BVI News

Gov’t seeks to find out how much produce farmers are growing in BVI

On Good Moon Farm in Tortola. (Photo provided)

As the subject of food security increasingly becomes a priority for the BVI, the government has launched a survey to better understand the types and quantities of agricultural produce grown in the territory.

Director of Agriculture & Fisheries, Theodore James said the survey is a precursor to conducting site visits to farmers in the territory.

This exercise will begin in September.

“We know our farmers are producing food, but we do not know how much. Data from the survey will provide the necessary baseline data that is lacking to support policy decisions,” James stated.

Meanwhile, Agriculture Dr Natalio Wheatley said the information derived from the survey would provide government with valuable insights as they continue to support the development of local food production.

He further urged all farmers, including commercial, semi-commercial or backyard gardeners, to participate in the exercise.

The survey will be available until August 31.

To access the survey, persons can visit

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  1. Hmmmm says:

    Theodore don’t let these men play you for a fool.

  2. Why says:

    You want to taxe them! Or help them

  3. hmmm says:

    easy question 1/10th of the money you give them.

  4. Common sense says:

    Don’t these people think this should have been known before dishing out the $6 million payment to so called farmers and fisher folk. More valuable information for the COI.

  5. Mick Mars says:

    You could have had a proper estimation of that, had you actually gone out and assessed the plots of the rightful individuals who were registered and actually have land and the intention of growing food.

    But instead, y’all gave inflated funds to people who don’t own a planter pot of soil and now out talking muck?

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