BVI News

Gov’t ‘too involved’ in business community, VIP will give more latitude — Fahie


Business owners and investors will receive greater latitude to open and operate their businesses under a Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government, VIP leader Andrew Fahie has suggested.

Fahie gave that indication while noting that the current government is “too involved” with local businesses.

“We firmly feel that government needs to step back and facilitate rather than dictate. Government is too involved in the business community; dictating and having a lot of red tape to get business done here,” Fahie said.

The politician said, “a lot of persons don’t want to do business in the BVI” because of this.

Pay for play

The VIP leader further suggested that government has been collecting money from business owners and entrepreneurs in exchange for privileges and favours to operate — something he described as ‘pay for play’.

“We don’t want anybody paying to play. We want to create an opportunity to let our people get on the runway and take off and we just facilitate,” Fahie said.

He was speaking at the launch of his party’s manifesto this week.

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  1. Josh says:

    Thank god it’s said. Start with the bias trade department. Worst department for business.

    Like 13
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  2. Sous Chef says:

    Okay, that sounds like a half baked plan that needs to go back in the oven. That happens sometimes when chefs are in a hurry to serve their food.

    Like 13
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    • Master Chef says:

      Thank you Hon Fahie. That sounds like a good recipe for success. We need support for entrepreneurs. I got some good ideas and happy to hear that you will support innovation.

      The NDP done spent $7.2m of my money without doing any due dilly. Be gone brother. It’s time for a change. We need us a revolution. We need to say goodbye to corruption and mismanagement.

  3. READ says:

    Why Andrew statement sound exactly like what the NDP keep saying that Government must be a facilitator and not a frustrator. More and more each day the VIP is now agreeing with NDP plans. They are coyping everything.

    Just changing up words but it come back to the same thing

    Like 25
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    • @Read says:

      I have noticed this from DAY ONE! Copycats.

      Like 7
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    • The Hooded Claw says:

      And the VIP endorses the NDP again! I am Hon. Myron Walwyn and I’ve delivered this message almost every the campaign trail!

      Like 5
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    • sense says:

      morons! the ndp can’t be making that statement and the were the ruling party then that means they already fooled you. for eight years they rule and to have to heart for them to say this means that they talking about themselves.

      Like 5
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  4. Truth says:

    Andrew please hush so when you take tax payers m—— and give to CSC company that never produced anything what was that described as pay for play

    Like 12
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    • @truth says:

      These kind of tactics will not work again. We the people of the Bvi see through the Myron led tactics to destroy our people and this country. We reject scare tactic 100%. We are wiser better and stronger to remove the divisive Walwyn gang from our house of assembly.

      Like 10
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      • NDP says:

        ALLLLLL the way! The VIP campaign has been nothing but slander and bad mind.

        Like 14
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        • NDP TOO says:

          ….Don’t forget the big parties and jams. All fun, games, noise and slanderous behavior, no sign of substance no matter where you turn. A vote for VIP is a vote for CSC and the esteemed one to destroy this country. None of the VIP members have the guts to tell these shameful individuals to stop their foolishness.

          Like 8
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    • Huu says:

      Just don’t vote for this. Simple
      Andrew do not have a plan for the BVI.

      Like 12
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  5. Hmm says:

    Make up your minds. Government get bashed when businesses close etc for not being involved….

    Like 5
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