BVI News

Gov’t exploring new airlift, accommodation options

An aircraft from the reputable American Airlines.

Premier Andrew Fahie said his administration continues discussions behind the scenes for the BVI to enhance its airlift capacity and to increase accommodations in the territory.

Speaking recently on the VIP’s Let’s Talk radio programme, the Premier said talks were in progress between his government and American Airlines; even before Anguilla secured direct flights from its airport to Miami through the airline.

However, the Premier has argued that things need to be put in their correct context, especially for the detractors.

“There are some factors that must be known, because some persons like to just speak, our airport is 800 feet shorter than Anguilla,” Premier Fahie said.

The Premier stated that one of the airline’s main concerns, was landing on a wet runway at the Terrance B Lettsome International Airport — the territory’s main airstrip at Beef Island.

According to the Premier, while the airline might be willing to come in with a dry runway, they are unwilling to take the chance of landing with a full plane while it might be raining and the runway is wet.

Fahie said discussions continue behind the scenes about lengthening the runways, both for the Beef Island airport and the Virgin Gorda airport.

He said it is no secret that the territory needs to extend its airport runway if it wants to remain effective in the tourism industry.

In, he said the government is trying to have increased flights for airlines such as Seaborne, in the meantime

Premier Fahie said it is also undeniable that the BVI has to increase the number of accommodations available in the territory.

The Premier said even though the BVI has been down recently, it has seen more than 7,000 visitors in the last few months.

He noted that several announcements should be expected within the coming months as to the latest developments regarding negotiations being done.

BVI in ‘heightened discussions’ with two airlines to fill the void of LIAT

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  1. LOL says:

    Pure lies.

    Like 16
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    • Jah says:

      Until the bvi lowers fees for landing, taxes and passengers the airlines will not come. Bvi for too long has screwed the very people who give them money to visit. They then vote by choosing to spend their dollars elsewhere.

      We never learn…

      Like 23
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      • Tourist says:

        It cost me twice as much to fly out of BVI than in. The fare was the same, but the BVI taxes were as much again. Plus you need to pay $50 cash on arrival like a third world country.

  2. E. Leonard says:

    These delicate negotiation outcomes must be positive for both AA and BVI. A primary factor for an airline starting or continuing a route is passenger load factor, regardless of how modern the air and land sides of an airport are. Every passenger airline has a fix cost for taking off and landing that is covered with paying passengers; cargo airlines, load charges.

    In addition to passenger load factor, for the safety of air crew, passengers, and people and facilities on the ground, an airport should have safety factors built into the runway length, ie, clear zones, approach zones….etc.

    It is important to note that if passenger load factor revenues are not adequate to cover operating cost, government may have to provide subsidies to airline(s) if it wants the airlift.

    Like 14
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  3. Hmmm. says:

    Wet runway really ? Dude they spent 5mil fixing the runway to fix that issue stop with the lies. I work at the airport so I know what I’m talking about.

    Like 12
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  4. Talk to Delta says:

    They’re buying the Airbus A220 which has an operating performance more favorable to the runway length.

  5. Here goes… says:

    How about supporting some of the current small (and larger) hotels that are on their knees or we’ll have no beds next season.

    Like 11
  6. Wth says:

    Airplanes land in snow, rain, and all kind of weather.

    Stop beat bush and say for safe landing and size plane you all targeting the runway need to be longer

    But sadly you guys don’t think ahead.

    Not long it was extended not less than 15 years ayo at it again.

    Like 8
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  7. Kay says:

    “Premier Fahie said it is also undeniable that the BVI has to increase the number of accommodations available in the territory.”<— Not just for tourism sir, but also for medical emergencies. Have a conversation with the folks down at the hospital. They can tell you about the delays caused when a team has to land in a secondary destination to grab a smaller plane, versus just flying straight here. But of course our primary focus here is always the tourism dollar. Forget about the people living here right?

    Like 7
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  8. LOL says:

    The same guy that called investors INVADERS? Okay!

    Like 18
  9. Deh Watcha says:

    When the NDP government was trying to set up Gun Creek to receive the same Seabourne Airlines sea plane, I remember this member instead of supporting the initiative saying only jackspanias, bumblebees and other flying insects were taking off and landing.

    All of a sudden now care so much about airlift into the country.

    All ayo who drain the swamp……. Dem should kill ayo with corruption.

    Like 8
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  10. horatio caine says:

    I have an idea, maybe Gov’t needs to fund it’s own airline that way we don’t need to rely on outside business. Maybe a catchy name like BVI Airways or such? It might work

  11. vg resident says:

    BVI does not have a villa/hotel accommodation problem. It does have a problem with getting passengers into the BVI. Could start with an improved ferry service from USVI

    Like 10
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  12. Sky Pilot says:

    I think we should start are own airline. ?

    Like 3
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  13. Airlines says:

    There are so many carriers why only American airline….. get with the program.

  14. Really says:

    “Premier Andrew Fahie said his administration continues discussions behind the scenes for the BVI to enhance its airlift capacity and to increase accommodations in the territory.” All part of our secret plans for our Tourism Industry

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