BVI News

Gov’t reduces cost of COVID accessories for all travellers

As of December 1, each traveller who enters the BVI will be required to pay a total of $175 for two COVID-19 tests, a contact tracing bracelet, and a COVID-19 monitoring app.

This cost is significantly less than the cost that was more than $400, which was initially projected for each traveller when the government first announced the reopening protocols two weeks ago.

Speaking at a public conference on the reopening protocols Tuesday night, November 10, Premier Andrew Fahie said tourists, citizens, Belongers, permanent residents and work permit holders will all be required to pay this new $175 cost for the COVID accessories.

Recently, Premier Fahie revealed that contact tracing bracelets will have to be returned to officials so they can be sanitised and reused by new visitors.

At the public conference last night, he said persons will be charged if the bracelets are damaged.

“Cabinet also agreed that persons will be charged $125 for any tampering or damage to the monitoring bracelet. Cabinet also agreed travellers requiring a test from a government facility to facilitate exit from the territory will be charged $70 per test,” Premier Fahie said.

In addition to the cost reductions granted, Premier Fahie said that for the first months after the December 1 reopening, the government will continue to allow citizens, Belongers, permanent residents, and work permit holders to quarantine free of charge at government-designated facilities.

However, these persons will have to cover the cost of their food while under quarantine.

Health Minister Carvin Malone who was also present at Tuesday’s public conference reiterated that persons will no longer be subjected to a $3,500 security fee if they decide to quarantine at their private property. However, he said health officials will have to examine private facilities to verify that they are fit to house those in quarantine.

In the meantime, Minister Malone confirmed that the government will provide transportation to take all arriving visitors to quarantine facilities whether these facilities are on land or at sea.

“I know that some jurisdictions you can drive yourself to the quarantine space but we will not take that chance at this time,” Malone explained.

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  1. Help us says:

    This announcement though it’s better news underscore the dangers of not planning well or not having a plan for something as crucial as reopening the territory for tourism. The first announcement scared off a significant number of persons and the word got out to many about how ridiculous our protocols were. Here we are now after the significant damage has occurred coming with something that we should have done on the first announcement. Businesses has lost significant revenue because of poor planning, lack of consultation and dictatorial attitudes.
    I hope it’s not too late to salvage what is left of our prospects for 2020-2021 tourist season.

    Like 29
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    • Just says:

      Just remember. The app placed on your phone to monitor the bracelet has very poor encryption. Thus, there is ease in harvesting all your vital info. Your credit cards, bank info, passwords, emails, etc, etc is all exposed and in a foreign land. I suggest that you bring a second phone for the app which has no personal info on it or your vacation may turn into a living nightmare. Remember there is little thought of your safety and well being. It’s all about the Belongers.

      Like 10
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    • Tests says:

      The tests that the Foy intends to use for the tourists were received free from the UK. This is plain thievery on the part of the government. They are turning the tourism sector into a profit center to pay government bills. How sad. Last, the electronic leash is just plain stupid which apparently there is an abundant of in the BVI.

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  2. Styles. says:

    Hey Andi Foi

    Good job, you improved something. And you appear to have actually listened. Excellent.

    But honestly, should have done this months ago.

    Like 25
    • James says:

      Agreed this is workable and affordable well done . Things take time to evolve . Not an easy job.

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      • Things take time. says:

        But if they would have started talking to people on time (April or so) this would have been finalized a long time ago.

        Starting late is not an excuse for finishing late.

  3. Ha says:

    Still not going to visit

    Like 17
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  4. Kim says:

    Very good job. Now can you provide future visitors with an email address to inquire about specific questions. thanks

    Like 20
  5. Mark says:

    Sounds reasonable to me. I am planning a trip to visit. Thank you !

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  6. EU Citizen says:

    I don’t care much about $175 and can accept a test or two. But would never wear a bracelet locator. That’s just stupid.

    Like 13
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  7. Tongue Fu says:

    So much damage has already been done by the bungling of this reopening whether it be a relaunch without protocols, then very strict protocols with zero consultation announced a month later, training that is still ongoing, now this 3 weeks before reopening.

    In regards to the revised protocols they seem more reasonable in terms of cost but for practicality it will definitely deter short term stayers who are in the majority of the travelers to BVI.4 day quarantine, 3 tests and tracking bracelet and app.

    2020/2021 season is a wash.

    Like 9
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  8. Heckler says:

    Headline should read “Government bows to pressure and reduces its profit margin on tourism reopening”

    Like 8
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  9. Rubber Duck says:

    So it’s cheaper to be treated like a criminal.

    Listen, no one is coming. You are bankrupting the tourist business.

    Like 11
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  10. Lester says:

    As a citizen of the BVI. Mr. Andrew Fahie let me tell you something about finance. If you want the economy of the BVI to grow you don’t use COVID-19 to build the economy. You and you cabinet are to be a same of yourselves to use a Pandemic that kill people to generate money to enhance the economy. Your entire cabinet needs to resign effective immediately. You don’t charge tourist visiting your country $175.00 to come and visit the BVI. It is the tourist industry that generate income to boost the economy. If you visit the US they would’t charge you a penny to come here. I live in Texas, They will welcome you here for free and with open arms. It is tourism the build an economy. You show as h**l don’t know what the h**l you all are doing. You need to open the tourism industry if you want the economy to grow. I wish l had your number we need to talk. I am from Tortola and l will not come home and have to pay $175 to visit my own home town and no tourist will either. That $175. Is the biggest slap in the face and turn off to tourist.

    Like 16
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  11. Leslie says:

    Minister of finance Mr. Fahie, you don’t charge tourist $175. To visit the BVI it should be free because it’s tourism that build the economy. You Don’t use a Pandemic to boost your economy.

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  12. Yea ok says:

    This g– is super sketchy. — doesn’t want ppl down there interrupting the drug hub action. Something is completely off down there. The territory seems to be bankin if the cops out there with millions of dollars in drugs… who needs tourist. From the outside lookin in …. it looks absolutely crazy. Us tourist want NO PARTS! Everybody is doing Turks right now we have options. Good luck!

  13. Soon.... says:

    The Government has return with a much more balance plan that the first one…I dont like the bracelet idea, that will soon pass…There will be continuous tweeting of the plan once we hit the ground.. The Govt listening and working…

    Like 3
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  14. David says:

    I think the government wants BVI to fail when you compare protocols from surrounding islands. I would not even bother to open as NO one will visit your beautiful islands

    Like 4
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  15. John says:

    Why is the cost of the testing changing? Shouldn’t the test kits that were given to the BVI to help the BVI be free? Surely the government is not trying to scam money off tourists? The people would lose so much badly needed revenue if the government were to chase away tourism.

  16. Good bye BVI says:

    All I have to say is you can’t fix stupid! You can fix ignorance! Hello USVI we love you now!!!!

  17. William says:

    My wife and I honeymooned in the BVI in 1986. We chartered a Moorings bareboat, and stayed in hotel when not boating. We fell in love with the BVI and the people. Since 1986 we have traveled their 16 different times. Our last trip it seemed that something was off. I would turn around and fly home if I was charged $175.00 + other extras and never come back. We have been wanting to come back and stay in Belmont at The Captains House again. Our first two stays there were great. But, at 80 years of age I believe our trips to the BVI are over. Wish the best to all the wonderful people we met on out trips.

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