BVI News

Gov’t expected to announce Labour Tribunal Chair soon

Deputy Premier Lorna Smith.

Labour Minister Lorna Smith has indicated that a long outstanding vacancy for a Chairperson of the Labour Arbitration Tribunal has now been filled.

However, Smith stopped short of announcing the name of the new Chair which she said was ratified just before she embarked on a recent trip to the United Kingdom (UK).

The tribunal has been without a Chairperson for months, causing delays in the hearing of labour disputes and other related matters.

Former Labour Minister Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull had disclosed that a Chairman was expected to be appointed to the Tribunal in January, but delays in the appointment persisted until now.

“I think I’m right that an appointment is about to be made. In fact, Cabinet did make an appointment or approved an appointment and I think, Premier, I can say who it is at this time?,” Smith said at a press briefing earlier this week.

However, Smith was told by Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley immediately after making that statement, that they will hold off on an announcement about the person that was appointed to the post.

The Labour Arbitration Tribunal makes decisions about labour disputes and regulates its own procedures as to how it will do so.

This includes complaints about things like unfair dismissal, constructive dismissal, redundancy and discrimination in the workplace as well as reviewing certain decisions of the Labour Commissioner.

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  1. that's all this gonna be says:

    More red tape

  2. SO FAR SO GOOD says:


    Like 4
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  3. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    The usual 1% would get chosen. Let’s spare the suspense. The question is can a low e very level 70 yr old learn new tricks.

    Like 4
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  4. My recommendation.. says:

    I think Ms Ingrid Moses Scatliffe is the perfect person for this Job…She will be fair and fearless..Thats important..Don’t all govt and big business to corrupt the system..

    Like 3
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  5. It is says:

    Everyone knows that Jack Husbands is the new Labour Arbitration Tribunal Chairperson. He is a te**ible magistrate, I can’t imagine he will do much better in this position.

    Like 3
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  6. Justice says:

    We need a person who is
    Open minded
    Cannot be bulldoze
    Is a good listener
    Embrace ALl nationals
    Is not influenced by politics, money
    Does not look down on others because of status
    Most of all be JUST

  7. Chris says:

    Whoever they pick they have to be a big improvement over the previous *. That one already cost the government $22,000 in legal fees because he insisted on hearing my labor case when I had questioned his rights to do so as I had not been before the labor minister. . He then lied and said I hadn’t submitted documents but I had a receipt for 80 documents from the Tribunal. He again lied and said he could have found me in contempt when I missed a preliminary hearing because I had to go to the hospital for an emergency with my mother. The tribunal was aware of my reason for absence but the Dictator chose to ignore it and advised the police to arrest me for contempt . At the enforcement hearing he lied and said he could have issued an order for contempt but did not when I have the actual order .
    As expected it is 17 months since I won the $22,000 and I still have not received it . When I do I then have to start my next case against the Tribunal as the Judge said that even though the Tribunal had no authority to hear my case they did hear it while I was at the hospital and made a verdict even though it was only a case management hearing. Hence it is going to waste more tax money to get that biased verdict overturned.
    The wrong person with a big biased ego can cost the government lots of money and give the taxpayer many sleepless nights to get justice.

  8. update needed says:

    The entire labour code needs to be studied and updated. Shame on this government punishing businesses for natural disasters. Too much pressure on small businesses to take the loss only. A natural disaster is not something that business owner should have to bear completely in the event of a catastrophe. Yes, severance pay but not termination pay when the termination is the result of a natural disaster. That is so unfair and bias. Also…people should not be allowed to resign and switch jobs within three years of employment. Expat employees use businesses to gain immigration clearance only to leave when another business offers them a job. This should not be. Not fair to the business that went through the time and expense of gaining employment for the employee. My 2 cents

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