BVI News

Gov’t signs MOU for solar technician training

From left: Acting President of HLSCC Dr Richard Georges, government legislator Carvin Malone, and co-Founder of Power52 Inc, Ray Lewis.

Premier Andrew Fahie has described the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the British Virgin Islands and Power52 Incorporated as another step towards transforming the territory as a leading economy in the Caribbean.

The agreement is for Power52 Inc — a United States-based company — to train persons to become solar technicians for the next three years at the H Lavity Stoutt Community College.

“The launch of this training programme is yet another step in our journey to transform the Virgin Islands into a leading regional economy by 2025 and to ensuring that our people are equipped to harness the economic opportunities that will be created as we progress along this path,” Fahie said during the signing ceremony at the Paraquita-based facility on Wednesday.

He continued: “In the past new industries were explored but our people were hardly ever trained for the jobs, and the employment opportunities in these industries went to foreigners because we had to import the labour to support these industries. This time your government has put you the people of the Virgin Islands first. We are training you so that you can get the jobs in the new industry.”

Zero import duties

In the meantime, the Premier again reminded persons to take advantage of the government’s removal of import duties on green energy equipment and vehicles.

He added: “This will be done to give the transition to green an extra push. Let me emphasize that the removal of import duties of green energy equipment is for this year only. So I want to urge everyone to take advantage … it will help you to save money and it will be better for the environment.”

Notably, the government is hoping that the BVI goes 60 percent green by 2030.

Loss of revenue but

In the meantime, General Manager of the BVI Electricity Corporation Leroy Abraham said while the renewable energy will reduce their revenue, it is a win-win across the board.

“To some degree, it will [reduce our revenue] but conversely what renewable energy does is it reduces our operational costs and it also correspondingly reduces the volume of funds that we have to on an annual basis expend in reference to the traditional generation fleet that we have to maintain and service,” he remarked.

“So it is a win-win situation for everyone particularly for the utility for the introduction of renewable energy,” he added.

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  1. Guest says:

    Removal of the customs duties on green technology????? Do the f:):$:&ing customs officers know that????? Especially those in town????

    Like 5
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    • oh yeah boy says:

      It says removal it has not happen as yet. Until then you have to pay the duty.

      Like 1
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    • Me says:

      No like they dont know a thing. I hate this situation. Premier say one thing and when you go Customs they telling you another. I felt like screaming honestly! Sick and fed up.

      Like 2
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  2. People says:

    The Government must be commended for this move.

    Like 3
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  3. Clearly says:

    Late last year when the Premier mentioned that this will happen I thought that it was just another political stunt. However the Premier and his team came through again for the people of the Virgin Islands.

    Like 1
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  4. vip heckler says:

    I wonder which VIP member will win mr/miss/mrs photogenic?

    Like 4
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  5. Jane says:

    There are a couple of local solar companies here in BVI, why were they not given this chance?

    Like 15
    • @Jane says:

      There were not one local solar company contacted to find out if they can provide such a program. This set has become the latest spin doctors on the media wave, but don’t worry- for the race is not for the swift, but for those who can endure. Do keep in mind how there are different ways to skin those cats. Stay tuned in.

    • @Jane says:

      Bet no local solar company was contacted within the decision making process. Carwing is now added as yet another traitor within the Virgin Islands Party to the people on the ground. Dr. George’s, you cool here; we know who calling all the shots and dictating to everyone else. And we thought Myrun was bad. Welcome to our newest communist run state.

  6. oh lord says:

    Tiz dah football gangster dem bring here?

    Like 4
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  7. How come says:

    there was no public request to provide this training program for the college so local companies can also present their training proposals as well? Was it advertised anywhere? WELLSAH, injustices never done in we beeweeeye.

  8. Vehicles - 1 year? says:

    duty free on green vehicles for only one year? so…maybe a handful or two get imported as price is now a little more reasonable for a green vehicle. Duty comes back in a year and pricing goes back up and deemed to be too high! Vehicles already imported become anomolies and cannot be supported technically or with replacement parts. Vehicles are not like solar panels – a long term strategy needs to be implace to be effective as far as green vehicles are concerned – one year duty free is not going to cut it.

    • Another in concurrence says:

      with blogger Vehicles – 1 year? The pilot test alone should be 1 year. Then a long term incentive plan is needed after for this whole thing to work as it should.

  9. So true says:

    @vehicle – 1year. Soo refreshing to know that at least someone gets it- in the green energy space. These green initiatives need at least a 5 year incentive plan to seriously work and to realized there benefits. All these haphazard decisions being made by these leaders will soon hit the wall of diminishing returns (expense-wise) for the territory. These types of initiatives need to be fully thought out, planned, and vetted through feedback loops before they are foolishly tossed to the public in this amateurish fashion.

  10. Meh says:

    Disaster Capitalism! Open your eyes people after the hurricanes you had a number of international persons come in. Im an optimist at heart so i want to believe they were interested in the BVI and her people. But they were mainly scouting for business opportunities!

  11. SMH says:

    I just had that feeling Ray Lewis was up to some type of Business Investment from these numerous visits.

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