BVI News

Gov’t to pay out $4M for 2017 salary increments this year

The central administration complex in Road Town designed to house several government offices. (GIS photo)

Three-quarters of the salary increments owed to public servants for the 2017 work-year will be paid by year’s end.

The total amount of monies government owes for that work year is six million dollars.

“Four million dollars is expected to be disbursed in 2021 — inclusive of social contributions — and the balance of approximately two million dollars will be paid in 2022 following the Department of Human Resources’ review and assessment of those officers with payroll anomalies for the 2017 work year,” Cabinet’s post-meeting statement released on Wednesday said.

The Cabinet made this decision during its meeting on September 8.

Public servants were owed their increments for years. But months after getting elected into office back in 2019, the Andrew Fahie administration paid the outstanding increments for the 2016 work year.

The government’s finances were diverted months later with the advent of COVID-19 — forcing the government to suspend further payments.

Premier and Minister of Finance, Andrew Fahie said in August 2020 that COVID-19 impacted government’s coffers to the extent that public officers would now have to choose between getting their salary increments or keeping their jobs.

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  1. heckler says:

    bodyguards alone 1 million dollars

    Like 13
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  2. Good says:

    Tell Vanterpool that is called principle pay what is promise to the people.

  3. Agree says:

    This money is small potatoes for this government if you consider their spending patterns. It’s not fair to break up this overdue increment. Especially when there are soo many more years outstanding.

    Like 5
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  4. COI much? says:

    This is a shameless attempt to curry favour with public servants, who are a significant number of the voting population, in a desperate attempt to get support aahead of the inevitably unflattering findings of the COI…

    Like 14
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    • Full Stop says:

      They and their families are 50% of the votes. Of course, our ‘for the people ‘ is now very concerned about keeping 3800 public servants happy.

      On another note, 3800 public servants ( not including those on statutory bodies) does seem a bit much for a territory of 30,000…

    • Yawn says:

      It’s a shame that Fahie have to pay 2017 increments when his government was only elected in 2019. Funny thing is you will hear Marlon find some way to blame Fahie the next time he start to bray.

      Like 5
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      • Local says:

        The increments are supposed to be performance based, but the Premier has ordered their payment regardless of whether the people have performed or not. It’s neither here nor there as it relates to who was in power at the time.

        Also, these increments are nowhere in anyone’s terms and conditions of employment. That said, neither administration is obligated to pay anybody anything.

        Like 1
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  5. Windy says:

    You can tell it’s getting near an election (e**ction) time.

  6. Blind lead . . says:

    Any u sheep who ain’t on gov payroll (67%) ever question how they still got payroll that’s bankrupting bvi now with no services to render and historically overstaffed and giving pathetic services? If bvi don’t cut the idiot rolls bvi deserve to go to Haiti state. Going way of pr. No one pays into system, everyone want gov pay them. Recipe for going bust. Ur missing sewer water roads grid schools- u paid that money to fake jobs performed so poor that they kill rest of economy. WAKE UP PPL.

    Like 5
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  7. Steww says:

    God blessed the expats
    Ayo can spend lavishly
    Thanks to the expats tax, social security, NHI, 7% tax for send money at western union, money gram etc
    And still y’all wicked ppl don’t want expats here

    Like 1
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  8. Wow says:

    With expatiates going look at the Apt’s empty!! How can dem pay bank . We depend on each other . It’s a cycle treat people with respect

    • sooo says:

      If the expats ain’t working and having a hard time government should keep them here… just to occupy someone apartment. Everyone have a part to play in the restart of the economy. If people will vaccinate adhere to covid protocols. Some of the rope around our necks could relax. Then again we have a failing health care system that needs addressing. So its a two fold…

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