BVI News

Gov’t to defer good standing certificate payments for one year

Premier Andrew Fahie has announced that his government will soon be offering much-needed relief in the matter of good-standing certificate requirements for work permit holders.

The Premier, who described the government-implemented policy as an issue that has been plaguing businesspersons locally, said that payments will now be deferred for struggling business owners.

“So, what we have done is rather than burden them to have to pay all that is owed one time, we have passed in Cabinet … [the decision] to extend the payment over a year’s time in terms of whatever would have been the hindrance towards getting the certificate,” Premier Fahie stated last evening on the VIP Let’s Talk radio show.

The labour policy in question requires work permit holders and their employers to acquire good standing certificates from National Health Insurance, Social Security, and Inland Revenue departments. However, employers could only do so once outstanding payments have been made to these entities.

Most recently, Labour Minister, Vincent Wheatley, said the policy would be rolled back and substituted with something.

Person will now get certificates quicker

Meanwhile, Premier Fahie said the issue is very important to his government and will now allow persons to get their good standing certificates much more quickly.

He added that although this doesn’t exempt persons from paying, it will allow for a much wider payment window and added flexibility for business owners.

Premier Fahie explained that the expected relief is now likely to help to generate more activity in the economy much faster.

“Because there are persons doing contracts that need these good standing certificates; and we know that due to COVID coming out of the wake of [hurricanes] Irma and Maria, a lot of persons have met serious financial hardship, and to ask them to pay all those monies upfront is quite a task for them,” Fahie stated.

He said this was especially the case where persons had a backlog of outstanding debts to the government departments that require these payments.

“So, we’re trying to work with our people to jump start our economy, because the fact of the matter is we cannot use the same policies as before COVID to be used in the middle of COVID,” he added.

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  1. What? says:

    This story is missing alot. Which agencies does this apply? Does it apply to all? NHI? SSB? IRD? How is it done, do you apply for a payment plan tha covers 12 months? WTF?

    Like 13
    • interesting says:

      to see that since the $700m loan guarantee was ignored, we are now featherbedding businesses that rip off their employees. The economy should be booming through reconstruction, were it not for criminal short-sightedness, born of hubris.

  2. son of the soil says:

    These island people getting too much break now man

    Like 2
    Dislike 21
  3. Observer says:

    Interesting, I thought these good standing certificates came in after Irma and COVID started !!! He is saying that because of these events he is giving business owners a break!! Crazy!!

    Like 10
  4. Co ncern says:

    Well just when you thought you had your knee on the necks of the people you had it on your own. More to back fire.

  5. Rex FeRaL says:

    It should not have been put in place in the first place. The need becomes a Greed.

  6. Stewww says:

    All labour had to do is pick up the phone and call social security, NHI, revenue and find out if you are in good standing
    But no instead the are ripping off the poor expats who are working to feed there family back home

  7. Anonymous says:

    Thank goodness. And to all employees…it is not your portions it is the employer portions. Unfortunately the only department that will allow you to submit the employee portion only is IRD. SS and NHI do not have the option.
    I agree WP are a must for the BVI and your voices are very important. The situation that was put in place for obtaining WP with the Certificates of Good Standings was ridiculous. Most employers put the forms in but can’t afford the employers portion.
    Question to all the WP holders. Did you not get your Certificate of Earnings…you would never have received them if the monthly forms were not submitted.
    Don’t cry out when Government forces us to stop hiring WP employees but business owners start doing a lot of the work themselves because it is just easier to hire local casual to cover the companies shortfall.

  8. Accountant says:

    Thank Goodness..
    It needs to be said. Employees…it is not the employee portion that business owners are struggling with it is the EMPLOYER PORTIONS. The only department that will allow businesses to pay the employee portion is IRD. SS or NHI does not. Employers submit the forms are having difficulty keeping up with their portions. If the monthly forms were not submitted ask yourself how you received your Certificate of Earnings…
    We value our WP employees but the new guidelines that were put in place put business owners struggling.
    Be careful about your criticism…I have noticed small business owners having to do the work themselves with casual local Labour that hold Trade Licenses because they can’t afford hiring WP employees.
    Aim your frustrations at the right people. Be thankful that you received an envelope with money in it.
    A voice from the other side. Everyone is struggling. I know of businesses that just received their Landline from Urma…..

    • Berry says:

      What you are saying is half the truth so stop your foolery. Listen to me real good and clear – the employers are Stealing their employees contributions!!! Why then would they be told their individual contributions are not up to date; if in fact theirs were submitted by the said employer that would not give such a response to their contribution and hindrance on ascertaining their good standing for the WP renewals or otherwise. Further, an employee cannot go to SS, NHI or IRD and make an inquiry on their or any companies contribution status. You should know that!

      If these employers had any business morals/ethics, they should have at least paid in their employees contributions and then have that talk about business struggling and hardship. At least it would show that they care for their employees. I can almost guarantee that if you check these employers bank accounts it’s far off from what they are purporting. Government needs to conduct audits on these fraudulent companies to truly get a sense of what is going on and/or if their books are being cooked to appear that they are not profiting.

      Besides this act of dishonesty has been happening way before 2017 – I’m so tired of this card being conveniently plugged. Their refusal to subject to a payment plan to assist with remedying your financial issue, is often ignored or unwelcoming. You see they’ll be no commitment because its been an ongoing practice where there’s no intention on paying in these contributions. The leniency that is being extended to these bad apples will not help anyone. We can’t keep applying the character bandages on these companies — they are laughing in your faces. Conversely by doing so these lackadaisical employers create additional issues for the employees who are reliant on these same contributions as a needed benefit and overall peace of mind. I’ll ask this again, what happens to employees who are caught stealing from their employers? Ok – so why is it different when the table is turn. This should not be, it’s an offense punishable by law — none should be condone or excused — a thief is a thief; the definition doesn’t change.

      There maybe a few employers that are legitimately struggling and I trust that they are taking advantage of the payment plans that are already in place to bring down their owing but those that are continuously manipulating the systems and causing injustice on their employees for their personal gains need to be weeded out and brought to justice — they’re not hard to find. You know who you are, we know you too! It’s been far too long since you have pushed your agenda— Stop it before Big Karma bites you.

  9. Hmmm says:

    I think it’s unfair to the ppl from the islands because you guys collect so much money from us and now it reach to the point where you pull it back because of local business owners and you guys send a lot of ppl home because of this outstanding payment , you ppl have work permit holds for guinea pigs and you don’t sit down and get you stuff together popular before you put it out to the public , your just a brunch of educated dunce.

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