BVI News

Gov’t schedules a time of praise and prayer for New Year’s

The government in conjunction with several churches across the territory is hosting a prayer event on New Year’s Day at the Queen Elizabeth II Park on Tortola.

The event titled ‘A Time of Praise and Prayer’ will happen from 3pm to 5 pm. 

According to Premier Andrew Fahie, the prayer event is to thank God for the favours of the previous year and to look forward to more blessings in the upcoming year.

“This special service is inspired by the scripture Jeremiah 29:11. ‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future‘,” the Premier said.

 “A Time of Praise and Prayer is where all the people of the Virgin Islands come together on January 1, in one accord to sing songs of praise and to petition our Heavenly Father for continued favour as we journey through the year,” Fahie added. 

The Premier noted that New Year’s Day represents a new day and a new beginning for the people of the territory.

“Our God has been faithful to us and the Virgin Islands. I continue to say that we are not going anywhere without Him.” Premier Fahie said. “He has been and continues to be so good to us. I make no reservations about this. We are where we are because of His grace and goodness. God continues to keep us safe in the good times and in the challenging times, and we must thank Him as a people for His favour as we celebrate triumphs of 2021 and seal our faith and our future as we start and go into 2022.”


‘A Time of Praise and Prayer’ was first held on January 1, 2020, and includes praise and worship, prayers of intercession, and a sermon brought by a member of the clergy.  

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  1. sick of the mockery says:

    Them want to spread covid

    Like 13
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    • showtime says:

      Somebody needs help that man up.

    • prayer is the only recourse says:

      Seven of the ships scheduled here in the next week are over the CDC limit for Covid infection, at the last count.
      This government is cynically compromising our health with a spineless approach to the pandemic for the benefit of the taxi lobby and commercial interests.
      We are being exposed to continuous infection from cruise ships by our elected representatives. I am not surprised he is on his knees.

  2. avoid contamination says:

    Keep it virtual

    Like 9
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  3. Quarantine? says:

    Isn’t the premier in isolation? Could this be another super spreader event?

    Like 16
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  4. Repentance says:

    Our Heavenly Father, our Creator calls men everywhere to repent. Repentance and holiness. For without holiness no MAN can see God. The days are not getting better but worse. Jesus Christ is at the door. STOP chasing temporary things of this world and prosperity. Time is up! The arc is closing. SEEK Christ NOW! Seek those things wherein righteousness up above.

    Like 9
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  5. Sickening says:

    This picture infuriates me and insults my values. This is the same Premier who has the greatest difficulty with telling the truth. He has been caught in so many untruthful situations by so many people publicly and he continues to do it but yet he is the first to be calling the name of God and going down on his knees. This hypocrisy is on a whole different level.

    Like 52
  6. Just Wrong says:

    @Sickening – It bothered me too.

    Like 16
  7. Humbug says:

    That photo and it’s representation has got to be the most vile I have ever seen.
    Humiliating beyond words.
    The former Governor,the UK and other parts of the globe are the recipients of this year’s closing photo and image of the VI.

    Like 18
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  8. make it make sense says:

    so covid is on a upsurge and they are having this gathering? make it make sense!


    has this fellow been taking acting lessons ? ? anyway the lord judge all of us / and we cannot fool God

  10. KLM says:

    Andrew Fahie, Has no shame, no values, and is a hypocrite. As we all know he tells a lot of untruths. The good book said it’s not all who say lord lord shall enter into the kingdom he really needs to repent.

    Like 10
  11. Me says:

    Wa this de**l man don’t get up off his knees they think they can mock God

  12. Mathew 7:2; 13:30 says:

    How many countries have a Premier that could be seen in this position serving Almighty God? I am personally proud of the picture for whatever it’s worth personally to the person praying. The position of public praise and prayer by our Premier should be copied by our young men and older men and actually all persons. Let’s not be too proud to get on our knees and praise Almighty God. The picture speaks volumes as compared to other photos of our leaders. Maybe if he was in the middle of some jam wuking up, that would make you proud of that kind of picture. See Mark 9:39-40. Let God be God and be the Judge of people. Why do we continuously want to take God off His throne and sit in His seat and judge each other like God’s not watching us. Praise ye the Lord. Hallelujah! Let’s write about the goodness and blessings of God, even in such a time like this. Way to go Premier. Press toward the mark! Let God arise and the enemies be scattered! Amen, Hallelujah!

    Like 4
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    • this explains why says:

      he has done nothing with Irma rebuilding, drugs, Covid or climate change, leaving it all the Almighty, who apparently is solely responsible for vaccines, grants etc. Does He approve of the gambling, drugs enabling laws? This is a desperate deflection from the policy vacuum.

    • @,,Mathew... says:

      The bold public display of the hypocrisy is disturbing. I would think that the professed Christian Ckmmunity would be concerned about the spiritual ramifications resulting from the mockery of their Lord and Sa
      viour by their earthly leader.
      ” wukking” up would do his body good Our body is our temple and as such we are obligated to treat it with kindnessand care,according to what I have heard from the good local sheperds that are versed in the words of their Good Book..

      • Be not dismayed whate'er betide says:

        As we come into the new year, let us use words to encourage each other and especially our Premier and his Government in the things of God. It is God who puts leaders in position and He is able to control what they do and not do and appropriately judge them. He really doesn’t need our help. He is God alone. But, God instructs us in the Holy Bible in 1 Timothy, Chapter 2, verses 1-4 to pray for our leaders. And, Colossians Chapter 4 verse 6 instructs us to let our conversations be full of grace and attractive. May God help us all to do better in our thoughts, expressed words, and deeds (speaking or correcting each other with love, decency and order) in the upcoming new year. Shalom.

    • Reader says:

      @ Matthew 7:2 &13:3

      Hallelujah. Jehovah is Lord & our best judge. He alone is Worthy of Praise. Its always a good time for us to do self-examination.Praying that all will seek a clean heart and a right spirit. Wishing you also a Blessed and Prosperous New Year and beyond…but the best gift would be a transformed life, from which will flow all these things.

  13. joker says:

    Suppose now he can’t get up off his knees now. Would he say people work obeah on he?

  14. Ki says:

    You are a perfect being. Let him answer for himself. Salvation is personal .

  15. Hazel E Roberts says:

    These guy are learning some of the independent caribbean countries tricks to control the population through religion as columbus did and enslave us for 400 years. When you going get on in the religious frenzy the air will aerosolised wuth covid particle also. But jesus thing is use to make people passive to heavy handed rule.

  16. I thought it was only me…. says:

    A big, f** hy**crite. God is not mocked though. A set of lip service.

  17. @ @ MATHEW ? says:

    the guy is in over drive , so he has to make it look real for the photo

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