BVI News

Gov’t reshuffles public service hierarchy, appoints new Permanent Secretaries

From top to bottom, left to right: Malone, Dabreo, Potter, Igwe, Berkeley, Davies

The Andrew Fahie-led Virgin Islands Party administration has restructured the public service hierarchy.

“New and existing Permanent Secretaries have been appointed and have received their assignments within the ministries of government,” a government-commissioned release said on Friday, August 30.

The appointments will take effect between the September 4 and 9, the release further said.

New appointments

The new Permanent Secretaries include Kedrick Malone, who will be assigned to the Premier’s Office for six months in the first instance on a contractual basis.

Malone, who holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and is also a close relative of the Health Minister Carvin Malone, served in various capacities such as Executive Director of BVI Finance, Director of the BVI London Office and Director of the BVI Tourist Board.

The second new Permanent Secretary is former Head of the Department of Disaster Management, Sharleen Dabreo-Lettsome.

She will be the new Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor. DaBreo-Lettsome has a Master of Science in Business Management and a Bachelor of Science in Emergency Administration and Management.  

New posts

In the meantime, several Permanent Secretaries have been given new posts.

They include the current Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor Carolyn Stoutt-Igwe, who holds a Master’s degree in Public Service and Administration. She will be moved to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture. 

The current Permanent Secretary in that ministry Dr Marcia Potter will be transferred to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration.

The outgoing Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration Ronald Smith-Berkeley will be transferred to the Ministry of Transportation, Works and Utilities.

Petrona Davies will remain in her capacity as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Commenting on the restructure, Deputy Governor David Archer Jr who supervises the Permanent Secretaries said: “I am confident in the competence and commitment of our current cadre of Permanent Secretaries and their ability to advance Government’s agenda while leading a dynamic public service.”

The Permanent Secretaries serve as chief advisors on the strategic management, leadership and execution of subjects within their assigned ministries. They will also oversee the overall coordination and administration of the ministry and ensure that all activities are carried out in accordance with Government policies, procedures and global standards

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  1. ? says:

    Why Jeremy Hodge wasn’t given a chance to be PS in TWU?

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  2. Huh says:

    So the permanent secretaries have barely been able to update the new ministers and they are reshuffling? Who’s bright idea was this? A permanent secretary is usually specialized in a field and as such is competent to advice ministers on important issues within the ministry. Reshuffling now? Recipe for disaster

    Like 24
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    • Gandalf says:

      It comes down to simply who the current Ministers trust. I can just imagine that half the P.S’s mentioned here have a different agenda and a loyalty to their former bosses that the current Minsters can’t work with. So change or ‘re-shuffling’ is a necessary part of the bigger game!

      Like 15
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    • @huh says:

      I fully agree. The way the governor did this has caused a further moral issue with most of the hard working public servants. This clearly says alot about this man and what he thinks of us.

      Like 4
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      • Reasonable Man says:

        Its not the Governor that makes these appointments. The Ministers and the Premier make the decision as to they want working for them.

        Like 17
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        • To Reasonable Man says:

          You better get your facts correct. Yhe governor over ride the public service commission and put what ps he want in the different ministries. News carriers & progress blockers are being rewarded.

          Like 1
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  3. BIG QUESTION says:

    I wonder what became of Miss Dawn Smith ??????

    Like 10
  4. vip heckler says:

    I think we need to shuffle the ministers instead

    Like 26
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  5. Hmmm says:

    I am not sure if this is a good move considering the limited experience of the Ministers.

    Like 30
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  6. Shorty says:

    Why is it whenever any reshuffling is being done the one ministry that never gets touch is Health. Why?? She need to be reshuffled too if everyone else had to be reshuffled there shouldn’t be an exception for health.

    Like 18
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    • Huh? says:

      Shouldn’t a PS be assigned a ministry based on their background and qualifications? The question you should be asking is why we are so comfortable putting people to lewd ministries where they have no experience in the discipline. I rather have someone who’s qualified and well versed run a ministry consecutively than for it to be taken on by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing.

      Like 20
      • AGREE with Huh? says:

        Their experience working somewhere under these ministries should also be considered.
        How suitable is each match?

        Educator– Natural Resources and Labour?
        Masters degree in Public Administration–Education?


        Like 15
      • Shorty says:

        My response was only merely on the fact of the rotation of PS. I do agree that PS should be assigned ministries they have knowledge and background in, but at times when people are comfortable or stuck in a position for far too long they become invincible and or corrupt (not necessarily saying that for the PS in health). Take for instance there are some department heads who have been running said department or working only in that one department for 36-40 plus years . Things can’t and won’t change because the head is so comfortable and set in their ways everything and everyone around them suffers.

        Like 17
  7. Eagle eye says:

    Perhaps she is unable to function elsewhere???

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  8. Food says:

    Ms Lorna Donovan should be the next deputy permanent secretary at the ministry of transportation and works.

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  9. Shhh says:

    I heard the Governor did this to reward who he wants because the psc ruled differently but that’s between us.

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    • oh, please says:

      You never heard any such thing. PS’s are appointed and shuffled at the request of ministers. Stop spreading wrong information

  10. Public Servant says:

    I have been working hard for years and always over looked for consideration for these kind of post. Maybe I should go DDM and guide us through a few hurricanes inorder to be considered since that is the only way the governor & Dg recognizes talent and good workers in the public service.

    Like 14
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  11. My take says:

    Most of these assignments are poorly thought out. It is as if they have set up the ministers to fail but may be that’s the plan.

    Like 7
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  12. Please inform says:

    How does this work? Is this done in “consultation” with the Premier? i.e. with the Gov and Deputy Gov? Or, the Premier appoints, reshuffles, and it is rubber stamped by civil service heads? I am begging for a civics lesson.

  13. NEED TO KNOW says:

    Please post the Deputy PS’S

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  14. jimmy smith says:

    You would think that in this day and age we would be trying to match permanent secretaries to ministries which best suit their educational background and training. Instead we putting square pegs in round holes. You can say what you want they not serious about education, that is clearly being indicated when you assigned Mrs. Igwe to education, please do not get me wrong Mrs. Igwe is extremely bright and has a good handle on the English language, but Dr. Potter is eminently qualified in the field of education. I know for a fact the UWI had a senior position open for her for years, is because she is following her heart why she is still in the BVI. The whole thing is a farce, Malone can not think his way out of a wet paper bag, and the one who gone to the ministry of works is an HR specialist, people let forget the politics we have country to rebuild but not at this rate, appointing men and ladies of straw.

  15. Quiet Warrior says:

    The majority of civil servants are permanent, career bureaucrats. A minority are political civil servants that serve at the pleasure of the sitting government; these positions should include PS. Personnel accepting these positions know or should that they are political appointments. The siting government at its pleasure may retain some or all of political positions/appointees. True, political positions may not be able to recruit creme de la creme. But it is the current flawed way of doing business. Further, some civil servants needs to be rotated to keep things real, fresh……etc. Some orgs have a policy mandating that employees must take vacation; it keep things real. The career bureaucrats must demonstrate neutrality. They must behave and act neutral. They must be professional.

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  16. Something wrong! says:

    K—-? who cant complete anything? The minister for PO does not know the importance of his ministry!

  17. well sah says:

    If a PS already frig up a ministry why shift him/her around to frig up a next one?

    • former civil servant says:

      If I could only shake your hand! Some of these PS’s are dead weight – they do nothing and accomplish nothing for their ministries or for the country at large. Why shuffle problems? Let them go!

  18. Question says:

    Does the PS for Health have any postgrad qualifications in public health?

  19. Civil servent says:

    We miss the days of Lorna willock Lettsome the real permeant secretarys

  20. Anonymous says:

    I am really curious about this shuffle. Why was only one PS not shuffled. This is extremely strange, especially since she was acting as deputy governor at the time.

    I also curious as to the criteria/s that was used to shuffle the PSs.

    Maybe all the post should have been advertised and recruited. If the current batch was the best then select them.
    Sharlene appointment is so left. I hope she comes right

    Like 4
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  21. Curious says:

    I am really curious about this shuffle. Why was only one PS not shuffled. This is extremely strange, especially since she was acting as deputy governor at the time.

    I also curious as to the criteria/s that was used to shuffle the PSs.

    Maybe all the post should have been advertised and recruited. If the current batch was the best then select them.
    Sharlene appointment is so left. I hope she comes right

    Like 2
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