BVI News

Gov’t shouldn’t be re-elected with dysfunctional incinerator

The incinerator/waste facility at Pockwood Pond on Tortola.

Opposition Leader Julian Fraser has suggested that legislators in government should not be re-elected amid existing health hazards such as the continued burning at the Pockwood Pond dump site and non-functional Burt Point sewerage treatment plant.

The incinerator suffered a catastrophic fire in February last year but has been malfunctioning for years before that. This has meant residents on the western end of Tortola have been forced to endure years of open dumping at the Pockwood Pond dumpsite, as well as random occurrences of spontaneous combustion which have resulted in huge fires. 

“I am a critic of the incinerator and I want to preface any statement that I make about the incinerator by saying that … [it] is in no way an indictment of the people that work at the incinerator,” Fraser said at a community meeting in West End last evening.

“Those people are being placed in a situation where their hands are tied behind their backs and they are asked to execute. They have no choice but to do what they can do in the best-case scenario and I sympathise with them, I feel for them,” he added.

Fraser pointed out that there are numerous issues — including poor road infrastructure in the territory — that require urgent attention but he said certain unnamed officials prefer to talk about juicier subjects instead of focusing on these areas.

“These things are the things that need to be spoken about day in and day out. The governments can do better,” Fraser said. “No government should be re-elected to office with a sewerage treatment plant at Burt Point that has been out of commission since the [2017] hurricanes. I mean, give me a break, an incinerator that’s non-functional?” 

“These are the things you should talk about. People contract all kinds of diseases because of these things,” the Opposition Leader added.

The veteran legislator said anyone who wants to seek public office should make a promise to residents that they will fix these things. “If you don’t fix them, don’t come back,” he stated.

Fraser pointed out that although the territory has a $430 million budget, it still has challenges getting simple things done such as bush cutting and maintenance within the various districts.


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  1. Anonymous says:

    At least give us a warning when ahyo going intentionally light up because these off guard smoke does have you getting up out your sleep coughing!!

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  2. WE WANT says:


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  3. Rubber Duck says:

    Maybe he should get used to having his hands tied behind his back.

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  4. LOL says:

    That is his district! Did he do anything about the problem. He has been elected for years and I never heard him say anything. Woke up this morning again to Eau de Tortola/Pockwood Pond, then they wonder that so many children have respiratory problems.

    Like 23
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  5. @Anonymous says:

    How is a warning going to help? Don’t you breathe EVERY HOUR of EVERY DAY?

    This is truly the reason I DO NOT VOTE!!! I am so tired of all the talking from politicians. Even the Premier who was from WEST, did NOTHING about it, so who else would listen?

    Get that mess out of the WEST. Take it to an out island that is uninhabited, because you all will NEVER get the incinerator story sorted out, let alone get the garbage under control, except for OPEN AIR BURNING. SMDH

    Like 9
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  6. Just saying says:

    The incinerator has been dysfunctional through several administrations, including one Fraser was in. When it was purchased it was never commissioned so it kay around rusting away for years. Then, when it was decided to make it operational, a BVI electrical contractor was paid $ 1 million plus to put it together after USVI (down wind) started rattling sabers about the exposure from open burning down wind. Just how much experience did that contractor have in incinerator installations? It has never worked right, probably has never been properly maintained and operated as evidenced by the recent fire there. In other words, same old same old.

    Like 24
  7. haha says:

    The wind must have changed direction and blown it towards his house.

  8. Reality Check says:

    Fraser ran Public Works and did nothing about the incinerator, instead blowing millions chasing his dream of Sea Cow Bay becoming the West Indian St. Barts. Delusional then and just getting more senile and useless, as one can see by the state of his district. While near 60% of marine businesses are based in D3, he has shown no support for them, ignoring all requests for help during COVID, when the one and two person businesses could have been working on boats.
    Please will someone with some business savvy stand up to support our District!!

    Like 19
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  9. Can't believe this says:

    Have to agree with “just saying” & “reality check” above. He said legislators should not be re-elected for failing to control/enact proper waste disposal methods. But just a minute, weren’t you & aren’t you sir a member of the very body now bearing the wrath of your condemnation? So what exactly is the purpose of your constant bellyaching about the group of which you are a member? You seem to be on your usual trist of trying to secure your job for another few years. You have not earned a re-election privilege sir.

    Sewage, water and waste disposal concerns have been around forever including biwater issues how is it that you choose the precipice of a pending election to voice your concerns? Again, is it just a matter of job retention?

    This gentleman has NEVER been a team-player and therefore should be ousted from his cushy place of employment existing on our money. Cannot recall any positive ideas or implementations voiced as a member of an elected body that speaks to the concerns highlighted. Oh, we cannot overlook the sewage/trash disposal means and methods related to the immense yachting/boating aspect of our community. What say you or what’s the plan here my friend? Would love to hear.
    All the best man.

    Like 10
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  10. Huh? says:

    Why is the governing body completely incapable of providing any and I mean any basic utilities that is absolutely required to maintain, (and well) in order to run any sort of organization let alone a Country. The running around ministers do is unconscionable while the Country simply deteriorates for decades.
    And the excuses! And the solutions, talking, this or that , tied hands. Are my hands tied when there are no surgical supplies to operate with? NO. I immediately run and get heard. Their hands are not tied so they must hang out and and and??? The projects you think of are astounding. The projects you oversee always have issues. This is a complete sham and if this is how many like to live, then you will be in for a great shake down. AF, AF, AF. What kind of nonsense is that? The answer I read is AF is the esteemed. This kind of draconian brainwashing is way way beyond any rational life and love for Country. Whether he is charged or innocent, these thoughts are what’s tearing down the Country. So I guess then, the utilities should rot for the esteemed

  11. smh says:

    EXACTLY I couldn’t agree more! All those elected officials have had years and decades party after party to fix it properly… But yet push it under the table and hire consultant(any consultant) after consultant for ANYTHING, elect and establish new boards and entities to spend our money. It is not surprising children are getting respiratory infections and diseases and some many people dying from CANCER. Not a single one that has been elected before should be elected again… they are all part of the bad seeds! We need new, young, caring people with a lifetime ahead of them that have their country at heart.

  12. @ 3RD DISTRICT says:

    these set of hypocrites are all the same )> LIARS and the people are being used by them for their own benefits , and they always have a charming smile on their faces as spew out their empty promises ( and as the saying goes , promise is a comfort to a fool ) its time for us to stop being fooled by them

  13. Forbidden Truth says:

    Drove by Francis Lettsome school yesterday
    and the stench of sewerage is very present in the watre running in the street between the school and NeverDone Restaurant.All you all fix that.The future [schooll pupil]congregates there five days per week.

  14. i agree says:

    there’s two things i think should be move to an island that is inhabited by humans. Garbage and prison inmates. Visitation to these individual once a week, and only people who works for both departments should be allowed to come close to the island.

    when both buildings are built, make use they both are located on opposite ends of the island, so that both can’t come close to each other.

    MOVE THE PRISON AND GARBAGE ON AN ISLAND BY THEMSELVES. Make it hard for the criminal who lock up to get things like cell phone and them stuff.

    and the garbage problem will get solve twice. human waste and it’s only garbage the prison does have room for.

  15. Good idea Frazer. says:

    As it is. Everything, everyone and the system is non-functional. So, why you all get upset when we call for Britain to take the wheel. Try something different. What we’ve being doing for the past 30 yes ain working .

  16. Vg says:

    Come to VG the dump is the first impression when flying in &the last thing you see when leaving.I heard it thru the grape vine that the land adjacent to the dump site was sold By Govt/GOVT or official come that.Up to this date district large reps.govt officials cant come and say shit about

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