BVI News

Gov’t not yet decided on repatriation flights for locals stuck abroad

Government has not yet decided on whether repatriation flights will be provided for British Virgin Islanders stranded abroad.

Premier Andrew Fahie gave that indication while responding to a question on whether there would be any effort from his administration to bring nationals home when the territory’s borders reopen next month.

“We can’t answer that as yet. I can’t say yes, I can’t say no. When the protocols are put in place on how are we going to deal with the nationals returning home, then we will start to see what all is needed, in terms with the difficulties they have,” he stated.

Flights interested

While providing a further response, Premier Fahie indicated that he would love to give a definitive ‘yes’ to the question but noted that there might be commercial flights available to facilitate the return of residents.

He said airlines have expressed interest in resuming flights to and from the BVI.

“Up to last evening, two airlines contacted us through the BVI Airports Authority asking when can they put up their flights coming from Puerto Rico to the BVI,” the Premier said.

“So we have planes that are already waiting. They just want to make sure that they have the protocol and we get their protocol also to make sure how they handle their aircraft coming in and out of the Virgin Islands [is safe for travellers],” he added.

Mandatory quarantine for returning nationals

The leader of government business said his government will not be compromising the safety of residents in the BVI when the borders partially reopen for locals.

He said all returning persons will have to undergo mandatory quarantine for approximately three weeks.

“That is going to call for us to make sure, which is being worked on now, that we have enough hotel rooms or places that have been inspected and approved by the health team that they can be quarantined for the 14 to 21 days,” Fahie stated.

Self-quarantine must be approved by health officials

Persons wishing to self-quarantine at their respective households must first seek approval from the Ministry of Health.

And if that is permitted, Premier Fahie said it would be done under strict conditions.

He stated, for example, “it can’t be their homes if they have other persons in them. There’s going be criteria’s if this is agreed upon because it cannot be that you can go where you want.”

“We have to make sure you are in a controlled environment that has been approved by the health team as an area that you can be quarantined in. If not, you have to be in the quarantined area government has provided,” he continued.

According to the Premier, the projected date for the partial reopening of the BVI’s borders is June 2.

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  1. Bella says:


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  2. 2020 says:

    USVI cut off from USA? Is it not a boat many usr to enter the Territory? What flights?

    Even if coming from UK, many pass through USA then USVI.

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  3. Because says:

    It is your country government that got to send for you like how the Vinci Gov’t sent for their people

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  4. Save the S**t talk says:

    Some of them will not go into quarantine when they are allowed back. The special ones won’t. Need I say more?

    Like 24
    • Yep says:

      That’s why we need large hotels like Mariah’s to be a compulsory quarantine place with security for all incoming residents..

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    • CAPTAIN HOOK says:

      The special ones are the ones that will spread the corona. They better not act the fool and check everybody.

  5. joc says:

    I don’t believe the gov gonna do a thing for BVI nationals overseas. I think he must realize even if the BVI open other places close. He aint seem to be helping his own people.

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    • Help says:

      I agree with you. Where is this stimulus he keep saying coming. He come tell us but stamp duty waived who have money besides the rich ones at a time like this. Stop fooling the people them

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    • USA says:

      The BVI Nationals is better off staying in the USA. They have more and better access to Health Care and other services.

      Like 15
      • ?? says:

        @ USA

        Wake up. It is not about better health care. People are selectively dying. The USA population is 330 million. The Blacks there are 13% of that 330Mil but 40% of the so called COVID-19 deaths are Black. There is something wrong. Blacks are not the only persons with compromised immune systems. There are covert operations going on.

        Food for thought:
        – possible organ harvesting because of increasing claims by families before the outbreak of missing organs,
        – removal of difficult people,
        – labeling deaths as COVID-19 when they are not in order to get the numbers out there to promote fear,
        – 5G cell towers already in various neighborhoods and cities which are cause toxic poisoning and other symptoms similar to COVID-19,
        – an avenue of making money from PPE, vaccines etc for the greedy,
        – accomplishing the UN 2030 agenda of depopulation to 500,000,000 people (or 500 million or a half a billion) by the end of the decade being 2030 (see the Georgia Guide Stones of USA).

        The world is not overpopulated. That is a myth. Las Vegas USA was a desert. Mankind has the technology to create something out of nothing.

        There is a group of persons whose minds have been indoctrinated through the centuries that only they have a right to be on this planet and these persons are offspring of what occurred during the time of Genesis Chapter 6.

        People please do not get caught up in the racial divisiveness as that is a camouflage. The specialness of these persons is not a color but their DNA and bloodline. These persons have ensured that they can identify themselves by creating secret societies. Many of you who are indoctrinated into those secret societies are being fooled and are just puppets to execute the agenda and are eradicated when the job is done. This is why JFK was killed as he said in several special speeches before his death about their agenda and what he was going to do about the ABC agencies that were helping them.

        People please read KJV of the Bible and go to the last 2 books before Revelation and read the books of Jude and 2 Peter which refer to the Book of Enoch. This book gives details of what happened then and insight to what is happening now. Jesus said in Matthew 24 about what happened in the days of Noah which was before the flood of pestilence (which include disease), war, famine, earthquakes in divers places, false prophets (including spiritual wickedness), giving in marriage (including un-natural unions), heavy drinking (including drug use), signs and wonders in the stars (which includes the use of technology in all aspects of life – satellites, communication, medicine, entertainment, religion, military, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), mind control projects using black budget funds (including MK Ultra mind control which had its genesis in the concentration camps of world war 2 and the genesis of the field of science of psychiatry), weather and climate control, cloning, manipulation of DNA of humans, plants and other living things to name a few).

        Unfortunately, these points are going to be laughed at by many and later found out to be true after the damage is done.

        Over the years, whistle blowers have unearthed the hidden especially about the activities of the ABC agencies in the USA, UK, and Israel and other countries of the WEST that have been kept from us and now it is all over the internet. Listen and watch Youtube videos by Medical Doctor Dr. Rashid Buttar, Researcher Deborah Taveras (sometimes called Debra or Debbie), Scientist Dr. Shoshana Zuboff, and Scientist Dr. Judy Mikovits with an open mind . . . please, please, please, then do more research.

        2020 is going to be a very, very rough year for everyone as the second wave that Bill Gates, Dr. Facci, Obama and others – past presidents, including George Bush and Trump spoke about its coming and how Millions Will Die. Imagine that !!!


        Because they all had a hand in planning it.

        Bill Gates funded the research, patent, vaccines and the administering of them over the decades;

        Obama created and pass the Obama Care Bill for national health insurance which mentions a medical device for everyone or the RFID chip;

        Dr. Facci facilitated the transfer of research, funding – 3.7 million dollars, and personnel from the USA to Wuhan University in China that cause the outbreak there;

        George Bush behind the 911 planned attack which set the stage of Americans losing their constitutional rights, creation of the dept of homeland security, and the blanket authority FEMA has when martial law or disaster occurs;

        and Trump who mandated in 2018 to the 4 top telecommunications provider in the White House Oval Office that 5G be in place by December 31, 2020, and that REAL ID drivers licences by all USA drivers by October 31, 2020.

        Closer to home in the BVI, note that the banks were calling everyone to come for chipped debit and credit cards, 2 years before the ones in your purse or wallet were expired.

        Do you see how this leads into the pandemic, depopulation, vaccination, chipping of humans, changing their DNA and all in the next 10 years? Connectivity and tracking is the key.

        Don’t let anyone fool you. Those in the higher echelons of Chinese government know what is going down as they are all in this together.

        How did China get to be the largest manufacturer of the world?

        The Chinese government philosophy of life for almost a 100 years is communism.

        To maintain that philosophy the government resorted to locking people up who retaliate and hence the high prison population.

        This means a cost to the government to feed these persons. This also adds to the government having problems to maintain a socio-economic balance for the largest population in a single country.

        Therefore about 40 years ago deals were made between the Chinese government and manufacturing companies from the countries of the West – USA, Canada, EU, etc to bring their companies there and provide employment for the prison population of China. This is how it started.

        Eventually, this spilled out to the other persons in the Chinese population. That is why items are so cheap in the Walmarts, Kmarts, Walgreens, you name it.

        It is on the backs of the ordinary Chinese for a few dollars a day. Now other Far East countries followed suit: Taiwan, India, Philippines, etc. The governments of these countries are who made the decisions or deals with these manufacturers not the citizens or voters of these countries.

        Oh by the way, Amazon has a hidden agenda which is a data mining operation – name of customer, credit card history, types of items purchased, location of where you reside and types of movies that you watch on Amazon prime. Everything is interconnected and tie into the prophecies of the KJV Bible.

        Please wake up people and get ready and stay ready for the drama is continuing to unfold and our redemption draweth nigh.

        Like 8
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      • East End says:

        What makes you think they are in the US? If they are smart they won’t be. They have a terrible health system and more covid deaths than anywhere else on earth. The smart ones are in rural europe out of the cities but still with the best healthcare. At least then if you do die you are somewhere civilized.

  6. BOB says:

    Many people pass through the Caribbean too. Such as those come from the UK and unto Antigua. So he focus on the USA and PR but what about people coming from the UK

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  7. What says:

    Why would the government pay thousands to ferry people home. St Thomas airport is still active. Let them pay for their own flight and if needs be the government can arrange a boat trip to the BVI. It’s as if the government just like spending tax payer dollars

    Like 36
  8. Stainlessbloke says:

    Please communicate with those nationals that are stranded instead of relying on the news media to get the message out. Only then can you make informed decisions.

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    • Verna says:

      please leave them away. Nothing good can come from them moving around right now. Governments don’t solve problems like this in bvi.

  9. In other words says:

    In other words, this government is only useful in twlling people what they can’t do rather than actually doing anything good and productive themselves (or when they do have a good idea it’s totally disorganized e.g. the food packages). We got to get a new government, a caring and transparent one.

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  10. Nick says:

    How many poeple are we talking about?
    10,100, will be nice to have a clear picture.

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  11. Help says:

    I agree with you. Where is this stimulus he keep saying coming. He come tell us but stamp duty waived who have money besides the rich ones at a time like this. Stop fooling the people them

    Like 10
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  12. Diaspora says:

    Another fellow commenter and acquaintance E. Leonard in a comment on another article the question that if Premier Andrew Fahie were to be assigned a midterm grade, he would get a passing grade. At the collegiate level that we are so familiar with, the minimum passing grade is a C(70%=>). Concur that the Premier Fahie earned a passing grade, albeit it is still early.

    Nonetheless, I’m puzzled as to why it is taking so long to put the logistics in place to repatriate locals; this repatriation action should have occurred weeks ago. Though it was intended to contain and prevent the spread of the virus and that was understandable, the border closure was sudden, locking out locals without the reasonable and practical opportunity to rush back home.

    Borders closed, the territory was in complete 24-hour lockdown for weeks. Save for essential personnel, no one was out and about. During this respite, why did government not employ that time to develop a repatriation plan for execution as soon as the lockdown was eased? Residents have been locked of the territory for weeks, way too long. Yes, for the public good, they should go in a strict quarantine on their return. They have a right to come home. If they cannot come home, where can they go? Sojourn in some foreign country? Let the people in but do it safely.

    Moreover, all that lockdown time should have been used to develop a holistic and comprehensive plan to living with Covid-19 until a vaccine can be developed and everyone gets vaccinated. That is going to take a while. This is the first mile of a marathon. Let’s geh ah dun!

    • Rose says:

      “until a vaccine can be developed and everyone gets vaccinated.”

      You lost me there. Bill gates is making 7 Billion vaccines and you want a part of that? This is not rumor he had a article on the BBC this week.

      Fact: he is making 7 billion vaccines.

      Rumor: he is part of an agenda to depopulate the earth.

      Rumor: J Epstein did not commit suicide but was murdered before he could talk.

      Rumor: evil does not exist.

      Lets not be naive now.

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      • @Rose says:

        @Rose, no entity has yet to develop an effective vaccine so what 7 billion vaccines is Bill Gates is producing? In any event, when a vaccine is developed don’t take it. Furthermore, avoid all virus mitigation practices. Well, no, for you are going to infect other people.

      • beef says:

        Theres been a flu vaccine for years but millions die of that still. Get used to it. Stop being so arrogant in thinking humans can solve everything.

  13. one love says:

    Hello I know for sure i pay them 7% of what I was sending for my family so they can send for all of you isn’t that wonderful just saying .

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  14. Hmm says:

    the Government cannot pay for everything!

  15. Peace says:

    What a frustrating time. I am in total agreement with what the Government are doing. And that is protecting the people of the BVI. Make no mistake, start breaking out and adopting short term ‘help’ with a few here that feel that there should be exclusions for some, but not others will only catapult us into what we have not seen…..a full blown BVI pandemic. I am a firm believer that we can get through this. We are a strong people. kEEP THOSE FACE MASKS ON AND WASH YOUR HANDS

  16. survey says:

    Do a survey to find out how many there are and where they are coming from to decide how to help them get back. Government you have no idea what amount of people you are dealing with. How can you make educated decisions to benefit our Nationals who have been stranded away from home? I have a student child that needs to get home and need directions on the best and safest way that will be. Do a survey and find out what you are dealing with. Then decide the best way to move forward.

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  17. What are you thinking about!? says:

    We have done a great job keeping this virus shut down. Much better than the USA. The BVI is an oasis in a world of problems.
    WHY on earth would you want to ship in BELONGERS living out of the country to get us all sick!?
    Maybe they are bringing in some of that money you need to buy up cheep land tax free from the rest of us that lost our jobs!
    STOP THIS NONSENSE! Stick with the plan!
    If we can eliminate the virus in the BVI we can quickly bring back tourism after there is a cure…the rest of the world will be left in the dust.

  18. survey says:

    There are young students that are stuck away from home. Parents can’t afford to keep them there. They need to get home, quarantine, and follow safe procedures. We can’t keep them out any longer.

    • Fargo says:

      If they can’t afford to keep them there why did they send them? Why is that our problem? Teach them to solve their own problems and grow up. If they are in lockdown they will be saving money, not spending it.

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