BVI News

Gov’t will seek COVID-19 medical supplies from non-US sources in the future

Following the recent seizure and subsequent release of its shipment by US Customs authorities, the Government of the Virgin Islands will not be importing future COVID-19 medical supplies from the United States.  

Minister of Health Carvin Malone told BVI News that this is in recognition of recently-implemented US laws which prohibits US companies from exporting crucial medical supplies to other countries.

He said that, going forward, the BVI will be ordering its medical supplies from non-US companies to prevent any potential recurrence seizures.  

“The US laws are stating that N95’s and ventilators will not be allowed out of the US so there is no sense for us to push that. We have other sources, non-US sources, so we would continue to use those. We wouldn’t tend to violate any laws or protocols in any sovereign country,” Malone stated.

N95 masks withheld

Although US authorities eventually released the territory’s shipment of personal protective equipment, the BVI did not recover all thems it purchased. The Health Minister told our news centre that US authorities continues to withhold the BVI’s order of N95 masks.

He, however, said the territory has an abundance of N95 masks locally and also has alternative sources to order more when needed.

“We had indicated earlier that the Bank of Asia has supplied us with over 13,000 to 15,000 N95’s and we have other sources direct … It was a relatively small order coming out of the US but the fact is we have other sources,” Minister Malone said.

He added: “We have constant supplies coming directly from other areas, whether Canada, China and so forth, so we have no shortage as it relates to that.”

President of the United States Donald Trump said his administration banned the export of coronavirus protective gear because the USA “needs these items immediately for domestic use”.

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  1. Good says:

    That’s good. Also buy everything else you need from somewhere else as well. Buy your food, fuel, cars, clothes, building materials, cleaning material and everything else to survive somewhere else. You act like the US was the criminal. Each country enacted laws to protect their own citizens. In fact you have and are acting worse. Oh and one last thing. Keep your pregnant Moma’s out of the USA. Drop them babies in the BVI or go to Cuba.

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  2. British Bulldog says:

    Great news Carvin. AmeriKKKa is just the devil’s armpit and stinks to high heaven with their art-world administration and the clown in charge. Canada, Mexico, India, Pakistan and any other country that has a strong medical supply industry are better options at the moment and as AmeriKKKa insulates itself the economic fallout longterm will linger for the foreseeable future. The real criminals are in the White House that a Vidlander was a part of…fyi @ good! The days of the eagle being a global superpower are walking faster than corona infections! Not all Caribbean ppl and their diaspora born their youths in such a racist and corrupt country! Gtfoh with your trunpist malarkey…

    Like 5
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    • @British says:

      You are truly a deranged individual. It’s sad to see that people like you exist in this world. You pounce upon the country you are desperately in need of on a daily basis. You can’t even leave the BVI without the US. Your life must truly be a disaster and you should seek a mental health expert to help you deal with your condition. Take care and stay safe.

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  3. tough road ...... says:

    Oh boy – someone has a CNN, MSNBC, or BBC coffee mug and t-shirt. NY Times and Washington Post mandatory reading during the lock down for you? Love always! XOXOXOXO

  4. Patrick Wirth says:

    Please don’t hold the current US administration dirty your feelings to all Americans! We LOVE you and we can’t stand him either!

    • @Pat says:

      We love Trump. A breath of fresh air after 8 years of the Negro. The Negro did his best to take the US to its lowest ever. But…. that’s what the Negro does wherever they are in power. Get rich and leave the masses behind. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!!! FOUR MORE YEARS!!!

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