward. What are your suggestions? Give your feedback. Stop tearing down and let us build up.

    Can we move forward as a people united? If not,we are the ones who will pay the price.

    The BVI is not shut down. We are not broken to the point of no repair. Remember, we are the BVI! Whether it’s the last government or this government, we made a mess and we have to fix it.

    We want transparency, push for it. It would help if we shift our thinking to be more positive.

    IfGovernment decisions must satisfy eve we’re looking for a BVI to be for all the people, this is what we’re saying, we got to start over because some of the foundations have broken down and need to be rebuilt. Let’s do it together.

    And in truth and fact, we all have to check ourselves because many of the problems rearing their ugly heads now because of technology, are as a result of what has been cemented in our culture. So we have to take a second look and all try to correct what has gone wrong.

    Mistakes have been made. This government is seeking to make it right. Help by holding them and your district reps accountable.

  16. The Rational One says:


    Government decisions could never satisfy everyone. We’re looking for a BVI to be for all the people, so this is what we’re saying – we have to start over because some of the foundations have broken down and need to be rebuilt. Let’s do it together.

  17. Rex FeRaL says:

    Please Caroline. Talk s**t by the Bowl or Pile.

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